Whispering Verse

Chapter 1401 Special preparations

Hearing Luvia's joke, Shade also smiled and asked:

"Don't you know best whether I am a male? I mean, I have promised to help her, so I must help her. Besides, compared to turning pumpkins into carriages, mice into horses, and poor clothes In a ballgown and glass slippers, it's easier to find out information. I only have to walk a few steps."

After speaking, he added:

"I can't even turn little Mia into a horse to ride now, let alone a mouse."

Luvia was amused by him:

"Have you still forgotten that dream where you rode a cat and flew to the sun?"

Shade blinked and said nothing.

Unlike the last time I went to Lake Eldron to face the big event that Stone Oxenfurt mentioned, this time because I knew clearly that the matter could only be handled by Shade and the Guardians, Miss Benanis Although he followed them, he made it clear that no one else from the Golden Dawn, including Miss Lassers, needed to accompany them.

For Shade, all he needs to prepare is a way to restore his spirit. Although his power of the earth has been strengthened many times, and even with the help of the rune stone, it is still far from being able to protect the Randall Valley. The strength of the soul.

The most important and most effective way to restore the spirit is naturally the pink perfume bottle in Shade's hand. Interestingly, since this bottle was transferred from [Desire]'s hands to Shade's, there has rarely been any dissatisfaction.

Even if a large amount of it is consumed by Shade for various reasons, the bottle can always be filled back up when Shade is not paying attention. A full perfume vial will have different recovery effects and sequelae depending on the concentration of "Desire Essential Oil".

The most concentrated fragrance in that bottle so far was the night of Agelina's birthday. Obviously, Xia De went to Yongye City on the way and took a big drink after coming back. But when I woke up the next day, I found that the perfume bottle on the bedside table was actively emitting a faint pink light.

Lecia, Dorothy and Luvia all knew about this, and the latter heard about it from Shade.

For ring magicians, because the essence of the spirit is not just energy, potions to restore the spirit are extremely rare. Extraordinary abilities that can restore the spirit like [Silent Moonlight] that Shade has transferred to Miss Olan Nord are even more rare. It's almost none. Therefore, Luvia thought that before setting off on Tuesday, she should make preparations to keep the perfume bottle in its strongest state.

"Even if the sequelae are severe, at worst, I will help Xia De with relief after he comes back."

Luvia had the courage to say this in front of Miss Lassus and Miss Bernanise. Miss Lassus understood it immediately, while the blonde witch took a moment to react before understanding.

"We set off at 3:30 in the afternoon, there is still some time."

So the purple-eyed girl took Shade's hand and said to the two leaders of the Golden Dawn:

"Is there a room with good soundproofing in the opera house? Shade and I will go prepare it."

Even the witch understood immediately. She looked at Miss Lassus with a red face, and the latter led Shade and Luvia to the witch's private lounge next door. When she feels tired, Miss Benenice will take a nap next door, where it is quiet and no one will disturb her.

The blonde witch stood there and did not follow them, but when the footsteps were far away, she suddenly jogged to follow them. Because the lounge was right next door, when she caught up, she happened to see Miss Lassus standing outside the door, while Luvia was inside the door, pulling the door handle and preparing to close the door:

"Wait a moment!"

Miss Benanis said, Luvia looked at her curiously from the door:

"What's wrong? Oh, you don't have to worry about us missing the departure time, I will calculate the time."

"No, I mean"

Her face turned red, but she still said:

"Let me help too. Although I can't be with Shade..."

Miss Lassus on the side was shocked and speechless, while Luvia frowned slightly:

"That's not okay. You don't understand anything. It will only cause chaos."

"Wait, is that the point?"

Miss Lassus blurted out her words, but Luvia thought about it and then changed her mind:

"But it's okay, it's almost two o'clock now, and Shade and I can't do much. We can play other tricks, and I won't be of much use by myself. You can come in, but you have to listen to me for a while."

The witch lowered her head and said "hmm". When she saw Luvia making way for the door, she walked in through the half-open door.

The two of them walked into the room together, and the door was closed. Miss Lassers was left standing alone in the corridor. She opened her mouth and looked at the door handle. It took a long time before she sighed slightly.

When Miss Lassers reappeared in the corridor at half-past three and entered the room, it looked normal. There were three people sitting on the sofa. Shade and Luvia sat across from each other. The girl with purple eyes was peeling an orange while looking at the topographic map on the coffee table.

