After listening to Lao Yi, Qin Yuan immediately returned with his sword.

Although Lingshan is said to be picturesque, he is always a little flustered by no one around.

Fortunately, the coming and going went smoothly, and there were no surprises or dangers on the road, but Xiao Ma Zha was a little uncomfortable after sitting for a long time, so Qin Yuan seriously considered the possibility of transforming Feijian to create a supreme luxury cabin.

It took less than three hours to come and go. Qin Yuan went out very early, so when he returned to the county office, it was almost just in time for lunch.

Go to Zhao Zongzhen's room to return the sword.

"How come you were born so quickly?" Zhao Zongzhen asked.

"Hey, things are right and wrong." Qin Yuan sighed, "The hometown is deep with vegetation, and the old people don't know where they went."

"It's been like this in these years." Zhao Zongzhen took the sword back to Nashi and patted Qin Yuan's shoulder, "No need to worry, we will meet eventually if we have a fate. Besides, you have a brother from our Jiazi department. ."

Qin Yuan nodded and asked, "How many of them?"

"Bathing in the sun in the yard," Zhao Zongzhen paused, then lowered his voice, "Tell me the truth, is the red salamander very important to you?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I be so anxious?"


Zhao Zongzhen nodded, looked out the window cautiously, then took out an elixir from his sleeve and stuffed it into Qin Yuan's hand.

"Keep it away, don't let them see it. Take it after dinner to keep you strong."

"Dragon spirit and tiger fierce?"

The corner of Qin Yuan's mouth twitched suddenly, thinking what does this thing mean, which pot does not have a mouth to mention which pot?

You are like this, the dragon and the tiger have a bird to use?

"Big stall, this... keep it for yourself, it's useless to me."

With that said, he put the medicinal pill back into Zhao Zongzhen's hands, and looked at him sympathetically, "However, I didn't expect that Da Dang Tou's physique would have hidden meanings, which is really embarrassing."

Seems to know why his wife treats him like this?

Zhao Zongzhen looked at Qin Yuan with a puzzled face, and said, "What's the hidden meaning? You are in a hurry to find the red salamander, isn't it because you have encountered a bottleneck in your cultivation, and you need to use it to refine medicine?"

"Ah, Xiuwei..." Qin Yuan's face suddenly became hot, "This..."

"This is the 'Desolate Blood Cultivation Pill'. It has a miraculous effect on improving the cultivation level, and it doesn't matter whether the Mo family is a sword cultivator!" Zhao Zongzhen sneaked a glance outside, and put the medicine back into Qin Yuan's hand, " Take it, I only have this one, and if they see it, they will come and ask for it, that's a lot of noise."

Zhao Zongzhen felt that Qin Yuan was in such a hurry, that his cultivation base must have encountered a bottleneck.

This elixir was made by him seven years ago, and Lord Sizheng personally rewarded him. It was originally intended to be used for his son when he grew up.

But he is now afraid that Qin Yuan will risk a breakthrough if he can't get the red salamander, then the meridians may reverse and explode and die at any time. He doesn't want such a good seedling to end like this.

Qin Yuan only now understands that "dragon spirit and tiger fierce" means this.

I am grateful in my heart, but I feel that this Dong is a treasure to Zhao Zongzhen, but it is of little use to me. It can be said that it is a bright pearl.

So he tried to put the medicine back into Zhao Zongzhen's hands.

"Master, you are still..."

"Go, go, play outside."

Zhao Zongzhen didn't allow him to finish, so he pushed him out impatiently.

Qin Yuan was helpless, so he had no choice but to accept the medicinal pill, thinking that, if he got a better medicinal pill, he would go back to Zhao.

In the yard, One Eyed Strong, Stumped Foot Deng and Su Ruoyi are all basking in the sun.

One-eyed Qiang and Stump-footed Dengzheng were each lying on a bamboo reclining chair, while Su Ruoyi was lying on the branch of a tree. She was dressed in white, holding a sword in her arms, squinting her eyes and looking peaceful, long. Occasionally, the eyelashes move slightly, which is very cute.

"You said, we agreed to help Xiao Qinzi find the red salamander, but if you don't go, are you sorry?"

"Hey, in fact, I can still fight, but you can't."

"The big monster of the third rank is just like this. If you can give me two magic weapons, I can go with Xiao Qinzi and we can do this too."

One-eyed squinted and muttered to himself, but no one paid any attention to him.

Qin Yuan entered the yard, and the three of them opened their eyes in unison.

"Little Qinzi, come back so soon?" One-eyed sat up and smiled, "I thought you went to find the red salamander by yourself, but fortunately you didn't go."

Qin Yuan smiled, "That's not possible, I'll definitely find you when I go there."

"The haste is not enough," Stump Deng sat up and said lightly, "Brother Qin, don't be impatient."

Qin Yuan nodded, glanced at his oversized right foot, and asked, "How's the leg?"

"It's okay, three or five days of cultivation is enough."

"It's only been three or five days since the bones were broken?" One-eyed Qiang looked surprised, and then asked, "Cripple, there is a question I've always wanted to ask, after your feet get bigger, will it be heavy to run? If you step on a nail Will it hurt?"

Qin Yuan pricked up his ears when he heard it.

This is a good question!

Stump Deng gave One-Eyed Qiang a blank eye, then rolled over and continued to doze off.

The atmosphere is cold.

Qin Yuan looked at Su Ruoyi and saw that Su Ruoyi was also sitting on a branch, looking at him with a smile.

Holding the sword in her hand, the breeze blew, stroking a strand of hair on her temples, and a slightly dangling leg also swayed slightly.

At this moment, Qin Yuan seemed to see the river in early spring, flowing slowly with falling red, quiet and bright.

Quietly, Qin Yuan gave her a "come out" look, then went out of the yard and waited for her in the front hall.

It didn't take long for Su Ruoyi to arrive at the front hall.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he asked, "What are you doing?"

Qin Yuan whispered, "Let's go shopping in the county town and have lunch by the way."

Su Ruoyi hesitated, "Just the two of us?"

Qin Yuan said as a matter of course, "Yeah, don't tell them, bring them something delicious when you go back, so that you can be pleasantly surprised!"

Now, when it comes to dating a girl for the first time, the purpose can't be too clear, it must be a combination of reality and reality.

Su Ruoyi thought about it and said, "That's right, let's go then."

Qin Yuan smiled in his heart, isn't this on the right track?

Shopping, first step of dating.


The county town of Zhengxian County is still relatively prosperous, and because the goblins were just removed yesterday, every household has plans to celebrate today, so the street market is extraordinarily lively, like a festival.

Su Ruoyi and Qin Yuan walked side by side on the street.

In normal times, Su Ruoyi wouldn't mind getting too close to Qin Yuan, or even hugging his shoulders or something, but now, she always feels that it will be a strange feeling to do so.

Probably... this feeling is after saying "to be his wife in the next life"?

It is also possible that it was after watching him drink and dance by the lake.

Anyway, Su Ruoyi found that he could no longer treat Qin Yuan as an eunuch, and always felt that he was a normal teenager.

Still a handsome young man.

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