Biquge, the fastest update of the wonderful hand space: rebirth sweet wife to rebel the latest chapter!

I originally thought that Lu Zhan only stripped people's clothes and tied the guy. After the people tied the people, he went to Yingjia and made a round. After returning, he had a bunch of purses in his hands. He hung it directly on the man's neck and shot Clap your hands and sit back in the car, ready to watch the excitement.

"Huh, the skill of stealing bags is really good! It's no wonder that I was so powerful at grabbing my bags!" Shi Moqing sat in the co-pilot, squinting at him, she was the smallest and most vengeful.

Lu Zhan stiffened and smiled, "Did I return it to you? My purpose is just to take your car back to the city. Let's not mention this old thing? Let me look at your feet!"

"Hum!" Seeing the rogue look of this guy, Shi Moqing rolled his eyes and took off her shoes and stretched out. She hadn't rubbed her feet a few moments before, it was probably swollen.

"Don't wear high-heeled shoes next time, it's not your feelings that this feeling is invalid! You're not short!" Lu Zhan carefully grabbed her feet, removed her socks, turned on the lights, and then his face changed, "The toes blistered Now! "

"I said why it hurts so much!" Shi Moqing gasped and frowned.

"Is there any medicine? Should the blisters break?"

"Yes! Don't break it, hurt!" Shi Moqing frowned, and found a bottle of medicine and handed it over, "No disinfection."

"Hold on!" Lu Zhan quickly unscrewed the lid, made some ointment, and applied it lightly to let the ointment absorb quickly.

Shi Moqing looked down at his gentle movements and only felt that his throat was tight. What she got in this life was the warmth that had not been obtained in the previous life. Sometimes, she was really afraid that it was all Huang Liang's dream, and she was afraid of awakening. It ’s just a dream.

"What's wrong? Don't you think I'm particularly good? Moved? Or should you agree?" Lu Zhan raised his head and laughed.

"What did you marry me for?"

Lu Zhan raised her eyebrows, gently let go of her feet, and pulled out a paper towel to wipe her hands.

"Poof! What do you think is ancient?" Looking at the quiet road outside the car window, she raised her lips and the waves of light under her eyes circulated under the lights. "Nothing is important to live ..."

Lu Zhan slightly stunned, some do not understand how she came suddenly such a sentence ...

"So one day you are sure that you can guarantee that you will not have an accident, and then I can marry me?" Shi Moqing suddenly turned to look at her, clear eyes.

"Okay!" Lu Zhan raised the corner of his mouth, his eyes glanced outside the car, "Come!"

Shi Moqing hurriedly leaned towards him, motioned him to open the car window, Lu Zhan grabbed her, and took her to the front, she was directly picked up from the seat, scaring her Hold his neck and lower his voice, "You don't know what to say, scare me!"

"Speaking will not scare you, you won't come over, you won't throw your arms around ..." Lu Zhan chuckled, and Mo Qing stared at him angrily, he made a mute gesture, "Hush, Go to the theater! "

Shi Moqing hurriedly adjusted his posture and looked at the window curiously.

Lu Zhan raised the corner of his mouth, and the hand around her waist was tight by three points. Idiot, who was eaten by tofu, did not know. How could he be assured of giving her to others, would it not matter? He will try to protect himself ...

A lot of people have been surrounded at the entrance of the Ying Family Courtyard, and the man who has only one pair of shorts is spitting and spitting ...

"Mrs. Ying, who is this man! I said I would just talk, and the bag would be gone, and I was mad! The person who caught him really did a good job!"

"No, good man! I nodded with my husband, and the bag was gone!"

"I toasted the wine, but the bag was gone."

Everyone was talking about it, and Mrs. Ying smiled apologetically, "I'm so sorry, everyone. I don't know this person, maybe it's because we didn't pay attention to mixing in, so let's call the police immediately, everyone. Look at what is missing in your bag, even though, we should pay compensation! This time I am really sorry! "

"Yes, for this matter today, the old body is here to compensate you all. I hope you can look at the old face and try not to make trouble." The old lady Ying Jia walked over and apologized.

The crowd was suddenly quiet. She apologized to the crowd and glanced sharply at the man on the iron door. She said coldly, "Chen, go and find out who this is! Come on, bring me cold water!"

Ying Shaochen left slightly.

"Not to mention, this old lady is really old-fashioned, still old ..." Shi Moqing looked at it with relish, and murmured softly.

"Did you see who was wrong?" Lu Zhan whispered close to her ear.

"Don't move, let me see!" The heat from her ears made her ears red, and she dared not look at him. She pushed away his face and looked at the people outside ...

Suddenly, she grabbed her hand around her waist and whispered, "There! Behind the crowd, who is that person? I am a little vague!"

Lu Zhan quickly reached out the phone, opened the camera directly, and took a picture towards the outside, the lens quickly zoomed in ...

"Can you see it clearly?" She leaned over to Lu Zhan's face and looked at it. The figure on her phone was a little blurry. The man sneaked back two steps, as if he wanted to leave, and didn't want to keep someone next to him.

Lu Zhan pressed the shutter when the man turned his head to look at the lens and asked, "Can you process this photo with a computer?"

"Okay!" Shi Moqing nodded and looked at the crowd. He quickly glanced at the few people she suspected. He Na was full of enthusiasm. Fu Xiyue leaned on Xiao Mo's chest to watch the show. Happy, Sun Yuxiang looked east ...

"Sun Yuxiang!" The two spoke almost in unison.

"Don't touch this woman, I'm coming!" Shi Moqing's eyes flashed with anger. Although she didn't know what she was looking for to move her car, she dared to provoke her. Then she must have the ability to accept her anger. The sister's revenge was reported together.

"Uh, how are you going to report?" Lu Zhan touched his nose. If she didn't say that she really planned to do anything, it would be fake to beat a woman, except Shi Moqing and his mother. Especially those who provoke them!

"Give me your mother's number!" Shi Moqing crawled over from him.

"Use my mobile phone directly! Do you ask my mom to avenge you? My dad would not agree!" Lu Zhan let go of her reluctantly, took out her mobile phone and handed it over.

"Your mother agrees!" Shi Mo gave him an innocent look. Why did she think he was happy?

Su Xin's voice came out over the phone, "Son!"

"Sister Xin is me! You say it to the side!" Shi Moqing glanced outside, making sure that Su Xin walked aside before he lowered his voice. "The person on the door was me and Lu Zhan, and he was in me just now. Here, look at Sun Yuxiang, she seems a little anxious! "

Su Xin was stunned, and quickly looked at Sun Yuxiang. Sure enough, her face flashed anxiously, seeming to be afraid that Ying Shaochen would come back. Su Xin looked back and lowered his voice, "How can I help you?"

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