Kebar could afford to lose and admitted his failure.

He also said:

"Shen Tiancheng, this battle with you is a good experience"

"of great help to me"

"For that, I also want to thank you."

Shen Tiancheng waved his hand:

"Not so polite"

"By the way, in ten more days, it will be the day when you and Oliba will fight."

"Before that, just heal your injuries."

"Oliba is not an easy opponent to deal with.

Kaibar nodded:"I understand.""

Time flies, time flies.

Just like a blink, it's the day when Kaibar and Oliba fight!

The two of them also chose the place in the open space.

Kaibar arrived first, while Oliba came a little later..

Because he didn’t come alone.

He came with his girlfriend.

Generally speaking, for a powerful and wealthy person like Oliba, his girlfriend must be a beauty.

But it’s the complete opposite. , Oliba's girlfriend is not a beauty at all.

She is a big fat man.

A fat man that cannot be described by the word"obese".

Oliba's girlfriend weighs at least 300 pounds, is taller than Oliba, and has a waistline It was far better than Oliba.

Even walking was difficult.

It was also the first time for Kaibar to see Oliba’s girlfriend.

As expected, he was surprised.

He asked Oliba:

"Is this your girlfriend?"

"This is too fat."

Oliba said calmly:

"Kaibar, from what you said, I can tell that you have never been in love."

"Love is not just about the surface"

"My girlfriend used to be a slender beauty"

"Until she got a strange disease"

"Under the influence of illness and drugs, she became like this"

"Became a fat man in the eyes of ordinary people"

"But so what?"

"I love more than just my girlfriend's appearance"

"I love her proud and unyielding character even more. Even if she is made fat by drugs, she still does not change her pride."

"That’s why I said, young people like you just don’t understand love!"

Kaibar was silent for a few seconds, and then said:

"Indeed, I don’t know what love is"

"But what I want to ask is, if we are going to fight, why are you bringing your girlfriend?"

Oliba laughed:

"I want to show my strong and handsome side in front of my girlfriend"

"I want to be amazed by her, I want to be praised by her"

"Kaibar, you are a great stepping stone."

"So for this fight, I want to thank you."

The translation of Oliba's words is:

Thank you Kaibar for giving me a chance to look cool in front of my girlfriend!

Oliba continued:

"Moreover, being watched by my girlfriend will make me more motivated to fight!"

"Because I don’t want to be defeated in front of my girlfriend"

"That's lame."

Kebar understood:

"So this is ah"

"It seems that you are still a teenager, Oliba."

"He even has the childish idea of ​​being cool in front of his girlfriend."

Oliba said lightly:

"Men will remain young until they die"

"I will carry out my style until I grow old"

"And I also have the strength to do this"

"Because I am NO.1!"

Khaibar did not speak, but put his hands on the ground and shook it twice.

He painted himself with mud makeup again and said:

"Oliba, it’s useless to say more."

"Come and fight."

Oliba smiled and said:

"It’s hard to refuse such hospitality."

Immediately afterwards, Oliba drove the muscles of his body to make them bulge continuously. The expensive suit he was wearing was stretched like a balloon by his muscles!

There was only a"hiss" sound.

The expensive suit was completely burst..Oliba jumped out of his suit in shorts like a silkworm chrysalis.

His solid muscles shone with a terrifying luster in the sun.

What was even more frightening was that the expensive suit that was torn by Oliba did not fall down, but Standing up!

It's enough to show how quickly Oliba burst his suit!

It shows that Oliba's control of muscles has reached a terrifying level!

For Oliba, he controls the muscles like arms. Referring to this battle, Shen Tiancheng and Fan Majenya will naturally come to watch the battle.

Fan Majenya asked:

"Tiancheng, who do you think will win between Oliba and Kaibal?"

Shen Tiancheng thought for a while and said:

"Kaibar's strength is undoubtedly strong"

"I've played against him, I know this."

"but...I think Oliba is stronger!"

After all, Shen Tiancheng has read the Saberya comics.

In the original comic, Oliba defeated Kaibal.

The current situation is not much different from the original work.

So the winner will most likely win. It's Oliba.

Fanma Renya murmured:

"That's it"

"In my opinion, Oliba and Kebar are quite evenly matched."

"I can't see who will win."

At this time, the fight between Oliba and Kaibar has begun! There are no rules in fighting.

There are only wins and losses!

Kaibar used a high kick to Oliba's chin.

Kicked Oliba back repeatedly.

But The next second, Oliba slapped Kaibar on the face, sending Kaibar flying directly.

After the two sides fought back and forth for more than ten rounds,

Kaibar was about to decide the winner.!

He still used that move. The move that transmits the support force of the earth's core to the body, and then punches the opponent!

The power of this move is unquestionable!

It can be called a killing move!

On the other side, Austrian Lipa was also preparing for his ultimate move.

He kept adjusting the muscles on his arm, making the muscles of his right arm grow bigger and bigger, like a bulging mountain.

Kaibar and Oliba punched each other with their fists at the same time. The result was that

Oliba's fist knocked Kaibar to the ground.

The sound of Kaibar falling to the ground was shocking!

Under this punch, Kaibar fell into a coma!

Oliba shook himself hand:

"Success wins."

After the beating, Oliba immediately ordered the prison guards to take Kaibar for treatment.

Although Oliba was the winner

, Oliba recognized Kaibar's identity as a warrior.

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