Chapter 41: 41 Loyalty

“Holy Road? ”

I heard an unfamiliar word from Stuel, but the holy road that the other party just said must be related to their holy lord belief, but Stull didn’t explain much and went back directly.

The deputy priest looked at Father José on the side and asked him what happened when His Highness went to the appointment.

When he learned everything from Father José, especially when Father José briefly fell into a state of loss in the museum, Father José did not hide this from the secondary priest.

The deputy priest lowered his head and pondered for a while, then looked up and said firmly, “There is something wrong with that Cobb, and it is obvious that the Holy Son hates this person. ”

The deputy priest paused and continued, “Your Highness didn’t notice it when he first came into contact with that person, it was precisely through that mysterious painting!” ”

Father José nodded, and the priest’s speculation was the same as he thought.

He then asked Father José: “In the car, didn’t you write down the last communication between His Highness and the man?” ”

Father José regretted: “I was thinking about the situation I was lost in before and did not pay attention, but I can also find in the car that His Highness really dislikes the man at the end.” ”

Father José suddenly remembered, and he said: “By the way, when I just got off the bus, His Highness said that the man believed in anything good. ”

The deputy priest pondered slightly, and he thought of the storm that Stull had just said about to come.

He also thought of the group of enemies that His Highness wanted to eradicate in Monte City.

He sighed: “Perhaps His Highness is happy in his heart now.”

Because the fish hidden under the water have finally surfaced, and we, the clergy, are going to become the net in the hands of His Highness. ”

The priest thought of the holy path that Stuart had just mentioned, and his heart began to beat violently, and he thought of a possibility that he did not dare to imagine, but everything would not be known until Stuhl was at mass.

Today Stull has gained some more power of faith, which is only a small part of what was used on Father José.

Stull considered using all the faith power he currently had left on the clergy of St. Neil’s Church.

The believers in Gannon have also provided him with a lot these days, and when the seeds of faith are planted in the hearts of people in a certain area, Stull can continue to harvest through the mystery book.

He decided to use the city of Monte as a test point in the area first, many of his ideas could only be done after he had full control of the Holy Bishop, but there was not so much power of faith that would allow him to achieve a miracle that would sensation the world.

Even if there is, there will often be a lot of skepticism around the world, and people will always suspect everything that they have not experienced and seen with their own eyes.

Therefore, without complete certainty, he would not venture to sit on the throne in the Holy Bishop’s palace.

He might as well first conduct a test in the city of Montt, such as the so-called holy path he concocted, the purpose of which was to give devout believers other than him a complete system of extraordinary powers.

Stull will set a threshold of faith for them, as long as they are religious, moral, and faith-free, they have a good chance of crossing this threshold.

In order to obtain the divine extraordinary ability, the farther he can go on this holy road, then the stronger the extraordinary ability he has mastered, and the stronger the strength will be.

At present, Stull can only limit his access to the Holy Road to the clergy in St. Neil’s Church.

After all, the faith ability he currently possesses is simply not enough, and even if he uses all of them, only a few people may set foot on the holy path.

Moreover, he intends to enhance those enemies, and Monte City is a training ground that he values, where a fierce collision between the extraordinary is about to take place.

The final result will serve as a template for him to control the holy bishop in the future and open a comprehensive holy path.

“It’s too full of words, I have to host the Mass these nights, what should I tell them!” ”

Stull was already sitting in Father José’s office, which had become his exclusive use, and Father José returned occasionally, and the Vicepriest placed him and another priest in an office.

Stuhl’s gaze looked at the Bible he had rewritten on the table, neatly stacked in such a stack.

Recently, he has been fine during the day, and has been rewriting the Bible here, and even his arms and wrists are a little sore.

However, this Bible rewritten by him contains a lot of his personal subjective ideas, which are based on the previous old version of the Bible, and he has added a lot of fabrications, as well as Eastern philosophical and theological ideas in previous lives.

In the evening, St. Neil’s Church closes at half past five in the afternoon.

From five-thirty to seven, the clergy inside will celebrate mass and eat dinner, and after seven o’clock the doors will open until ten o’clock in the evening.

Megachurches are basically this kind of process.

At this time, the young people in the church, who were still working voluntarily, left the church one by one under the admonition of the elders and priests.

The priests warned these young people not to be used by people with intentions, let alone to do offensive and wild things in God’s territory.

After all, the punishment of divine punishment is difficult for these young people to bear.

