Whispering Verse

Chapter 1402 The Fallen Elemental Djinn

"This thing looks a bit like the 'Earth Elemental Djinn' that rarely appears in this era. No, the color is different from the color in the book. The normal earth element aggregate should be yellow, and it is not so thick. Malice.”

Miss Benenice said as the three of them prepared to fight.

The monster walking in the forest also noticed them at this time. It stopped and roared, and then blocked it in front of itself with its huge and hard right arm. It carried the color of earth with it at a speed far faster than the slow walking just now. The stream of light rushed towards them sideways.

"Get out of the way!"

The well-informed witch warned loudly and hurriedly dodged to the side. Because the target of the monster's collision was actually Shade, Luvia easily dodged it.

However, Shade stood still and did not move. He planned to test the strength of this monster:

"Seal of Heaton!"

The moonlight sword pierced the ground, and he picked up the seal with his left hand. A spherical shield with golden light flowing around him immediately bloomed around Shade. But at the next moment, as the giant rock that was half taller than Shade collided, the earth-yellow heavy elemental power defeated the shield. While the golden shield exploded like fragile glass, the aftermath of the impact caused Shade flew out and rolled twice on the snow before standing up with difficulty. He felt that he must have suffered internal injuries:

"You can't resist forcefully, this is not a simple physical attack."

"I told you this is an aggregation of quasi-elements!"

Miss Benenice said loudly:

"Don't try to get close to it and engage in melee combat with it. Use long-range thaumaturgic attacks!"


Luvia, who was already prepared, threw the fireball in her hand that was as big as a human head. The fireball hit the elemental giant's right shoulder. After the roaring explosion, it only took away a quarter of the stone on its shoulder.

The gap in the stone squirmed and grew and healed itself, and at the same time that the elemental spirit that was angered by Luvia turned to her, Shade also completed his charge:

"Moonlight Wheel!"

The rotating light wheel hits the target from behind the enemy, and the sharp sound of the light wheel cutting stone makes the ears hurt. But even so, the halo only disappeared after nearly half of it entered the body of the elemental giant.

"The defense is so high?"

"There is no so-called weakness in this kind of elemental creature. You have to defeat most of its body at once to destroy it."

The witch reminded:

"Shade, prepare the witch's light."

As she spoke, she took out three small stone statues from her pocket and threw them in front of her:

"Power of the Earth·Calling the Stone Statue!"

The fallen stone statue emitted light in the snow, and then three five-pointed star ritual arrays bloomed. As the stone hand stretched out from the snow, three human-sized stone statues were summoned.

Together, they rushed towards the elemental giant who was about to attack Shade again, and held him firmly in place. At the same time, Shade and Miss Bernanise raised their right hands together:

"Feliana's Witch's Light!"

The dark golden light slowly melted the body of the elemental giant. It roared and tried to rush out of the range of the light, but because it was hugged by the stone people summoned by the "power of the earth", it could only melt its entire upper body by the light.

After the critical point of damage it could withstand, with the sound of fragmentation, the remaining body of the elemental giant also collapsed into rubble, leaving only a small pile of black coal-like stones on the snow.

"To deal with the fallen elemental djinn, you need to use attacks that can destroy more parts at once. The alchemy bomb is a very effective weapon, but I didn't expect to encounter such an enemy, so I didn't bring it with me."

Miss Benanis said to Shade and Luvia, while Luvia was asking how Shade was injured.

"Just take a breather."

As he spoke, he knelt down and picked up the black stones:

"I feel the power of the earth twisting, but that power is fading fast."

"Is this a monster born in the crazy land?"

Luvia asked worriedly.

"Most likely not. I still don't feel any signs of distortion in the earth. This means that even if there is a Crazy Earth in this area, it is very far away from here. Generally speaking, the evil spirits born in that area Or other monsters, you can’t just leave.”

Shade stood up:

"I'm worried that this is the same as the 'petrified plague' in the city. This monster appears randomly in the Randall Valley area, just like the evil spirits randomly appeared in the city during the late Middlesbrough incident. It's just because of where we are now. , the serious problems mentioned by the guardians are about to occur, causing the power of the earth to gather, which is why this kind of monster appears so frequently."

The witch took a gentle breath:

"If it really happened randomly across the entire area, then the trouble would be even greater."

