Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 374 The Harvester

It can be said that the seats on the Executive Committee of the Citadel Council are hard-won for the humans on Earth, and they have an inseparable relationship with Lieutenant Colonel Shepard.

"Shepard..." Androst and the other wizarding world bosses present looked at each other, and immediately understood their thoughts.

They have followed Du Chen for many years, knowing that every era has its own protagonist, whether it is their own world or another world.

Of course, there is also the Milky Way Starfield, but the luck and development of these protagonists are different.

From this point of view, this Shepard is likely to be one of the protagonists of this era.

But whether Shepard is the protagonist or not, it cannot stop the development of the Magic Alliance.

"Then what exactly is the opportunity that the president mentioned? What does it have to do with the entry of earth humans into the Executive Committee of the Citadel?" Misuo asked.

"This opportunity is the appearance of the 'Overlord'." Shalier Zhizhu said with a smile.

"Overlord?" Androst and Miso have already read the historical materials from the establishment of the entire God's Citadel Council to the present, especially the history of humans becoming members of the executive committee three years ago under the reminder of Shalier.

Among them, the super battleship "Overlord" of the mysterious alien race played an absolutely important role.

It is precisely because of the organization of the Overlord to destroy the Citadel Council that Earth humans have become the first race to obtain a seat on the executive committee in more than a thousand years.

"That's right, the Overlord." Shalier explained: "Now most of the members of the Citadel Council don't know the true identity of the 'Overlord'. Only a few people such as Shepard have some clues, but the Citadel Council does not Totally trust his conclusions."

Shalier's words aroused the interest of Misso and Androst.

It seems that the "Overlord" has a huge secret, and even the God's Castle Council, which almost dominates the Milky Way, cannot determine it.

"What is the true identity of the overlord?" Misuo asked curiously.

"Heh." Shalier smiled, and said to other representatives of the Magic Alliance who also showed curiosity: "The Eternal God once said that the overlord is not the warship of the aliens, but the aliens themselves."

"The alien itself?" The surrounding representatives all showed surprise.

Bannerlord's image is no secret, since he's already in the Citadel.

It has a huge body over 2,000 meters high, and its outer armor is so strong that it is difficult for anti-aircraft guns to penetrate, and the laser attack it fires can emit a thousand-degree heat, turning everything it sweeps into a sea of ​​flames.

With such a huge body, and super strong defense and attack, the overlord has already surpassed the Turian flagship, which is known as the military leader of the Citadel Council.

If the overlord invades Thedas, I am afraid that the current magical power of Thedas will not even be able to break the overlord's defense.

And such a thing, Shalier actually said it was the alien itself?

"That's right, the Overlord is one of the arms of the Reaper." Shalier released a bomb.


"Are the legends left by those ancient civilizations true?"

"Reapers really exist?"

Unlike Androst and Misso who were bewildered, the other representatives of the Magic Alliance who had entered the castle for a while immediately exclaimed.

Seeing this situation, Androst and Miso immediately used the multi-tool they had just acquired to check the information of "Reaper".

But it seems that they are basically sporadic legends in some unofficial rumors. It is believed that there is a very mysterious race called "Reapers" in the Milky Way star field. As for what kind of mysterious method, it is basically not clear what it does.

However, the most recent appearance of the name was proposed by Shepard, a famous soldier of the Human Star Federation in the past two years.

Seeing the name Shepard, Misso and Androst immediately grasped the key.

Shepard mentioned in his report to the Citadel Council that the so-called renegade ghost agent Saren is not the controller of the overlord battleship, nor is he controlling the Geth (AI) army, but the overlord is controlling Saren and Geth (AI).

Shepard believes that the Overlord is a member of an alien race called the Reapers, and the Overlord that appeared this time is an outpost for the Reapers to launch a war of destruction.

They possess an insidious means of corrupting the minds of organisms known as "indoctrination". Can be "reprogrammed" by altering physical or mental states using electromagnetic fields, infrasound or ultrasonic noise, and other subconscious methods.

And the resulting control of the limbic system by the Reaper makes victims receptive to its cues.

Organisms undergoing "edification" may complain of headaches and buzzing or ringing in the ears. Over time, they experience "being watched" and hallucinations of "scary presence".

Eventually, the Reapers gained the ability to use the bodies of their victims to amplify their signals.

Saren is the perfect latent agent "educated" by the Reapers.

A Reaper's "advice" can manipulate a victim into betraying a friend, trusting an enemy, or becoming superstitiously in awe of the Reaper. Even a competent political or military leader can be surreptitiously overthrown, and the resulting chaos can topple a country.

At the same time, Shepard combined with the disappearance of a large number of human colonies a few years ago, and mentioned that these humans were kidnapped by an alien race called "Collectors", who are also a type of Reapers.

The purpose of their kidnapping of human beings is to obtain human DNA, so as to create a human form reaper that combines organic and inorganic bodies.

This report is very appalling. Until now, although human beings have become one of the executive members of the Citadel Council, they still cannot confirm the authenticity of Shepard's report.

Because the evidence mentioned by Shepard is outside a mass repeater that can only enter but cannot exit, the God's Castle Council cannot send people to investigate.

So this matter has been shelved.

"The God of Eternity said that the 'Overlord' is an alien creature, that is to say, what Lieutenant Colonel Shepard said is true?" Misuo looked up and asked the angel Shalier after reading the information about the Reaper. .

"I don't know if it's completely true or not, because God didn't say much." Shalier shook his head: "But God said, and he will come to the castle in person soon. At that time, you can pray for yourself oracle."

"Will the Eternal God come in person?"

"Oh my God, I didn't expect to see my Lord in person..."

After hearing Shalier's words, all the representatives of the alliance present became excited.

Although they are all under the rule of DU dust, few of them have seen DU dust with their own eyes, and Androst has only seen it once.

Really want to say, only Shalier, who is a secretary, sees DU dust the most times.

"Okay, although the big event is coming soon, you should register in the Citadel first." Shalier said to Misuo, "There are many races in the Citadel, and Lyrium of Tidus is one of them." It is a very good material, and there should be many races interested in it."

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