Chapter 42 42 He is hungry

On the way home, Cobb bought a copy of the evening newspaper of Urban Window.

No newspaper has City Window coverage of the Withlo murders, and is the most timely and more detailed.

From this newspaper alone, Cobb was able to speculate where the case went.

He is too concerned about this case, he has some very close relationship with Whithro, and he feels more and more that perhaps Cavendi is the most real him, and he contacts Vetro in private, using the identity of Cavendi.

The deputy director of the Crofodor Art Museum, the student of the great artist Bekas, the genius of painting with a talent for painting, all this is a disguise in Cober’s eyes.

His home is in an upscale villa on the outskirts of Montt, and he parks his car in a closed garage.

He walked directly from the inner door into the side room of the house, and through a corridor inside, into the living room of his house.


With a long sigh, Cobber suddenly felt as if his feet were filled with lead, and every step was very heavy.


Never in his life had he been so frightened as he was today, even when he read in the newspaper that Witro had been shot dead by the police and that the case in Gannon had been discovered.

Nor did he have as much fear as he is now.

He always prepares himself for a back road, and even if the police come to the door, Cobb can find many excuses and excuses, he thinks that he is in Monte City, sheltered by the big tree of his teacher Bekas.

He can also turn to a lot of big guys’ connections, and there will always be a way out of this case perfectly.

But to this day, when the Holy Son, a young man whom even the teacher greatly respected, directly revealed his identity.

Cobb understood that having money, connections, and ability, even if there were many perfect reasons and means, it was of no use in front of the Son.

He seemed to know everything, and Cobb felt like a small fish in a small puddle, while the Holy Son was ready to catch him with a large net.

He had nowhere to run, let alone nowhere to go.

“Brother, hehe, how about I go out tonight? ”

Another voice made Cobb, who was still in fear, slightly calm.

He looks back at his brother ‘Corso’, the missing ‘K’ in the Egg of Life organization.

He once asked his younger brother ‘Corso’ to take a normal pseudonym to enter the Egg of Life, and as a result, this guy always likes to do things that are contrary to ordinary people.

His pseudonym is just this simple letter.

“Get out? What do you want to go out for? ”

Cobb’s expression seemed to be restraining his complex emotions, anger and fear were intertwined, and finally it would completely become a runaway rage.

Corso took a step back, not daring to anger his brother at this time.

“You have to stay here honestly for a long time, even if the case of Wittelo, the police can’t find anyone else in the end, and the case has been closed, then you will have to go out after a while.”

After going out, I will immediately leave the city of Monte, leave the Federation, and go to any small country in the ‘covenant state’, and I will guarantee the cost of living in the future.” Cobb gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t come back, don’t forget that there is a big reporter outside who is constantly looking for you.” ”

“It’s all Burris, I’d rather leave here and kill Burris first.” ”

Cobb didn’t listen to his brother’s self-threatening words, he spread out the evening newspaper of the window of the city in his hand, wanting to see the latest developments in the Wittero case.

The genetic tissue of all the remains of the deceased has been extracted and compared in the gene bank of the Federal Police, which ascertains the identity of the deceased.

Finally, it is necessary to notify the family, which can be a lengthy process.

But the case may be coming to an end, and the Withlo case will not continue to appear in the newspapers in the future, and when the police choose to close the case, the case will lose its official popularity.

Only legends are left, and the results of the confusion that do not reveal the truth, such as Withro’s motives for killing, his mental state, whether his killing is related to personality, etc…

Let the public and some social critics, psychologists, and novelists recreate.

In recent times, the Wittero case has been like a serialized novel published in a newspaper.

And now it’s finally coming to an end…

“Huh? Cobb’s eyes narrowed, and he looked at the other side of the paper.

Burris, a journalist who recently rose to prominence at the Urban Window newspaper and made a name for himself by covering the Wittero case in a row, published two press releases in the evening newspaper on the same day.

In addition to this case, another piece of news reported what happened this morning inside the church of St. Neil.

“Defile the holy relics of the Church, by blasphemy, awaken the divine punishment! ”

The news content above reports what happened today inside St. Neil’s Church.

The Egg of Life incited a group of young students to run inside St. Neil’s Church in an attempt to destroy the church’s holy relics.

In the end, divine punishment was caused, and one by one, they repented and knelt on the ground to pray for forgiveness, and voluntarily asked to stay and perform voluntary labor.

The last part of the news article reads: “Today St. Neil’s Church is exceptionally clean inside and out, and only by wiping it with intention and sincerity can we wash away the sins that we have carried.”

