Biquge, the fastest update of the space of the best hands: reborn sweet wife wants to rebel the latest chapter!

"Add a handful of salt to your ointment, and when I let Xiao Hui rush to her and break her arm, you can just coat her tomorrow!" Shi Moqing's eyes were clear, sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, her method Although it is not fatal, scaring her with little gray will also make her uncomfortable for half a month!

"Well! Give it to me!" Su Xin nodded, her eyes eager to try, Xiaohui? Is that the big wolf dog?

"Uh, your symptoms recur at about nine o'clock in the morning, you look at the time!" Shi Moqing remembered what happened at night and quickly ordered.

"OK! Sister Xin is doing her job properly!" Su Xin hung up the phone and sneered at him when she found the way again, and the two reintegrated into the crowd. However, Su Xin was away from Sun Yuxiang by a few meters this time.

"What effect does the medicine add salt on?" Lu Zhan asked curiously when Mo Qing hung up the phone.

"If there is no wound, the effect is not great, so remove wrinkles. If there is a wound, it should be said that the Lingshen cream with salt will quickly melt into the blood after encountering the blood, and it will flow to the whole body and cause systemic itching. Stop itching! "

"Can't find out?"

"I can't find it. The ginseng cream is made of the best herbs. It basically melts into the blood and turns into a tonic in the blood to repair the body tissues. Even with salt, it is still like that!" Shi Moqing urged The corner of his mouth, "You can rest assured that you will never get involved with Sister Xin."

"No, it's okay to be involved with her. I mean if you can equip me with these things, such as medicinal powder and so on ..." Lu Zhan looked at her with hot eyes, her eyes full of expectations.

"Will I go back and try?" Shi Moqing blinked. He meant to tickle the powder or something? Maybe she can go and try it, maybe she can recommend it to the little girl to prevent wolf!

The crowd is still talking, but it is because the old lady is afraid to overdo it. Ying Shaomin will go quickly and return, "This is Ni Jin's classmate!"

The old lady's face changed, and she looked at her beloved granddaughter, and said coldly, "Call her family to come!"

The incident was already a big one, and it was a criminal case. The police soon came and took the people away. Several wives followed and left to make statements.

"Did you leave no fingerprints or anything?" Shi Moqing asked worriedly.

"Relax, you can't find it!" Lu Zhan sneered.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone shouted over there, "Where is Shi Moyin? Where did she go?"

Lu Zhan looked at each other and came. Lu Zhan drove the car directly to the door of Ying's house. Shi Moqing leaned out her head and smiled weakly, "I am here ..."

"Why did my cousin get to the car?" He Na asked gloatfully. She pretended to be a doubt probe. "Who drives?"

"My friend!" Seeing everyone gossiping over, Shi Moqing simply rolled down the window to reveal Lu Zhan in the driver's seat, and she sighed. "I just accompany Grandpa and Uncle Uncle to say hello, and twisted their feet It ’s time to go home to check for a foot injury. I just saw Lu Sanshou at the door. He kindly said to help me get off and get ready to go back. Are you all out? The thief just now ... "

"Really? How do I see that there is someone in the back seat of the cousin? Wouldn't it be the accomplice of this thief?" He Na glanced suspiciously at her, saw her open the subject, her eyes turned, and slowly approached the car.

Lu Zhan's long fingers hit the steering wheel ...

"Then let everyone see who it is!" He Na flashed slyly under her eyes, and suddenly opened the door.

"Don't open the door!" Along with Shi Moqing's anxious scream, a gray shadow flashed over and rushed towards the crowd, scaring the crowd to spread quickly, only to hear a scream, everyone hurriedly stopped watching. In the past, a giant monster trampled Sun Yuxiang under his feet ...

Sun Yuxiang fell to the ground, her face pale, her eyes closed, obviously frightened, her left hand was dripping with blood from Xiaohui ...

"Xiaohui! Come back! Stop it!" Shi Moqing quickly called back to Xiaohui.

As soon as Xiao Hui left, Su Xin shoved away and rushed forward, "Oh my God! My little Xiangxiang! What happened to you?"

"Shi Moqing! You attack the beast!" He Na reacted instantly, pointing angrily at Shi Moqing.

The old lady Ying Ying was so pale that she looked at Shi Moqing in disgust, even everyone looked at Shi Moqing badly.

Shi Moqing was lying on the window, spreading his hands innocently, with a look of grievance. "Fu family knows that I have a wolf. When you got on the car today, you saw my little wolf in the back seat. Cousin, you pull the door. Why? I told you not to open the door! I still want to ask you, my cousin wants to harm me without having to implicate innocent people like this, right? "

"I ..." He Nawei said, why did she forget that Mo Qing's wolf was in the car?

"My God! My little Xiangxiang, how did you explain to your parents when something happened! Fu family! Today must give me an explanation!" Su Xin looked angrily and looked at the silent Fu Zhongru. ,Yes! it's him! She won't find Mo clearing account!

"Yes! Today, the Fu family must give everyone an account!" The old lady Ying was also angry, and her granddaughter did a good job at the ball.

"I ... Grandpa, I didn't do it on purpose. Who knew Mo Qing brought the beasts ..." He Na was narrowed by Fu Zhongru's stare and aggrieved.

Shi Moqing just jumped out of the car wearing socks and turned his foot into the back seat. He turned angrily, "Cousin meant to blame me? I'm afraid of hurting everyone, Xiao Gray didn't bring him into the party. It's you who got me in the car! "

"Okay! You two shut up! Go back and think about it for me!" Fu Zhongru's complexion turned blue, and it didn't stop for a day! He turned and smiled, and apologized to everyone, "Sorry, there is no way to teach women! I will take them home to apologize tomorrow!"

"Your granddaughter is really ..." Nothing to do! It ’s true that they have fierce pets. They are all closed in the car. She ran to open and was drunk too!

"Eh! Spoiled!" Fu Zhongru sighed helplessly, winked at his wife and asked her to apologize.

"Mom, let Dad take you home first, and show the second brother that it's serious!" Apologizing, Lu Zhan glanced at Mo Qing when he was barefoot with his feet, and quickly got out of the car and reminded him, , Hurt, I just sent her back, we are friends and rarely encountered in Kyoto! "

"Yes! I'll take her back first!" Su Xin motioned to pick up Sun Yuxiang and go to the car again. She was busy calling her son, thinking that she could get rid of Sun Yuxiang tomorrow. Xinzhu has a comparison, right?

As soon as Su Xin left, the apology here was almost the same. Fu Zhongru almost said everything. The crowd left one after another, leaving only two of Fu's at the door.

"Grandma, let Mo Qing go back to the doctor first? She is barefoot, and she will catch a cold!" Ying Shaozhu glanced at Mo Qing when he was standing with his feet to help Lu Zhan, his eyes were dark.

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