In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 125 123 The Dementor’s Kiss

Chapter 125 123. Dementor’s Kiss

Dumbledore took Jon with him onto the Knight Bus.

There were not many people in the car. There was only a wizard with black curly hair lying on the bed on the first floor. He looked tired. He didn't know whether he was asleep or just resting with his eyes closed.

"If we want to go to France, where do we need to go first, Mr. Plan?"

Dumbledore skillfully took out two wet towels from a cabinet behind the driver named Ern Plan, and asked Jon while handing one to him to wipe his face.

After restarting the bus, Pulan did not answer his question directly, but continued to mutter in his unmotivated voice.

"Two wet towels, a silver coin, these will be added to the fare in the end. Also, in order not to cause more trouble to me, if you need anything, you'd better get it out of the cabinet now. A piece of chocolate costs three sickles, a kettle and a toothbrush come as a set, and you need to pay an additional 1 sickle for a set.”

He muttered a lot about the prices on the bus before finally answering Dumbledore's question.

"Because the Ministry of Magic is very strict about immigration control, I can only send you to the Floo Network management branch in Wales first, where you have to provide your identity certificate, then fill in the form, and after approval, you can use it There is a cross-border floo network. Also, if you have a lot of money, remember to prepare a few more galleons to give to the employees there. This is a hidden rule and can save you a lot of time. Otherwise, no matter if you have any problems or not, Your exit approval will be delayed for two to three weeks."

Although Pu Lan's attitude was not enthusiastic, his introduction was quite comprehensive. He even deliberately lowered his voice when saying the last sentence, but in fact this was an unspoken rule that everyone knew.

The Ministry of Magic under Voldemort's management is naturally far from clean and incorruptible. In addition, some departments are composed of new pure-blood "nouveau riche", so it is normal to collect money to do things.

Dumbledore listened to what he said seriously, took out two more chocolates from the cabinet, and thanked him at the end.

"Thank you for the reminder. Please send us to the Floo Network Management Branch in Wales."

"Okay, gentlemen, you'd better find a place to lie down first. Your destination won't be reached until around four o'clock this afternoon at the earliest. We need to send the gentleman who is still sleeping to his hometown in Devon first. , and Mrs. Vieira upstairs, she is going to Scotland to quarrel with her estranged husband, so I suggest you not to provoke that lady, she is in a very bad mood now."

Dumbledore and Jon looked at each other, and together they thanked Pran again, and then went to the second floor of the bus through the spiral staircase.

There was also only a fat witch leaning on a bed. She seemed to be cursing someone or rehearsing for a quarrel that was about to happen soon. Her mouth kept moving.

When she saw Dumbledore and Jon coming up, she glared at them with her toad-like eyes.

Dumbledore took Jon but did not stop on the second floor. He continued up to the third floor of the bus.

There was no one here, and there were four or five empty beds placed separately. They found a bed to sit on, and after sitting down, Jon picked up a copy of today's newspaper that was originally hanging on the wall.

In this Daily Prophet, he saw the first report at a glance.

[Antonin Dolokhov was executed on Azkaban Island yesterday evening]

Jon did not continue to read, but when he saw the title of this news, his eyes widened.

"Dolokhov is dead?"

He looked at Dumbledore in disbelief and asked softly.

Dumbledore was peeling off the outer packaging of the chocolate he got from the cabinet. When he heard Jon's question, he seemed to have gotten the message earlier and nodded.

"It's not considered dead. Three days ago, a reporter from the Daily Prophet said that he was found guilty in the Wizengamot court. In court, Dolohov asked him what his fault was. It was his master who made the decision himself. He was charged with the crime of incompetence."

"So the Dark Lord planned to kill him and did so?"

It's not that Jon regretted Dolohov's death. He didn't have a good impression of this perverted castle administrator at all. The more something happened to him, the happier Jon should be.

But according to his original expectations, even if everything he had done was discovered and exposed in Hogwarts Castle, Dolokhov would most likely be severely punished.

Jon had always felt that even with Voldemort's harshness, it was unlikely that he would kill one of his own people directly because of this matter. At most, he would simply cancel all his duties and throw him into prison for a few days.

But Jon ultimately misjudged his understanding of Voldemort, and Dolohov obviously didn't survive.

"He was not directly sentenced to death." Dumbledore sat on the edge of the bed and whispered while eating chocolate. "The guards on the prison island were very angry because many people escaped from their hands, Dorothy. Hough's final punishment was to be rewarded with a Dementor's Kiss."

"The kisses of those monsters will directly suck away the soul of the person being kissed, making his body appear to be still alive, but in fact it is already an empty shell. It can be said to be death in another sense, or in other words Worse than death."

Jon quietly listened to Dumbledore's explanation and also read the report in the newspaper.

Dolokhov was completely finished. The lofty future he originally imagined was indeed lofty, and he was contributing to the cause of feeding the dementors.

After flipping through the news in other sections, Jon was impressed by the changes that had taken place in the wizarding world after he escaped with a group of junior students from Hogwarts Castle that day and the prisoners in Azkaban escaped. Got some understanding.

The biggest impact on British wizards was that the dementors were allowed to leave the Azkaban island and let them capture the escaped prisoners on their own.

This puts almost everyone in the magical world in danger. After all, everyone knows that dementors are not wizards. They basically do not communicate with people, and they mainly feed on the positive part of people's emotions.

They left the prison and wandered around the magical world on the pretext of catching escaped prisoners, which would definitely have a great impact on the lives of normal wizards.

This is indeed the case. Today is the third day that Dementors are allowed to leave the island, and the Daily Prophet has reported seven or eight cases related to these monsters so far.

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