Chu Feng randomly placed a chess piece on the middle checkerboard, just occupying a small square.

The pendulum of backgammon is different from the pendulum of conventional gameplay, and the chess pieces need to be placed in the square, not on the crossover line, and the same is true for flips.

“Then I’ll put it here.” Yun Xin thought about it and pinched the chess piece and placed it next to the chess piece that Chu Feng had just dropped.

“It will still block my way and make progress.” Chu Feng raised an eyebrow and continued to place the chess pieces.

“Of course, I’m a bully.” Yun Xin said with a little pride.

“Then today’s Xueba is going to lose to the scum.” Chu Feng laughed lightly, and when the girl finished playing chess, she immediately put another chess piece down.

“Not really.” Yun Xin put on a small face and carefully analyzed the mysteries of chess.

The corners of her mouth rose and she used her chess pieces to block Chu Feng’s grid that was about to be connected into a line, and smiled and giggled: “Look how you go.” ”

Chu Feng laughed lightly and pinched the chess pieces in another position.

Liu Yiqiu held the table with both hands, looking at the chess surface and pondering.

Chu Feng and the young girl came and went like this, blocking each other’s chess.

“This time there is no line, how to play?” Liu Yimeng was stunned.

“Right now.” The corners of Chu Feng’s mouth hooked, and the chess pieces in his hand were put down, and three chess pieces were completed.

“This…” Yun Xin frowned.

Chu Feng’s three chess pieces were empty on the left and right boards, and she only had one chance to play chess, and could only block one, which meant that he could connect into a line no matter what.

“Haven’t you thought about it yet?” Chu Feng asked softly.

“Just put it here.” Yun Xin pouted and placed the chess pieces at one end of the three chess pieces.

“Senseless struggle.” Chu Feng laughed lightly, put down the chess pieces in his hand, and made up four chess pieces.

He put away the four pieces, eliminated the blocked one, and connected them into four pieces again, as if in a chain reaction, the black pieces on the board were all connected into lines, and four or five white pieces were eliminated.

“Chu Feng, you will not have a girlfriend like this.” Liu Yimeng covered her mouth and smiled secretly, this moment beat the girl to the point of collapse.

“Yes, there will be no girlfriend.” Yun Xin didn’t open his mouth angrily.

“Uh…” Chu Feng twitched at the corners of his mouth and smiled bitterly.

“Hey, let me play.” Liu Yimeng came over, took the chess piece in his hand, and sat down opposite the girl.

“I’m going to kill you to pieces.” Yun Xin swore and quickly collected all the chess pieces and started over.

“You don’t have a chance…” Liu Yimeng pretended to be fierce, and then he couldn’t help but laugh.

“…” The corners of Liu Yiqiu’s mouth twitched, and the conversation between the two of them was a bit of a middle two.

The two women played chess seriously, the two were at a similar level, and more and more chess pieces were eliminated.

More than ten minutes later, Liu Yimeng was defeated, and there were still eight or nine white chess pieces on the chessboard.

“Just one step away, I can win.” Liu Yimeng said with chagrin.

“Hee-hee, I said I’m awesome.” Yun Xin smiled brightly, a little hesitantly.

“I’ll come.” Liu Yiqiu patted her sister’s shoulder and watched the two play chess with some itchy hands.

“I still want to play.” Liu Yimeng pouted and stood up and gave way to the position.

“Hee-hee… Sister Qiu, I will not spare my subordinates. Yun Xin smiled and giggled.

“Okay.” Liu Yiqiu answered softly.

After more than ten minutes, Yun Xin sulked his face bitterly, and there was only one white chess piece left in his hand, and there were only two white chess pieces left on the chessboard, and no matter what, they could not be connected to each other.

“I lost.” She pouted helplessly.

“Okay, I’ll help you win it back.” Chu Feng sat down next to the young girl.

“Okay.” Yun Xin’s face was slightly red, and his body moved to the side, giving way to his position.

“Keep playing backgammon or flip chess?” The corners of Chu Feng’s mouth rose and asked softly.

“Let’s play chess.” Liu Yiqiu thought about it and said.

Although she has never played chess, she still knows the rules.

The rules of the game are simple, as long as the opponent’s chess pieces are eaten, it is a victory.

The pieces are arranged from largest to smallest: marshals/generals, soldiers, phases/elephants, carts/chariots, horses, artillery, soldiers/pawns.

Rows of large pieces can eat smaller pieces, but Shuai He will not be able to eat soldiers and pawns, but will be eaten by the other side.

The cannon is also very special, as long as there is a chess piece in the middle, the opponent can eat whatever the chess piece.

The opening game of the chessboard is to buckle the chess pieces in reverse, and each round can only turn over one chess piece, which may be his own chess piece, or it may be the opponent’s chess piece.

Chu Feng simply said the rules, these are all learned in the orphanage to watch Uncle Wang play chess.

“Ladies first.” He turned all the pieces over and scrambled them all over and put them back on the board and held out his hand in a gesture.

“Okay.” Liu Yiqiu nodded slightly, his fingers slid on the chess pieces, and finally the middle chess piece was selected and turned over, which was a black ‘horse’.

“Mine.” The corners of Chu Feng’s mouth rose and he raised his hand to turn over the chess pieces adjacent to the horse, which were still black, this time it was a ‘soldier’.

“So lucky? Both are black pieces. Liu Yimeng was surprised.

Chu Feng laughed lightly, good villains have their own aura of luck, how can luck be bad?

Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips and opened another adjacent chess piece.

This time it was a white pawn, just a pawn.

“I accepted it politely.” Chu Feng smiled lightly, and the ‘horse’ moved a step to the side and ate the ‘pawn’ that had just been turned over.

“…” Liu Yiqiu sipped his lips, hesitated and opened the chess pieces next to the ‘soldier’, the smallest soldier should not be able to eat it, right?

“Sister, your luck is too bad, right?” Liu Yimeng smiled and quipped.

The pieces that are turned over are white, but they are the biggest ‘handsome’.

“Cough, you’re welcome.” Chu Feng coughed twice in embarrassment, and Bing Lisuo ate the ‘Shuai’.

He felt that this was not unfair to Liu Yiqiu, but the lucky aura was not controlled autonomously, and he was a little helpless.

“I don’t believe it.” Liu Yiqiu frowned a good-looking brow, and this time the chess piece in the corner was selected to turn over, which was a black ‘cannon’.

“I’ll see what kind of chess this is.” Chu Feng thought for a moment, and after one chess piece, he opened the second chess piece on the opposite side of the cannon.

White chess is nothing more than a ‘soldier’.

“….” She couldn’t help the corners of her mouth twitching, how bad luck it was.

“Well, if you don’t wash your hands, your luck may be better.” Chu Feng couldn’t help but laugh, but his hand didn’t stop, and directly an anti-aircraft ‘cannon’ ate the white chess piece that had just appeared.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was impressed by Chu Feng’s luck.

“No one, how good it is to have the luck to go straight to the lottery ticket.”

“Hahaha, look at Liu Yiqiu’s depressed face and beg for the shadow area in her heart at this time.”

“Liu Yiqiu’s luck is no one, and the white chess pieces come out one by one.”



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