At this time, Kaibal, like a professor in a university class, began to tell Shen Tiancheng the history of martial arts as if no one else was watching.

"In the earliest days of martial arts history, warriors always believed in muscle"

"Think power is everything!"

"However, with the emergence of force-free technology, warriors began to pursue the ultimate speed."

"After that, martial arts techniques such as strength, center, angle, attack points, and even qi and breathing appeared one after another!"

"Martial arts has entered an era of technological innovation and innovation"

"However, there is only one technology that has never changed since its emergence"

"That is..."Kaibar pointed to his feet:

"That is support!"

"Any combat sport requires support"

"Boxing, karate, taekwondo, etc."

"You can give an example of any kind of fighting, and their most basic skills are the support"

"It is the earth that supports the fight!"

"However..."Kaibar showed a regretful expression:

"However, so far, no one can truly understand this great earth and this great support."

"Apart from..."


"Those who call themselves martial artists only know how to stand on the ground, but have never truly understood the great support of the earth."

"Shen Tiancheng!"

"To show respect for you, next you will feel the support from the earth's core 6,378,000 meters above the ground!"

Shen Tianchen smiled:

"Is this such a powerful technology?"

"Then I really want to take a look"

"Come on, Kebar"

"Use your so-called support and your so-called moves!"

"I will also use my trump card to retaliate!"

Kaibal also smiled:

"Then it comes."

Kaibar slowly walked towards Shen Tiancheng.

This seemed to be just an ordinary move.

However, in the eyes of Tyson who was watching, it was extremely extraordinary.

He said to Fan Ma Renya next to him with lingering fear:

"Blade Ya, why do I feel that the aura on Kaibal's body is becoming more and more terrifying?"

Fan Majenya said in a low voice:

"Tyson, you're not wrong"

"I also feel that Kaibal's momentum is rising."

"Like a rocket about to take off"

"His next move will probably be very powerful."

"I don't know if Shen Tiancheng can take it."

Shen Tiancheng did not move.

He waited patiently for Kaibar to come to him.

Kaibar looked up at Shen Tiancheng and whispered:

"Just end it."

As he spoke, Kaibar's feet hit the ground!

He felt a force coming from the core of the earth. It spread throughout his body!

He could not help but wave his fist.

This is a fist coming from the core of the earth!

The power transmitted from 6,378,000 meters underground!

It is the oldest and deepest power!

Kaibar believed that this was the punch that determined the outcome.

His fist quickly approached Shen Tiancheng's throat.

But this scene was strange in Kaibar's eyes. Becomes slow.

This is his eyes recording the scene of victory.

However...Something happened.

A fist hit Kaibal's face faster than Kaibar's fist!

That's Shen Tiancheng's fist!

Kaibar had an expression of disbelief on his face!

He didn't believe that anyone could be faster than his fists!

My fists carry the support of the earth! how so!

Suddenly, he seemed to hear Shen Tiancheng say three words.

Defeat thousands of armies.

Breaking an army? What is Po Qianjun?

Could it be that this fist is called Breaking a Thousand Army? seem...True to its name.

This fist is so fast and heavy!

It was like lightning falling from the sky.

How did Shen Tiancheng do it?!

How could he use such a heavy and powerful fist when I was so close to him!

Suddenly, a boxing technique he had heard flashed through Kaibar's mind.

Inch punch.

Could it be said that this is the inch?

Kaibal's realization was interrupted here.

Shen Tiancheng's fist hit Kaibal's face like a tiger.

He even knocked Kaibar into the air!

Blood spurted from the nose and seeped from the corners of the mouth!

Kaibar's eyelids closed subconsciously.

He fell to the ground like a free fall, leaving a human-shaped mark on the ground.

And the fist he had been holding slowly fell down.

The victory or defeat has been decided.

Kebar is in a coma!

Shen Tiancheng stands!

There is no need to explain in words who loses and who wins.

The victorious Shen Tian let out a sigh of relief, and his tense muscles relaxed.

The battle with Kaibar was so thrilling and tense.

Shen Tiancheng used his last trump card to defeat thousands of troops and won the victory!

If Shen Tiancheng hadn't learned Breaking the Thousand Army in advance, he would have been the one to take Kaibal's fist just now!

The end result is, at the very least, serious injury!

He wiped the blood on his face with his shirt and looked at Tyson who was watching the fight:

"Tyson, you and Kaibar are in the same cell, right?"

"I ask you to bring the unconscious Kebar back."

"be careful"

"He is a powerful warrior."

Tyson kept nodding his head:

"Okay, okay, I get it"

"I will definitely send Kaibar back safely."

Shen Tiancheng shook his head and felt that his whole body ached.

He smiled and said:

"I have to go back too"

"This blood must be washed away."

The battle between Shen Tiancheng and Kaibar ended with Shen Tiancheng's victory.

Turning around, Shen Tiancheng and Fan Ma Renya came to Kaibar's cell as usual.

Seeing Kaibar moving freely and acting like nothing happened. Barr, Shen Tiancheng exclaimed:

"Kaibar, your resilience is amazing."

"The injury was like that yesterday, but today I can move freely. Kaibar smiled and said:

"Stop talking about me, isn’t it the same for you, Shen Tiancheng?"

"Although I am the loser, I still caused you a lot of harm"

"Aren’t you already replying like 7788?"

"By the way, I forgot to congratulate you"

"Now I officially congratulate you"

"Shen Tiancheng, congratulations on your win. You are a strong warrior."

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