Chapter 10: 10 Oil Lamps

And got into Miss Asinsha’s red Ding Ma supercar.

Stull sat in the passenger seat and pondered, he raised his head to look ahead, but asked Asinsha next to him: “If I return to the Holy See…

Will they make me pope? ”

The speed of the supercar stopped and slowed down, and Asinsa said: “I feel that you can do whatever you want, as long as the Holy See can do it.”

They will even create a new sculpture next to the sculpture of the Holy Spirit, and you will lead the church and guide believers around the world on a true pilgrimage. ”

Asinsa continued in a very serious tone: “Believers all over the world are thirsty for your evangelism from the Son, and you should not stay in a small place like Gannon Town. ”

Stull turned to look at her: “Then if I leave, what will happen to your disease, you have a terminal illness, no matter how powerful a doctor is, you can’t cure it!” ”

“Last night, after I saw the Son kill that demon with divine magic, I understood that your mission is to protect the well-being of believers around the world.

You have been able to enable believers all over the world to hear the gospel of the Lord again, and my personal life and death… Very small. ”

Asinsa took a deep breath and continued, “If the Holy Lord had arranged for me, then all this would have been fated, if the end of my life was half a year later…

Then I will greet my destined death in peace, and the arrangement of the Holy Lord will be sweet forever! ”

“And I am thankful to have met the Son and witnessed miracles at the end of my life, and I have no regrets even if I die now.” ”

Stuhl looked into the distance in front of the car and could already see the chalk-colored walls of the church standing on the hillside.

His understanding of Ashinsa only knows that the other party is terminally ill, and he was still an arrogant and domineering rich girl before.

Unexpectedly, the other party has completely transformed into a devout believer, which Stull believes must be under his influence, and then he is interested in writing Asinsa into the mystery book and becoming a character in his script.

After arriving at the church, a cordon was drawn around the perimeter.

Officer Thurman, as well as Officer Richard, were arranged by Chief Yassen to stay on duty last night, after all, this place is also an important place related to the murder of Father Pitt.

The murderer of Father Pitt was killed by the Holy Son himself in this church with divine magic.

The body of the alien demon has been pulled back to the police station, and today to arrange a funeral for Father Pitt, many believers in the town will come, if they see it, it will not be very affected.

And all kinds of rumors will spread quickly, which will lead to a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Even so, the church door that was hit by the alien demon last night gave the police a headache, and it was impossible to repair the gate quickly, and the paw prints left by the alien demon on the floor in the church.

And that large burnt mark is enough to show how extraordinary what happened in the church last night was.

Stuhl greeted the two police officers, and the two priests in the church each came out with black eyes to greet their Son.

The two priests rushed to the town of Gannon the night before, and after experiencing this extraordinary event last night, they were excited and fearful, and they did not rest well, which was equivalent to exhaustion for two whole nights.

“You didn’t get a good rest last night, can your body carry it? Stull said to them.

Rust and Lyden were a little excited, and it was a great honor in their hearts to receive the Son’s attention.

But then Stull continued: “Today I will officiate Father Pitt’s funeral, and I will leave it to the two of you to arrange, and Father Pitt and I have never officiated at someone else’s funeral since we came to Gannon Town Church.” ”

Rust and Leyden looked at each other, but did not dare to refuse this request made by the Holy Son in front of them, and this request was not excessive, for a low-level priest like them, presiding over the funeral was a basic skill.

One of the church’s publicly available financial revenues is the revenue of the funeral industry, and it accounts for a relatively high proportion.

Just taking out the total funeral revenue profit of the church for one year alone can crush a number of top international large enterprises.

After all, when every believer dies, the family of the deceased will ask a priest to preside over the funeral to mourn the deceased.

Although it is claimed that the priest does not charge any fees when presiding over the funeral of the believer, the family will prepare the Mass fee for the priest in advance, which is not too low.

When a dead person dies, there are too many industries that can be associated with the church, the deceased’s makeup, and then the coffin or urn, the venue fee of the funeral company, the cemetery fee, and the church is really able to do business.

Even if a believer dies, he can get his living family members to come to his door and ask for ‘business’!

“Holy Son, have you contacted the funeral company in advance? Rust asked.

Most of the work, such as setting up the premises and the funeral of the dead, is arranged by the funeral company, and the priest only needs to show up and read the memorial speech.

