Chapter 11 11 Simple funeral

Father Pitt’s funeral began at ten o’clock in the morning.

The layout of the scene is very simple, but there are many believers who came to mourn Father Pitt, basically the same number as yesterday.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the story of Father Pete’s murder in a car accident the previous night immediately spread throughout the town.

Everyone felt unbelievable for the first time, obviously went to attend the service hosted by Father Pitt yesterday, but did not expect that the other party died in a car accident that night.

All wanted to come to the church as soon as possible, to comfort each other with their Son.

But when people come to the church, they see what looks like a church gate that has been broken by a tank.

There is also a perimeter of a police cordon, and almost all the police officers in the Gannon Town Police Department are on duty outside the church, not allowing anyone to enter.

This made it unclear to residents for a moment whether Father Pitt’s death was a car accident or a homicide?

Could it be that someone drove the car directly into the church and even the gate was broken?

The Ponyov family, whose eyes were cured yesterday by Stuhl, were among the first residents to come to the church, along with the lame man and his family.

When Ponyov saw that it was Rust and Leiden who presided over Father Pitt’s funeral, he immediately rushed up and scuffled with the two of them.

“Did you do it! ”

“Two miscellaneous things, killed Father Pete, you still want to kill the Holy Son, right! ”

Yesterday evening the two priests were only punched in each of them at Ponyov’s house, and now this time the beating became even heavier.

When Ponyov’s wife explained the situation to the family of the crippled man whose leg had been cured by Stuhl.

The crippled family also rushed over to do something to Rust and Leyden.

And with Ponyo’s husband and wife and daughter adding oil and vinegar to the people around them, this group fight will soon turn into an act of mass anger.

“Don’t do it! Stop it! ”

As soon as the riot began, it immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding police, and the last to dissuade Ponyov’s own brother Thurman police.

“Why didn’t you put these two bastards in the police station? Ponyov glared disapprovingly at his brother, Officer Thurman.

I called him yesterday in the hope that Thurman would lock these two guys up and teach them a good lesson.

“It’s not what you think, there was a misunderstanding, and the two of them are priests from St. Neil’s Church.

Father Pitt’s death had nothing to do with them! ”

Looking at his brother Ponyov’s still angry appearance, Thurman said seriously: “You really want to beat the two of them to death?”

You are causing trouble for Lord Son, and the two of them want to bring him back to St. Neil’s Church in Monte City. ”

He then lowered his voice again: “Last night’s events were very… It’s terrible, but in the end, the Son made a move, and I can’t tell you the details of the experience.

I will naturally make it clear when I have the right opportunity in the future, and now let the two of them preside over Father Pitt’s funeral, which was personally arranged by Lord Son! ”

Ponyov let out a heavy breath and then stepped out of the crowd.

The two priests were picked up by the police, thanks to the timely stop of Thurman and the others just now, otherwise these two people would have been beaten into a pig’s head.

Even so, the two people stood up, and their bodies trembled for a while.

Father Pitt’s coffin was brought in by a police car, and last night the only medical examiner at the Gannon Town Police Department used tweezers to pinch Father Pete’s flesh and blood from the wreckage of the car.

Then placed in a wooden coffin on the side.

For a whole night, the medical examiner did not sleep all night before cleaning up Father Pitt’s remains and bringing them in immediately.

Mr. Barry arrived sooner or later, and he planned to carry Father Pitt’s coffin himself, along with Chief Yathan, the mayor of Gannon Town, and the principal of the only public school in Gannon Town.

But the mayor, the chief, and the headmaster were more polite when they saw Mr. Barry.

Especially in Ganning Town, who sits in the position of mayor is basically the decision of the Barry family.

After all, most of the people in the town are employees of the Bally, even small and medium-sized enterprises that specialize in serving the Bally.

But no one noticed that Director Yasin returned with a paper bag containing the oil lamp that Stuart wanted.

Four men lifted the four corners of the coffin, where handrails were installed.

Except for Director Yasen, the other three thought that the coffin would be very heavy, after all, Father Pete’s body size was fat.

But unexpectedly, it was unexpectedly light, which made the only Director Yasen, who did not push too hard, almost pushed out by the other three.

Under a strong blow, there was a sound of rubble crashing inside the coffin, which was very clear, and Mr. Barry and the mayor and the principal looked at each other.

Mr. Barry still knows some insider information, after all, Asinsa called him last night, but Mr. Barry did not know how tragic Father Pitt died.

Asinsa didn’t know either, she didn’t see it at the scene.

Director Yasin gave the three of them a look, as if telling the deceased that it is important to bury it as soon as possible.

When the coffin was placed in the tomb, Rust, who was injured under his robes, entered the cemetery with a hard head, surrounded by all the believers, aloud the eulogy he had prepared in advance.