When you wipe the idol, the Holy Spirit is not erasing the defiled part of your soul. ”

The photo published in this news article happens to be the scene of Stuhl kneeling in front of a young member of the Egg of Life.

In the photo, Stuhl has a holy temperament, holding a relic in his hands, and his eyes do not look down at the group of people kneeling in front of him praying for repentance.

Instead, he looked straight ahead, as if at this moment Cobb’s eyes made contact with the sight on the other person’s photo.

It was a gaze of holy judgment, piercing it as if it were a soul piercing directly into his body.

Cobb’s body trembled violently, and the fear in his heart was as irrepressible as a gushing volcano.

He was so terrified of Stull that he was like a moth in the light in front of this holy son, and he could not hide at all.

“Brother, what’s going on with you? ”

“Take me in… Go to the shrine, I will pray! Cobb grabbed his brother’s clothes.

Younger brother Corso took him to a basement of the house.

In this basement, although the lights are dim, they can see everything around them.

A wooden square table is placed in the very middle of the room.

A brown cloth cover covered the wooden table, covering a half-human tall.

The floor is painted mainly in red oils, drawing various flesh and blood patterns.

Every time Corso entered this room, his heart would be violently resistant, he really couldn’t understand what kind of existence his brother was believing in.

Cobb often preached to the core members of the Egg of Life organization, the top brass.

Even Corso had been preached by his brother, and although Corso talked about faith, he never understood what a terrible and disgusting thing the Mother God Azira was.

Cobb once explained to him that Azira is the mother of life, the mother of flesh and blood of all beings!

But his younger brother Corso had read many religious mythological books, and many mythological systems described their respective gods or goddesses of life.

There is a mature and beautiful female image, and the worst is also a kind old woman.

But the mother goddess Azira that Cobb believed in was purely a disgusting mass of flesh and blood in the eyes of his brother, and he had also painted statues of Azira.

It is a terrifying giant millipede that is pieced together from flesh and blood.

Moreover, Cobb has also emphasized many times that babies are in the mother’s womb before birth, and the birth of human life inheritance is conceived in the mother’s flesh and blood.

Only flesh and blood are the truest and most primitive image of the goddess Azira.

Mother Azira has given birth to all living beings in the world, and is the mother of life, the mother of primordial beings.

Cobb pushed his brother away and knelt directly facing the shrine on the wooden table, and he looked at his brother who was still standing behind him with some dissatisfaction.

Under his brother’s oppressive gaze, Corso also knelt on the ground.

“Great Mother God, I met the Holy Son of that holy bishop today, and I am sure that he has seen through everything about me.

I didn’t seem to have any secrets in front of that man, and he even revealed my identity as Kavendi.

He must have known about my and Wittero’s sacrifices to you, after all, I introduced them.

Great Mother Goddess, what should I do… Should I escape this place…”

Corso, who was kneeling behind him, felt his scalp tingle, and he had heard from Cobb’s prayer, and someone outside must have seen through what he had done in collusion with Withro.

After all, as a core member of the Egg of Life organization, he knew that his brother had brainwashed all the core members except him.

And the reason why Corso is not a devout Azira is because he did not believe his brother’s nonsense since he was a child.

Even Cobb now achieves a high level of achievement, becoming a student of the master Bekas.

He had recommended Burris to Witro just to pretend to be devoted to Azira in front of his brother.

Unexpectedly, Burris, who escaped from death, was about to drive his brother crazy.

“What the hell do you believe in!

It’s destroying you, and look at what the Egg of Life organization you’ve created is doing.

What are you, the leader, and these core members of your subordinates doing!

Can’t you come to your senses yet? You’re a murderer! ”

Corso, who was kneeling behind, suddenly became angry and shouted at his brother.

And Cobb turned around and looked at his brother in great surprise, as if he did not understand how he dared to do something blasphemous against Mother Azira in front of the shrine.

His face suddenly turned pale, and then became gloomy.

Cobb got up from the ground, and he walked step by step towards his brother Corso.

“Brother… You…”

“Don’t talk! The Mother God doesn’t want to hear a word you say. ”

Cobb removed his mask from real life, as if he was the most real at this moment.

“Cobb, you’re crazy! ”

The younger brother shouted loudly.

Suddenly hearing the name Cobb, he suddenly felt a little harsh, and now he has removed his disguise and is his truest self.

He is Kavendi, president of the Egg of Life, devout believer of the Mother Goddess, and messenger of Azira.

He stood in front of Corso and said in a low tone: “The mother god told me that he is hungry!”

And He will help me deal with the Son, so you should be honored.

It can become a sacrifice to the mother goddess! ”

There will be a chapter at twelve noon

(End of chapter)

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