The group of three people continued to follow the footsteps of the church, probably because the church had already cleaned up the nearby area, so they did not encounter the second fallen earth elemental giant.

Guardian Mr. Lassus, the location given to Shade is an entire area. When they came to the area, they found that nothing happened. The small hill was quite peaceful. Shade even saw a wolf following a rabbit furtively.

The church's camp has been set up. They did not surround the hill, but set up camp at the foot of the mountain and at the commanding heights of the hillside not far away.

They didn't even cover their tracks, the smoke from the campfire drifting from the woods into the clear evening sky outside the city. The sky is getting dark and night is coming.

Since nothing happened yet, the three of Shade also took cover and camped a little further away from the church camp.

Although the three of them were not afraid of the cold due to their physical abilities, sitting by the campfire still gave them a sense of peace of mind. Shade decided to wait patiently, after all, he couldn't tell what would happen next.

While Shade was chatting quietly with Miss Bernice, Luvia wanted to try divination again. She used the rare method of tortoise shell divination, which involves throwing bones or tortoise shells into the fire to burn them, and then interpreting fate based on the cracks.

However, this time Luvia just threw the tortoise shell into the fire, and the tortoise shell actually cracked completely.

"Did you buy defective divination supplies?"

Shade asked in surprise.

"Are you kidding me? I always buy supplies like these that are not prohibited from the association."

The female fortune teller frowned, took out the playing cards again, and used her best playing cards to divine fortune. Shade didn't see what the three cards she drew were, but Luvia's face did not change for the better because of the result:

"There's someone around to interfere with destiny."

"What's the meaning?"

The witch asked, looking around.

"It's hard to tell what it means. Someone is preventing something nearby from happening. And the method used by the other party looks familiar."

Luvia said, handing her playing cards to Shade:

"Just pick one?"


He drew the first card:

"[Puppet]. I remember this means that the person being divined is being secretly manipulated by someone without knowing it. Of course, it also means that the person being divined may be trapped in some huge conspiracy without knowing it. .”

"No, no, your interpretation is just a general interpretation. I am not divining your destiny. The meaning of this card now should be [Puppet Operator's Notes]."

Luvia corrected, and "she" in Shade's ear smiled for some reason.

The blonde witch asked:

"Is that note the relic that you mentioned was in the possession of the [Blood Spirit School]?"

"Yes, we have encountered this relic many times, and Shade got a blank page of notebook paper last summer and gave it to me, so I am very familiar with the power of this relic."

"Is there anything going on with the Blood Spirit School tonight?"

Shade asked suspiciously, because this time the effect of [Puppet Operator's Notes] did not directly affect him, so he could not use [Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny] to fight back.

"Do you know what the other party has changed?"

Miss Benanis asked, but this time Luvia could only shake her head:

"It is a relic after all."

The dim sun finally sank completely below the western horizon. After the warm sunshine disappeared, the forest in late winter was still extremely cold.

Time passed little by little, and Shade thought that what the guardians said would happen after the sun went down. But until eight o'clock that night, they were still waiting in the peaceful forest.

If Mr. Lassus hadn't said this in person, and if "she" had been there to prove that Shade had remembered the time and place correctly, Shade would have even doubted whether he had come to the wrong place.

The time came to half past eight, and Shade was talking about his cat-raising experience to the suspicious Miss Benanis. Before the witch wanted to question Shade's cat-raising method, which seemed to be wrong, the three of them suddenly came together. I heard a sound of "咻~".

Standing up and looking at the western sky, the white light spots trailing the tail of the flames swayed up into the night sky, and then exploded into fireworks in the night.

After the fireworks exploded, the ground immediately began to shake. This sudden earthquake was so strong that Shade felt that the whole world was shaking in the first few seconds:

"The guardian said that every strong earthquake means that the earth is distorted more seriously! It's the third stage! Wait, this feels like..."

Just as Shade supported Luvia, the strong malice unique to the "Crazy Land" suddenly appeared on the hill not far away.

At this moment, the howling wind seemed like the world itself was howling. The clouds blocked the starry sky and the moon, and Shade could only vaguely see that there seemed to be a few more people on the top of the originally empty hill. At the same time, first a small trickle appeared on the top of the hill, and then the top fountain shot up into the night sky and fell over the entire area.

In the dark night and strong earthquake, this scene is really strange.

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