Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 373 God's Citadel Executive Committee

Humans are a general term for similar high-intelligence primate creatures. This kind of creature is not only in Thedas, but there are similar races in many places in the universe. However, for the sake of distinction, the origin of this human race will be used in the collective call.

Such as Thedas humans, Earth humans, etc.

The Executive Committee of the Citadel Council is the most powerful organization in the Citadel Council, similar to the permanent members of the United Nations on Earth, and has a pivotal position in the affairs of the Citadel.

The reason why the star federation formed by humans on earth can become an executive committee member makes other races so different, because its civilization is too far away from the other three.

The first Asari who entered the Citadel originated from the Athena Nebula, the second planet in the Panisha galaxy, Sessia, this ancient and beautiful planet is called "the jewel in the crown of the Milky Way".

From a physiological point of view, most of the Asari have blue-purple skin, and their body structure is similar to that of the elves to a certain extent, and the entire race is all female, distinguished by elegant manners, superb diplomacy, and powerful talents. famous.

Every Asari is born with supernatural powers, but because Asari are naturally peace-loving and have a highly developed social civilization, some Asari think that supernatural powers are useless, so they will not develop their own supernatural powers.

Moreover, the life cycle of thousands of years and the unique physiological structure allow them to reproduce with individuals of any gender of any race, which also makes them adopt a conservative but enjoyable attitude towards other races.

It was also they who inherited the technological beacon left by an extinct ancient race "Prothean" at the beginning of development, and developed interstellar navigation technology through research on the beacon, and were the first to discover the mass effect repeater, and then found Citadel.

They believed that the Citadel was also a relic of the Prothean civilization, so they occupied the Citadel as Prothean successors.

Salari (amphibians) are the second race to come to the Citadel. They are warm-blooded amphibians with extremely active metabolism, and they look like salamanders walking upright. They think fast, talk fast, and act fast. Other races appear clumsy and dull in their eyes.

Correspondingly, however, their metabolic rate makes them relatively short-lived, and salarians over the age of 40 are very rare.

The high-speed metabolic ability allows them to only need to sleep for an hour a day, and the working rhythm of the mind and body is faster than most intelligent life forms, which also makes them pay more attention to defeating the enemy without fighting in the military.

Using a powerful intelligence system to support small-scale combat operations can play a big role in four or two. Often before the battle begins, they can obtain detailed information about the enemy's defense, combat intentions, and timetable.

More often than not, the Salarian (amphibious) army preemptively strikes quietly.

In their view, knowing the enemy's attack plan and letting it go smoothly is foolish, and announcing one's own attack plan is crazy.

They think that the moral concepts of "never fight until you are attacked" and "never fight without declaring" are very naive.

Only 60 years after the Asari entered the Citadel, the Salari (amphibious people) discovered the Citadel and became the second space race to enter.

Twenty years later, the Citadel Council was formally established.

The Asari colonized the Citadel along with the salarians (amphibians) and made it the center of the galactic community, led by the Council's Executive Committee. This year is also known as the Year One of the Milky Way.

Immediately afterwards, the Waller, Batarian, Echo, Hana, and Quarian joined the Citadel Council successively.

Until more than four hundred years later, a certain Citadel expedition activated a dormant mass repeater, and a highly developed intelligent Zerg named "Raikeni" was discovered.

The Rakhni (Zerg) were full of hostility and quickly involved other races in the galaxy in the flames of war.

Negotiations with the Rakhni (Zerg) could not be achieved due to the Rakhni (Zerg) queen living under the surface of the poisonous planet.

The Rakhine War broke out.

In order to defeat the Zerg, Salari (amphibians) contacted the Krogans (dinosaurs) who had caused the planet to enter a nuclear winter due to the nuclear civil war. On the condition of providing advanced science and technology, Salari (amphibious people) manipulated Krogan to become a soldier of the council.

The Krogan (dinosaurs) proved to be able to adapt to the environment of the Rakhni (Zerg) home planet. They broke into the Rakhni (Zerg) lair and burned the queen bug and eggs.

After 300 years of war, the Raikeni (Zerg race) was declared extinct by the Citadel Council.

In order to thank the Krogan (dinosaurs) who assisted during the Rakhni (Zerg) War, the Citadel Council gave the Krogan a new garden planet.

Breaking away from Tuzenka's harsh living environment, the krogan (dinosaurs) immediately began to reproduce at a rate like a population explosion.

In another three hundred years, the Krogan (dinosaurs) expanded wildly in the galaxy, destroyed many races, and occupied a large number of colonies.

In order to limit the krogan (dinosaurs), the Citadel Council first attacked the people on the grounds that the krogan had invaded the Asari colony planet, and launched the first round of strikes against the krogan infrastructure led by ghost agents .

Then the krogan (dinosaur) rebellion started.

The Citadel Council made first contact with the turians, asking them to join the war, and the turians then declared war on the krogan.

Realizing that as long as the krogan (dinosaurs) can keep replenishing their soldiers, they will not surrender, the turians use the biochemical weapon "gene phagocytosis" developed by salari (amphibious people) on the krogan. ".

"Gene phagocytosis" caused the fertility rate of the Krogan people (dinosaurs) to drop sharply, infertility, miscarriage, and premature death tortured the entire Krogan people (dinosaur people), and finally caused the number of Krogan people to drop sharply .

The end of the Krogan Rebellion War, although sporadic guerrilla warfare continued for decades afterward, saw turians take over the krogan's military role in the Citadel community.

One hundred years later, the Turians had become the most powerful military force in the Citadel, and the Citadel Council granted the Council of the Citadel a seat on the Executive Committee of the Citadel Council for their outstanding contributions to the Krogan Rebellion.

So far, the pattern of the three major races controlling the Citadel has lasted for more than a thousand years.

until three years ago.

A super-developed unknown race "Overlord" led the AI ​​mechanical race "Geth" to start a war in the galaxy, and was later discovered by Lieutenant Colonel Shepard of the Human Star Federation, behind it was the rebellious Turian ghost agent Saren's plan.

While Shepard pursued Saren, the Overlord led a fleet of geth (AI) to attack the Citadel.

At the last moment, Lieutenant Colonel Shepard, a human on Earth, defeated the Overlord and saved the Citadel Council.

In order to commend Shepard and the humans on Earth for their contributions in the crisis of the Citadel, the Citadel Council specially granted the Humans on Earth a seat on the executive committee.

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