cher He took out the painting on the canvas and showed it to everyone. In the picture, everyone was laughing and communicating while making dumplings.

“Teacher He, your painting skills are so vivid. marvelous! “Jia Lin praised.

“This is a good time for all of us, and I want to save it. “Teacher He said with a smile.

Then, Shen Teng said, “Since mutton steamed buns were mentioned, how about we try making this dish? ” What a great idea! ”

Chef Huang said, “I’ll be in charge of stewing the mutton, and Shen Teng, you’ll be in charge of making the noodles.” ”

Teacher He decided to draw another painting depicting everyone making mutton steamed buns.

Chef Huang put the mutton into the pot, added scallions, ginger slices, cooking wine, bay leaves, star anise and other seasonings. Bring to a boil over high heat and then reduce to low heat. Stew.

Shen Teng started kneading the dough, kneading it into a smooth dough, then dividing it into small pieces and rolling it into buns.

“Did you know that the mutton steamed buns are broken by hand, so that they can absorb more soup? It tastes better. ” Shen Teng explained to everyone.

Time passed quickly, the mutton was stewed with delicious aroma, and Shen Teng also baked the buns.

Chef Huang taught everyone how to break the buns into small pieces and put them into the mutton soup.

“This is the mutton steamed bun, everyone try it! Shen Teng said with anticipation. After

everyone tasted the mutton steamed

buns, they were pleasantly surprised to find that this delicacy has rich flavors and rich texture.

“Wow, it’s so delicious!” Cai Xukun said, “Shen Teng, how do you make the steamed buns so delicious?” Shen

Teng smiled: “I have to thank my grandmother for this. She often makes mutton steamed buns, and I learned from her.” ”

At this time, Teacher He’s painting also stopped. She was painting the scene of everyone gathering together to make mutton steamed buns.

Suddenly, Xiao Yueyue ran over: “Shen Teng, can we try making mutton steamed buns? Exploding? ”

Be creative! ” Shen Teng’s eyes lit up, and then he turned to ask Chef Huang: “What do you think?” ” It’s worth a try! ”

“Chef Huang said with a smile.

Just as they started to prepare the materials, Jia Lin reminded everyone: “By the way, we are live broadcast today, come and watch the audience comments in the live broadcast room. ”

Audience in the live broadcast room: “The mutton steamed buns look so tempting, please give me the recipe!” ”

Audience in the live broadcast room: “I can make such authentic mutton steamed buns at home, I learned a lesson! ”

Audience in the live broadcast room: “I love mutton so much!” You can try mutton kebabs with some banana sauce, it tastes great! Shen Teng replied: “Good idea, we can try it later! ”

Then, they began to make fried mutton steamed buns. First chop the steamed buns into small pieces, then chop the mutton, and then wrap the steamed buns and mutton in the batter and put them in the oil pan to fry. “Come on, try it

. This fried mutton steamed bun! ” Shen Teng handed it to everyone.

Everyone took a bite. The outside of the steamed bun was crispy and the mutton was fragrant.

“Wow, what a delicious food this is! “Xiao Yueyue cheered.

At this time, Teacher He raised her painting. The picture showed everyone laughing and sharing the delicious mutton steamed buns. The

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audience in the live broadcast room: “Teacher He’s painting is so beautiful. You can consider developing food and Art fusion live broadcast. ”

Live broadcast room audience: “Oh, I wish I were there, my mouth is watering. Shen

Teng suggested: “Since my friend in the live broadcast room mentioned the combination of banana sauce and mutton, we might as well try to use banana sauce to make a new way to eat mutton!” Teacher He responded: “Then I will draw a picture of the fusion of banana jam and mutton! ”

Audience in the live broadcast room: “This live broadcast is amazing! Looking forward to creative combinations of banana sauce and lamb. ”

Shen Teng began to cut bananas, while Chef Huang prepared some mutton slices. Together, they wrapped the bananas and mutton slices in flour and fried them in hot oil until golden. “Okay, let’s try

this fried mutton with banana sauce . piece! Chef Huang handed it to everyone.

“Well, the sweetness of the banana goes well with the tenderness of the mutton!” Cai Xukun said after tasting it.

The audience in the live broadcast room: “This combination is a match made in heaven!” Where can I buy banana jam? Shen Teng replied: “You can buy banana jam in general supermarkets or online. You can try it. ”

Then, Shen Teng suddenly remembered another traditional way of eating mutton: “I just thought that mutton can also be made into mutton patties! Teacher He suggested: “Then let’s make mutton patties and talk about the history and culture of mutton patties. ” Shen Teng began to tell everyone:

Actually, mutton pancakes were very popular in ancient times.” It is usually made by mincing mutton, adding onion, ginger, spices and other seasonings, then wrapping it in dough, making it into a pancake shape, and frying it until golden. ”

Teacher He is painting and listening. The picture shows an ancient market. An old couple is selling mutton patties, surrounded by a group of people waiting to taste them. At the same time,

Chef Huang has already started making mutton patties. He Chop the mutton, add onion, ginger, cumin, chili powder, etc. to make the filling. Shen Teng mixes the noodles, divides them into small portions, rolls them flat, wraps the fillings, and makes them into cakes. The audience in the live broadcast room:

” It looks very nutritious. Can mutton keep the cold away? Chef Huang replied: “Yes, mutton has a very good effect of replenishing qi and blood and warming the body. ”

Eating mutton in winter can be a great help to ward off the cold. Shen Teng added: “Moreover, there is a saying in my hometown that eating radish in winter and ginger in summer does not require a doctor’s prescription. ”

Therefore, we can add some shredded white radish to the mutton patties. Teacher

He asked again: “Shen Teng, is there any special way to eat mutton pancakes or to pair them with sauces?” Shen

Teng said with a smile: “Yes, we usually add some vinegar and soy sauce, and some people like to add a little minced garlic.” ”

Audience in the live broadcast room: “Can you try making roujiamo with mutton? Shen

Teng responded: “This is also a good idea. We can try the mutton meat buns while making mutton patties.” ”

They started to get busy. Shen Teng divided the freshly made noodles into smaller pieces and rolled them into thinner dough. Chef Huang divided the freshly chopped mutton into two parts and added shredded white radish to one part. The other part of the stuffing for the mutton patties is slowly cooked with spices and seasonings to prepare the mutton rougamo.

Shen Teng begins to fry the wrapped mutton patties in a hot oil pan until both sides are golden brown, and then puts it on a plate. ”

Come on, let’s try this mutton pie. “Shen Teng said.

Everyone was full of praise while tasting it. Teacher He picked up one, dipped it in a little garlic sauce, and took a bite, “Well, this sauce really enhances the flavor! “Teacher He said.

At this time, Chef Huang’s mutton was almost simmered. He took out the mutton, chopped it into minced meat, and then mixed it with spices, chili powder, and chopped green onion. Shen Teng baked the rolled out thin dough. Make it into steamed buns, then chop the steamed buns into pieces and stuff them with the mutton stuffing prepared by Chef Huang.

“This is the mutton steamed buns! Shen Teng said happily.

Live broadcast room audience: “It looks so delicious!” I want to learn too. Shen

Teng happily looked at the comments from the audience in the live broadcast room and sighed: “Everyone is interested in these

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