After canceling the rules.

The battle between Shen Tiancheng and Kaibar has really begun!

The two sides looked at each other and walked forward at the same time.

Until the distance between the two sides is reduced to one meter.

Kaibar and Shen Tiancheng raised their fists almost at the same time and hit each other!

Kaibal used an extremely standard uppercut to hit Shen Tiancheng's chin!

Shen Tiancheng used his palms as defense and buffer, greatly reducing the damage.

But it has to be said.

Compared with when using the LOSER-LOSE rule, the weight of Kaibal's fist has been significantly improved!

Sure enough, after the rules were eliminated, Kebar was able to exert his full strength.

After Shen Tiancheng defended against the opponent's attack.

Immediately launched a counterattack!

Same with fists.

But Shen Tiancheng used punches.

A fist faster than Kaibar's hit Kaibar's shoulder.

Only a muffled sound was heard.

A dark fist mark appeared on Kaibar's shoulder!

Kaibal's eyes were serious and he did not make any cry of pain.

The body launched another attack without hesitation.

He clenched his left hand and hit Shen Tiancheng's ear with the hand knife.

Shen Tiancheng resisted with both hands.

He grabbed Kaibal's left hand tightly.

The next step is to use the grappling technique.

But Kaibal had seen Shen Tiancheng's grappling skills yesterday.

Naturally, there will be a certain degree of defensiveness.

His right fist hit Shen Tiancheng's abdomen.

This forced Shen Tiancheng to give up the idea of ​​using grappling.

In less than five seconds.

The two people saw each other's tricks, and they were constantly playing games!

Every move is powerful and dangerous, but every move is blocked by the enemy!

This is the top battle!

Suddenly, Shen Tiancheng kicked Kaibal's calf with another side kick.

Logically speaking, what Kaibar should do now is dodge or use his arms to defend.

But Khaybar didn't.

He shouted angrily and stood still.

He actually planned to bear Shen Tiancheng's kick forcefully!

Shen Tiancheng kicked Kaibal's calf.

Kaibar's leg bones let out a violent wailing sound.

Unfortunately, this kick failed to knock Kebar down.

And the reason why Kaibal had to resist Shen Tiancheng's attack.

It's because he is also organizing tactics!

When Shen Tiancheng kicked him.

He also hit Shen Tiancheng in the head with his fist.

Shen Tiancheng kicked him, and he also hit Shen Tiancheng in the head.

However, kicks are more lethal than punches.

Shen Tiancheng was not seriously injured.

However, he still had to tilt his body slightly due to the momentum of Kebar's fist.

Kaibar knew that his chance to win had come!

Kebar quickly pulled another handful of hair from his head.

After twisting it into an embroidery needle, it was pierced into Shen Tiancheng's ear!

This is Kaibal's secret skill.

After countless practices, Kaibal's hair, twisted into an embroidery needle, could easily destroy Shen Tiancheng's eardrum and even destroy Shen Tiancheng's cochlea!!

As we all know, the cochlea is an important organ responsible for human balance.

Once the cochlea is destroyed.

Let alone fighting, I can't even stand firm!

Even powerful warriors like Shen Tiancheng or Fan Ma Renya are not exempt from vulgarity!

The most terrifying thing is that

Shen Tiancheng can exercise his muscles, but he can never exercise his cochlea!

His cochlea is as fragile as an ordinary person's!

And if Kaibar really destroyed the cochlea.

Shen Tianchen also lost!!

However, when Kaibal was twirling his hair and about to put it into Shen Tiancheng's ears.

A large hand grabbed Kaibar's wrist.

The big hands were like a vise, preventing Kaibal's hand from moving at all!

This big hand is naturally Shen Tiancheng's hand.

Kaibal looked at Shen Tiancheng in surprise:"You..."

Shen Tiancheng said:

"It's not that simple to destroy my ears."

At this time, the importance of Shen Tiancheng's crazy purchase of power points is reflected!

He has a power point as high as 48.

In terms of pure strength, he is greater than Kaibal!

This allows him to grab Kaibal's wrist!

Block it After being attacked by Kaibar,

Shen Tiancheng jumped up with both legs.

He used a low-tech but very powerful double-leg self-sacrifice kick.

The two-leg self-sacrifice kick has an obvious shortcoming, that is, after the attack, there are many flaws. , and the attack is not easy to hit.

But now, Kaibar's hand is controlled by Shen Tiancheng!

Kaibar has no room to dodge!

He was kicked directly in the chest by Shen Tiancheng's legs.

He was kicked away like a cannonball!!

Until He stopped after hitting the concrete building next to him!

Smoke and dust rose up all over the open space.

Although Kaibar was damaged again, Shen Tiancheng was not proud.

He knew that the sacrifice of his legs just now was not enough Decide the outcome.

Kaibar will definitely stand up.

Sure enough, in the smoke and dust, Kaibar stood up.

But he did not rush over immediately.

Instead, he sang a song.

A pirate song

"Raise the sail on a stormy night, YAISAHO-"

"Head towards the treasure with stars as the target, YAISAHO-"

"Storing rum and baking iron, YAISAHO-"

"Fight back deeply, be patient and eliminate tolerance, YAISAHO-"

In the free and uninhibited singing, Kaibal slowly walked out of the smoke.

Without Shen Tiancheng asking, Kaibar explained:

"This song is a song I often sang when I was still a pirate."

"But I stopped singing it after I became president."

"Shen Tiancheng, your fighting power is so powerful that it reminds me of the most ferocious storm I faced when I was a pirate!"

"So I sang this song"

"This is a pirate song"

"It’s also a song of victory"

"With the blessing of this song, I have overcome countless storms!"

"This time, I will win too.

Shen Tiancheng said lightly:"You can try it.""

Kaibar laughed.

But he didn't mean to attack.

Instead, he continued:

"Shen Tiancheng, you are a warrior just like me."

"The history of warriors, that is, the history of martial arts, develops and advances with the history of mankind!"

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