"Xanaiduo, stop it." DU Chen said.

With a flash of Xanadu's figure, he appeared in the air, blocking Poksky's way.

Poksky was not afraid at all, and directly resorted to "swapping venues" to change positions with Xanadu, flapping his wings and flying away at high speed.

Poksky had no intention of fighting, and seemed to be looking for Sirona.

Du Chen immediately gave orders to all the inverted space infected bodies, and when he saw the champions and their elves who came in together, he united with his nearby companions to infect them.

As the source of the virus, except for the infected body, everyone and elves here are his enemies.

However, he can fully telepathize with the infected body, and each infected body is his clone and eyes, just like opening a plug-in map.

Most of the champions and elves who came in were lost, and this is a good time to hunt them down...


At the moment when DU Chen was sucked into the reverse space, all the infected bodies in the real world sensed something was wrong.

It's as if the most important relative in my life has gone away suddenly. Although I know that he is not dead, it seems that I will never see him again, as if the meaning of life has suddenly disappeared.

On the deep sea submarine, Izumi and Ushio looked at each other.

"Did you feel it?" Quan opened his mouth, but still asked.

"Yeah." Chao nodded calmly, his expression unchanged, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Master Quan, we are already approaching Liuli City, and the leader of Shuiwutong will join us there." A member of the Ocean Regiment stepped forward and said.

In the past few days, Quan Hechao has incorporated most of the members of the ocean group they met, and Shui Wutong has also approved the exploration of the northern waters of Liuli City.

After Quan infected Kusnoji, he learned from Kusnoji that he and the Devon Company have been using ∞ energy to manufacture high-tech products for these years.

These include rockets powered by ∞ energy and submarines.

These things are now owned by the hive, including the "Haiyuan No. 1" used by Quan and Chao.

If DU Chen was here, he would definitely recognize that this was the ship used by the ocean group and the lava group in the original Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

"According to the source's instructions, the hive must be present when we look for Gaioka, but now we can't contact him, what should we do?" Quan asked.

Chao was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "Then include all participants in the hive, so that even if it is not the source, it is equivalent to the presence of the hive."

"Then, the leader of Shuiwutong also wants to..." Quan hesitated to speak.

Chao clenched his fists, feeling the explosive power in his muscles: "Actually, there's nothing wrong with joining a hive, is there?"

"..." Quan didn't speak anymore, she knew that this man who was originally loyal to the leader had been completely bought by the powerful physique and extreme high-level control given by the hive.

But that's fine, since Ushio has already made a decision, she doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

However, once the water phoenix tree is infected, doesn't it mean that the ocean group was completely annexed by the hive...


Yuhong City.

Trucks drove into a machinery factory in the suburbs, and there was already a group of people in black suits waiting.

"Okay, here is the cargo list for this time, take a look." The leader of the truck team handed a paper manifest to the beautiful girl named Flora in front of him, looking at her with complicated eyes The group of receivers who followed.

Flora asked her subordinates to check the goods with the manifest, and there was no problem.

"Very well, the remaining money will be transferred to you according to the agreement." After Flora finished speaking, she directed her subordinates to transport all the elves in the truck to the underground of the factory building.

The leader nodded, returned to the car, and rumbled away with his team of trucks.

"Boss, didn't you say that the Rockets were disbanded? I don't think the rest of them have changed except for this woman." A younger brother next to the leader asked.

The leader took a puff of cigarette and understood what the younger brother meant.

They are the company that supplies the game city in Yuhong City. Naturally, they know that the person in charge of the game city is a member of the Rockets. The two parties have cooperated with each other for so many years and have a good understanding. They have never defaulted on the payment of goods.

But since the Kanto Rockets announced their disbandment a week ago, they have all had this big customer and then they are gone.

But I didn't expect to receive a new order as usual, and even the people who received the goods just now were the members of the previous Rockets. Except for changing the Rockets logo into a new one, nothing changed, just like the Rockets. just changed the name...

The same thing happened in every city in Kanto. Although the Rockets officially disbanded, all businesses continued to operate as usual with little change.

Combined with Sakagi's previous remarks about expelling senior cadres such as Fulindo and Lance, everyone immediately understood that the Rockets did not disappear, but changed hands.

The hive, this new organization resounded throughout the underground world of Kanto within a day.


"Kindai, have you been infected by the virus?" Ma Shide looked at Shendai who was not far away from him, with regret flashing in his eyes.

Although this junior is a little more aggressive, he is still an indispensable force for the alliance. Now being infected by the virus is really a huge loss for the alliance.

"That's right, I feel like I'm twenty years younger now, so Master Mashid can give it a try." Komyo smiled.

He has received DU Chen's order to infect the people he meets, and now he just meets Ma Shide.

"I won't try this old bone, I don't want to become a monster." Ma Shide shook his head and threw a poke ball.

A gray bear with white fur appeared.

Before being sucked in here just now, this elf was in the elf ball, so it was not lost.

The legendary wizard bear apprentice...

Jindai recognized this mysterious elf at a glance.

This is a rare legendary elf that can evolve, but before it evolves into a martial arts bear master, it will not be too strong.

"Go, Night Demon." The Age of God released his elves.

Phantom attribute, bear apprentice of Wanke fighting department.

With a flash of one eye, the Night Demon Spirit flew up and fought with Apprentice Xiong. Although Apprentice Xiong's attributes were suppressed, he was an elf trained by the champion leader after all, and the means to defend against the enemy were sufficient.

When the two elves were fighting, Jindai suddenly ran to Ma Shide at a quick step, ignored Ma Shide's shocked eyes, and punched the old man in the face.

Although Ma Shide's physical fitness is not bad due to years of practice, but he is an old man after all, how can he stop the strong man of the Age of God who has been strengthened several times.

The old man spun 3600 degrees in the air and fell to the ground with a bang.

Fighting champions and leaders, punching directly outside the court...

Shendai's actions, not to mention apprentice Xiong, even startled his own night demon.

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