Shade and Miss Bernanise sat on the same side. The beautiful blond witch tilted her head and leaned on Shade's shoulder. Her long golden hair was spread out to cover her face.

In addition, Miss Lassers also noticed that her clothes were no longer the same as before, and she was wearing a pair of legs that she had only seen once, which were close to the skin and made the shape of her legs unusually obvious. There was even some flesh-colored black fabric showing through.

And in the southeast corner of the coffee table, there are full pink vials. The young girl couldn't judge the concentration by the color, but thinking about it, it was already very different from an hour ago.

She sniffed subconsciously, but there was no strange smell in the air. If she hadn't seen the intimate gesture between the most famous female opera singer in the Old World and Shade in this era, Miss Lassus would have even thought that they were just singing and dancing indoors.

"It's time."

The young girl reminded with a slightly red face, and then sat down next to Luvia with some restraint. The girl with purple eyes put the orange segment into her mouth, and the remaining half of the orange that was not completely peeled was placed next to the map:

"We are almost ready. I have to admit that Miss Sylvia's invention is still very interesting. Let's not talk about this, then get ready to go. I divined for myself this morning, and my actions at night may not be the same. It didn’t go well, but at least we were able to get the results we wanted.”

Miss Lassers was impressed that she could say something so serious after doing something so unserious.

"Then let's go. Although these may not be enough, it should be enough to hold on until the guardians take action."

Shade also said, putting away the pink perfume bottle. The witch who was leaning on his shoulder straightened her long hair and avoided Miss Lassus' eyes:

"Then let's set off. The earlier you arrive, the better prepared you will be."

"I hope the church has emergency measures in place. The protagonist tonight is the Guardian, but while the Guardian and Shade are dealing with the Crazy Land, I think the surroundings may not be peaceful."

Luvia stood up:

"May all be well."

Because Luvia had problems with her riding skills, the three of them still rode two horses.

The address left by the Guardian to Shade is located in the northeast of the city, quite close to the old cemetery of the Granger family. It was 3:40 when they set off, and when they arrived near the target location and saw the footprints on the forest floor in the snow that had already shown signs of melting, it was already close to 5 pm.

"It's from the church. Look at this, it's obviously the footprints of the church's standard boots."

After the three dismounted, Luvia looked at the ground and said. The witch floated slightly, observing her surroundings from a higher place:

"There were no signs of fireworks or frightened birds nearby. They passed here at least half an hour ago."

"Sooner than we got there."

Luvia said, asking Shade who had the earth runestone tied to his wrist:

"Can you sense the Crazy Land now?"

"No. We are still some distance from our destination. Of course, it is possible that there is no problem yet."

"We can't ride horses ahead. Let's lead the horses and move forward on foot."

Miss Benenice suggested.

Continuing to walk forward, in addition to footprints, there are also some strange black gravels on the snow. And around the black gravel, there are obvious traces of battle. But probably because there were so many people coming from the church, it didn't seem like the fighting was fierce and it ended quickly.

Shade had a strong curiosity about those black gravels. Because when he picked up the gravel for inspection, he found that these stones were very similar to the black stones made by his "Golden Stone" Holy Grail.

But obviously the stone here is stronger and has elements attached to it. After being identified by Miss Benanis, this is a special stone called "Basic Rock":

"Only the Randall Valley and a few surrounding areas can produce such a stone. Most researchers believe that this is the prototype of all stones and the first stone created by the gods when they created the world in the original era. However, , this kind of stone is not very useful, and apart from being extremely strong, there are not many noteworthy points. Therefore, although it is rare, it is not valued by people."

"So, the stone transformed by my Holy Grail is a degraded version of the 'basic rock'?"

Shade asked, then wondered where these stones came from.

They quickly got the answer to this question, and after walking less than twenty steps forward, the three of them heard the sound of heavy footsteps getting closer and closer in the distance.

Looking towards the front of the forest, a vague figure was swaying slowly. Humanoid, but it was not a human being, but a strange creature covered in black rocks.

Among the cultists who believed in the "Stone Heart Demon", there once appeared a ring warlock who mastered the "power of the earth" and could transform into a stone man, but he was killed by the church more than half a month ago. The monster that was walking towards the three of them at this moment was definitely not a stone man incarnated by a human being. It was a naturally occurring enemy.

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