But he really didn’t know much about Father Pete, after all, he and Leyden had only arrived in Gannon yesterday.

So the eulogy basically appeals to one theme, which is that Father Pitt’s soul has returned to the arms of the Holy Lord.

Looking at the cemetery in the distance in the church, Stull complained in his heart, ‘Pete, a dead liar, is treated really well after death.’ ’

Unfortunately, the believers in Gannon will never know that Father Pitt is a liar at heart, and originally planned to harvest the wealth in the hands of the believers after a while and run away.

The Gannontown believers now respect Father Pitt on the premise of never knowing the truth.

Stuart was very disgusted with Father Pitt, even though the other party was dead.

“Holy Son…”

“Just call me by name, Miss Asinsha, we can be friends in private, and according to the teachings of the Holy Bishop, believers who also believe in the Holy Lord do not distinguish between high and low.

Everyone has the same identity. ”

Asinsa opened her mouth, but finally did not say the name of the Holy Son.

Stuhl went on to say that “when the Holy Bishop was founded, the faithful were equal… And now because of the different positions in the church, small people and big people are distinguished!

You can believe that a religion has produced classes, and from this point alone the high-ranking priests are all contrary to the doctrine. ”

Asinsa pursed her lips, and she felt that the Holy Son had a great opinion of the Holy Bishop.

Father Pitt’s funeral ended simply, and the faithful of Gannon sent the monition, of which Mr. Barry’s was the thickest.

But Stuhl’s interest is not here, if it is Pete, he will be happy to keep his mouth shut, but unfortunately this is the money received from his funeral.

By noon, the faithful had left, and since it was the funeral of Father Pitt, the Barry wine industry also gave half a day off to the workers who believed in the holy bishop.

In front of Stull was the oil lamp that Chief Yassen had found for him.

“All the officers didn’t let them go back, these people… It should be enough. Chief Yasin asked Stuhl.

“It should be enough. ”

Stur took out a bottle of holy oil, which was used exclusively by the church to perform the ‘sacraments’, commonly known as holy anointing oil, the base material was olive oil, and several unique spices.

And large churches have their own secret recipes, such as the holy oil used in St. Neil’s Church, which is said to add a little bit of the ashes of deceased devout believers.

Slowly pour the holy oil into the bottle of the oil lamp.

On the side, Director Yasin and Asinsha, as well as the two priests, held their breath as the Son used a mysterious ritual in front of them to find the birthplace of the alien demon in the town of Gannun.

Priest Lyden took out the notes he had carried with him, afraid to miss any subtle movements of Stuel.

“I just got a group of professionals who will come here in a moment to repair the doors of the church. ”

Mr. Barry walked in from outside, and he went on to say to Chief Yasen: “I suppose this will not hinder the case, after all, Father Pitt died in a car accident.”

The location of the incident is not here, and it has nothing to do with this church. ”

“Oh… Of course. ”

Chief Yasin absentmindedly replied to the richest man in Gannon town, and stared at Stuhl’s next move with the others.

In fact, Mr. Barry took the initiative to come up this time, and there were police officers Thurman and others on duty outside, but they would not stop Mr. Barry from coming in.

He also knew that it was bad to disturb Stull at this time, but he was really curious and caring, and he didn’t want to miss this miracle.

And what Stur said to him this morning made Mr. Barry panic.

Merchants and capitalists have a sensitive sense of smell, and if the era of catastrophe is really coming, then Stull in front of him is a true savior in Mr. Barry’s mind.

It was equivalent to the ark in the Great Flood, and he had to stick it firmly.

Moreover, the Son had euphemistically expressed in the morning that if Asinsa could stick to his faithful faith in the Holy Lord, he would also have the possibility of carrying miracles in the future.

In Mr. Barry’s understanding, this is what Stull meant.

But he didn’t dare to ask Stuhl.

At this time, Stull raised his left hand, brought his index finger and middle finger together, and made a prayer motion.

He chanted, “The Holy Lord who created all things, the only true God in the world, I am here to praise you, from the heart, from God, from thought.”

My loyalty will never change, and may your radiant thoughts shine on this land.

Evil, evil, poison, lust, sex… The light of sin will be extinguished, and your flame will shine forever to show the way to faithful believers.

Punish evil, destroy sin, and walk your will.

Praise be to the Lord! ”

The people beside them bowed their heads and chanted in a low voice, “Praise the Holy Lord.” ”

A layer of holy light suddenly lit up on Stuel’s body, and he stretched out his hand to cover the top of the oil lamp, and the light gathered at the wick, and then slowly lit.

“It will give us direction. ”

Stull lifted the oil lamp, and everyone looked at the lit oil lamp in unison.

Suddenly, the flame inside swayed slightly, and then the tongue of fire poured out, like a pointer, pointing in the direction outside.

(End of chapter)

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