mutton delicacies. It’s great!” Next, let’s try the creative combination of mutton skewers and banana sauce to see how it tastes. ”

Chef Huang quickly prepared some mutton pieces and skewers, while Shen Teng opened a bottle of banana sauce and prepared for dipping. They skewered the mutton pieces on the skewers and grilled them on the barbecue. Live broadcast room audience

: “Wow, this idea is so weird! I never thought lamb and banana sauce could go together. Shen

Teng replied with a smile: “Actually, there are many possibilities for food combinations. Sometimes unexpected combinations will bring unexpected deliciousness.” ”

When the mutton skewers were grilled until golden brown, Shen Teng took them off and put them on a plate. Everyone couldn’t wait to pick up a skewer and try it. The

audience in the live broadcast room: “Ah! This is the most special mutton kebab I have ever eaten! The sweetness of the banana sauce and the aroma of the lamb combine perfectly. Cai

Xukun said excitedly: “Shen Teng, you are so talented and can create so many delicious combinations!” Shen

Teng smiled modestly: “Actually, food creation is a process of constant experimentation and exploration. I just seize the opportunity to try different combinations, hoping to surprise everyone.” Then

, Teacher He picked up her drawing board and drew the scene of this creative combination. In the picture, everyone sat together, tasting mutton skewers and banana sauce, laughing constantly. The audience in the live broadcast room: “Teacher He

‘s The paintings are so beautiful, I really wish I could taste these delicacies live. Shen

Teng frowned slightly when he heard the audience’s words: “Don’t worry, we are considering launching a live broadcast integrating food and art, so that everyone can experience the charm of food more immersively.” ”

Audience in the live broadcast room: “Awesome! Looking forward to participating in such live events. Seeing the enthusiastic response from the audience, Shen

Teng decided to add more interactive elements to future live broadcasts so that the audience can participate more directly.

Shen Teng thought for a while and suddenly had an idea: “Let’s try it. Mutton Roujiamo, and other different ways to eat it, such as mutton fried rice, mutton pot, etc. In this way, everyone can see the diverse uses of mutton. ”

Chef Huang and Shen Teng immediately started to prepare the ingredients for the mutton rougamo. Shen Teng re-rolled the dough into a pie crust, and Chef Huang mixed the mutton filling and ingredients evenly. Shen Teng baked the pie crust while mixing it

with Viewers communicated: “Friends in the live broadcast room, do you have any other mutton recipes that you particularly want to try? Welcome to leave a message to tell us. ”

Audience in the live broadcast room: “I heard that mutton fried rice is delicious, I hope you can show it. ”

Chapter 92 Kunkun’s Tears

Shen Teng nodded and smiled: “Okay, we will definitely prepare mutton fried rice for everyone next time.”

A few minutes later, the fragrant mutton roujiamo was finally ready. Shen Teng picked up a piece of steamed bun and filled it with fragrant mutton filling and side dishes.

“Everyone, come and try this mutton meat bun!” Shen Teng said happily.

Audience in the live broadcast room: “Wow! This mutton roujiamo looks so tempting. I want to take a bite right away.”

Everyone took the mutton roujiamo and took a bite, tasting it with anticipation. For a time, everyone fell into the enjoyment of the food, and the taste in their mouths made them intoxicated.

Audience in the live broadcast room: “It’s so delicious! I must try making it at home.”

Shen Teng laughed from ear to ear when he heard the audience’s response: “That’s great! I hope everyone can enjoy the delicious food at home. Mutton Roujiamo.”

At this time, Teacher He looked at everyone’s expressions of tasting the food and suggested: “We can try some traditional mutton recipes in the next live broadcast, such as mutton pot, mutton soup, etc., so that everyone can learn more about it. Comprehensive understanding of mutton culture.”

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Audience in the live broadcast room: “I’m so looking forward to it! Mutton culture is really interesting.”

Shen Teng nodded in agreement: “That’s right! Mutton, as an important part of traditional Chinese dishes, has rich cultural connotations. Through Live broadcast, we can explore and inherit the charm of these delicacies together.”

Audience in the live broadcast room: “I look forward to you continuing to bring us more delicious mutton recipes!”

Shen Teng felt the expectations and support of the audience, and replied passionately: ” Definitely! We will continue to work hard to bring you more surprises and delicious mutton recipes. Thank you for your continued support!”

After lunch, everyone’s energy was restored, and they returned to the dam with full energy. Under construction.

Xu Jiuguang adjusted the angle of the camera and began to record the process of pouring the dam. While recording, he said to Cai Xukun: “Look, this angle can perfectly capture the scene of everyone working. This is a precious documentary that we want to leave to future generations.” Cai Xukun was busy moving building materials

. Bian said: “This is a good idea. People in the future should see how we can create miracles with our hands through unity and cooperation.”

Jia Lin picked up the guitar and played on the side. Her music is warm and dynamic, bringing rhythm to everyone’s work.

Shen Teng was checking the design drawings at this time and said to Xiao Yueyue: “Xiao Yueyue, we need to strengthen the support of the steel bars at this angle to ensure the stability of the dam.”

Xiao Yueyue listened attentively and responded: “Understood! I will pay attention!”

Shen Teng and Cai Xukun collaborated to carefully install the steel bars in the correct position. Teacher He took a paintbrush and recorded their working postures. His paintings exude respect for these workers and praise for their work.

Chef Huang was on hand to prepare water and tea for everyone to ensure they didn’t become dehydrated from overwork.

“Everyone, please pay attention to safety!” Shen Teng reminded, “We need to stay focused when pouring concrete.”

Cai Xukun responded: “No problem, we will be careful!”

Jia Lin played a song at this time The exciting melody brings more motivation to everyone. She sang: “We hold hands and build our home together, and let the river sing for our efforts.”

Teacher He was deeply moved by this song, and he added the image of Jia Lin on the canvas to show the music with colors Charm.

Time passed little by little in their busy work. During this process, Xu Jiuguang issued instructions to Cai Xukun, Jia Lin, Shen Teng, Teacher He, Chef Huang, and Xiao Yueyue from time to time.

“Xiao Yueyue, can you help me find a high point where I can see the entire construction site? I want to take some pictures from that angle.” Xu Jiuguang said to Xiao Yueyue.

“Okay!” Xiao Yueyue agreed. He looked around and found a small mound. He pointed at it and said to Xu Jiuguang, “How about that mound over there?” “Great!”

Xu Jiuguang was happy. In response, the two of them walked to the mound together, adjusted the camera angle and started filming.

At the same time, Teacher He painted more seriously. He painted not only the images of the workers, but also the sweat on their faces, the dirt on their hands, and the firm belief in their eyes. His paintings are full of energy and tenderness.

At this time, Jia Lin’s music gradually became softer. She plays a soulful song with lyrics describing the history of the land and the emotions of the people.

Shen Teng walked to Teacher He, looked at his paintings, and said with emotion: “Teacher He, your paintings are like this dam, representing our hard work and hope.” Teacher He responded with a smile: “Thank

you , Engineer Shen. We are

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