Help! I'm In Love With A Liar

Chapter 43:Faith In God

He searched his pocket and revealed his mom's ring. I was ecstatic at the sight of the ring. I held out my hand and he inserted it in my ring finger. I again slipped it in my middle finger, instead.

"Congratulations. Can I now kiss the bride?" He grinned and moved forward to kiss me.

I kept my hand on his lips and chuckled at his insanity. I could not even remember the last time, I laughed like this. He then confessed that it was Amelia, who told him everything. I wanted to thank Amelia, for bringing back Wang in my life.

Looking at him I perceived, life was all about loving each other unconditionally. Life will always be unpredictable but till the time you are blessed with true love's support everything is beautiful. Whatever time life gives you, live it cheerfully and optimistically.

I slowly grew more confident and strong. With every passing chemo, came a bigger challenge. There were tough times but it all passed away with the support of my loved ones. I no longer wore a cap to cover my head. I was not ashamed of being a cancer patient. In fact, I was now proud to be a cancer survivor. I have lived through a life challenging battle and I was now very proud of it. People did stare at me and some even looked in disgust. But, none of this ever bothered me again. I was a warrior and as long as I had my dear ones with me, nothing made me cry or lose confidence.

Wang came to my place every day, bringing me flowers and new DVD's of every recent movie. We studied together and would often go out for drives. He would hold my hand in every chemo which made things, a lot easier.

The thought of recurrence did disturb me every now and then, but I had my faith in God. Every day, I expressed my gratitude to God, for making me realize the true meaning of love and life.

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