As outsiders left, the heavily carved doors of St. Neil’s Church slowly closed.

On the altar, the monks lit the white wax on the candlestick.

The bells of the tower rang dullly, and all the clergy were seated on the benches on which the faithful sat during the day.

Stull held the new version of the Bible he had not yet finished writing, standing on the holy platform, and everyone’s breathing began to slowly decrease.

For fear of making a little noise that would disturb the Son’s thoughts.

“I rewrote the Bible! ”

The first words that Stull said while standing on the holy platform caused an uproar among all the clergy present.

Even if they wanted to refrain from being quiet, they could not, because the Bible was the cornerstone of the Holy Bishop’s existence.

When these monks, nuns, priests, elders, and monasteries were studying in convents, the Bible was the most important textbook.

Good clergy can accurately say what is said in any chapter or verse of the Bible.

And the fact that the Son rewrote the Bible to change the cornerstone of the church’s existence was too great a subjective impact on all of them.

“I haven’t finished writing it yet, and I didn’t want to tell you so early… No one knew I was rewriting the Bible. Stull thought for a moment and added, “Father Jose knows, I told him about it. ”

Suddenly, Father José, who was sitting in the front row, felt the gathering of multiple gazes.

If there was a temperature in his sight, he should be burned at this moment.

The deputy priest even stared at Father José on the side with a questioning gaze, and his eyes were very bluntly asking the other party, ‘Why should such an important matter be hidden?’ Did the Son not let you speak out? ’

“But the purpose of my rewriting of this Bible is not to downplay the Lord’s prophecy about the beginning of the era of calamity, as the higher authorities of the church did. ”

Stuart showed a state of anger: “The so-called high-level leaders of the church are as rotten as the roots of a rotten tree!”

He was so bold that even God’s prophecy tried to tamper with it! ”

Most of the clergy present bowed their heads, after all, before that, they all thought that when the current pope died of illness and the new pope took the throne, it was the right thing to revise the Bible in time and dilute the theory of calamity.

But when Stull came here, they realized that God is real, and the church is now going to tamper with God’s prophecy, which is simply blasphemy against the Holy Lord.

The vicepriest really wanted to call Bishop Rama back, after all, Bishop Rama was fighting in the political vortex of the Holy See.

As a church, there is a faith to preach the gospel for the Lord, and the top is obsessed with politics, and there is constant fighting between various factions.

And as the Son said, the first Son Jega created the Holy Bishop, and the canon of the first generation was that believers in the Lord treat each other equally.

Looking at the current church style, it is completely contrary to the church founded by the Son Jerga.

Nor can Stur be blamed for always being dissatisfied with the current church.

“The Bible I rewrote is not to downplay the era of calamity, but to show people how to live better when the inevitable era of calamity begins, so that the clergy have the ability to fight it.

In this regard, I will reopen the holy path like Yaga. ”

Many of the clergy present took the initiative to take notes, and they began to record every word Stull said.

They had a hunch that the contents of the notebook would become the most important book of the church in the future.

If they don’t record it now, they will become sinners in the church.

The Son said many things that they had never touched in the church in the past, such as what is the ‘holy way’!

Stull slowly raised his left hand, and the holy light was released, which then condensed into a brilliant wordless book.

This is a very simple special effect, which can be done with the Holy Light Technique, and there is no need to waste precious faith power at all.

“Holy scriptures! Every devout believer also crosses that threshold to be able to embark on the holy path and condense his own holy scriptures.

It can also be called the ‘sacred scripture’, which is a tool for believers who step into the holy path to understand the holy arts.

Only when the holy texts are condensed can you try to comprehend the holy arts inside, of course, you can also inscribe the holy arts for other companions who have the holy texts to learn and master. ”

Stuhl went on to say, “As a believer, see this as a face to the grace God has sent upon you.

But at the same time, as long as you step into the holy path, it means that you have carried the mission given by God!

Finally, I can also tell you that as long as you step into the holy road, the farther you go on the holy road, the stronger your strength will become.

And the closer you get to God, at the end of the holy road you will be qualified to serve Him by God’s side. ”

Stuhl pointed to the oil strokes on the dome.

He exclaimed, “Just like what we worship!” Become God’s most faithful servant to accompany Him. ”

The atmosphere was very silent.

Each of them understood what His Highness the Son had just said to mean something, to stick to the faith, to be loyal to the Holy Lord, and finally… Walk the holy road.

(End of chapter)

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