“No, the cemetery is in the cemetery outside the church, and Chief Yasin has spoken to the department in Gannon Town that deals with this kind of affairs. ”

“Could it be… Too shabby? ”

Without looking back, Stull said: “Father Pete has returned to the embrace of the Holy Lord, and his soul has long rested, and as for the decay that remains in the world, it is okay to bury it.” ”

The traces of last night in the church are clearly visible, and the demon who did not survive even one night is Stuel’s first attempt to create extraordinary creatures with a mystery book.

At the same time, the success of this use also made him more cautious about his golden finger, after all, the alien demon was not controlled at all, because he did not add controllable conditions when he created the alien demon in the mystery book.

It’s just that I wrote a holy art that can be used in one go and looks gorgeous, and the only use of this holy art is that in addition to bluffing, it can also kill the alien demon with one hit, and in addition to this, even a mouse cannot be killed.

He sat in a long row of chairs in the corner of the church, and the other seats were too stilted to sit at all.

Closing his eyes and contemplating consciousness into the spiritual space, looking at the simple mystery book in front of him, now it has become Stuhl’s biggest reliance.

There was a very thin golden thread in the spiritual space, and when Stuel raised his hand, the silk thread was like finding the owner’s pet, wrapped around Stuhl’s wrist.

This is the power of faith from the believers in Gannon Town, and the golden silk thread before will be more, which is almost consumed by the magic he created and killed the alien demon in the mystery book.

In the spirit space, Stull reached out and pressed his hand on the ancient cover of the mystery book, and this last bit of faith power was injected into it along his fingers.

The town of Gannon was too small, and he wanted an environment that could take more power from the faithful of his followers.

And it is too troublesome for him to recreate a new god and support a new sect.

He was still a monk of record in the Holy Bishop, the largest church with more than a billion believers in the world.

Even in decline, it gave him a reason to join the Lord and weave bigger lies to fool believers.

It was a bit of a dove’s nest, but when he crossed over and opened Goldfinger, he found that there were no gods and no transcendence in this world.

Holy Bishop, this is like a gorgeous and ownerless palace, waiting for Stull to come and take the initiative to take the initiative.

‘After Father Pete’s funeral, I can use the oil lamp to find the place where the alien demon was born last night, and that place is where the most evil hides in Gannon Town…’

In the mystery book, continuing to write everything, Stull consumed the last remaining beliefs.

He exited the mental space just in time to see Director Yasen walk in outside.

“I didn’t rest at all last night, and I was very troubled about how to write the report of this case, after all, the only priest in our town died.

After hesitating for a long time, I did not write about the alien demon, but treated it as a tragic car accident. ”

Chief Yasen lowered his voice and continued: “If it is a car accident, we can handle it by ourselves at the Gannon Town Police Station, and we don’t even have to go to the Monte City Police Station.”

Even the state government reported there. ”

“Hard work you Director Yasen, after all, it is better not to attract the attention of too many people from the outside world when it comes to alien demons.

A few of us know the truth about this. Stuhl accentuated his tone, “You have to believe me, if the news of the alien suddenly spreads, it will become very troublesome.” ”

Director Yasin nodded, and the Holy Son in front of him showed maturity and steadiness that did not match his current age.

And Chief Yasin is more concerned about what Stuart said last night that the birthplace of the alien demon is definitely the most secret and evil place in this town.

This worried Yassen, who never imagined that Gannon Town, a town with a population of just over 20,000, could exist in such an evil place.

“But in addition to Father Pete, who was killed by the alien demon last night, there was also a woman, Holy Son, whom you said was named Louise.

Yesterday our officers checked and the lady Louise was…” Chief Yasin pursed his lips, still saying, “A… Dancer! ”

Director Yasin felt that with the current age of the Holy Son, he said that Louise was a dancer, and the other party should be able to understand what it meant.

He did not directly say that he was also thinking about the relationship between the Holy Son and Father Pitt, after all, Father Pitt had just been killed, and the Holy Son must be very sad now.

But Stull behaved as usual, and Director Yasin would never know for the rest of his life that the Holy Son he respected in front of him was the ultimate murderer of Father Pitt.

Stull got up from his seat, he looked at Chief Yassen seriously and said, “Can you trouble the chief, do me a favor.” ”

“Say, Holy Son. ”

“Can you find me an oil lamp?” ”

(End of chapter)

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