In another timeline, Ho-Wang kills the source of the virus, making all the infected go insane.

And in this timeline, the mythical elves plan to exile the source of the virus to the reverse world. If the source is not dead, the infected bodies will not lose control.

As long as the source is trapped in the reverse world, Rogia and the others can control a highly fused infected body and replace him, the source of the virus, here to command.

The highly confluent infectious body they chose was Yaknom.

Dialga once said it was the key to fighting the threat, and of course, who better to command than the God of Will?

Aknom will become the new leader of the infected, sparking a war between the hive and the alliance of elves.

And when they lose both, the mythical elves will appear to cleanse human civilization again, just like what Kyoka and Gulardo did last time.

"You have always wanted to cleanse humans, but because of the agreement signed by Arceus, you can't intervene at will, so you want to trigger a war between the hive and the alliance, tear up the agreement, and intervene in the development of the world again." Du Chen continued: " To wipe out me and the top management of the alliance today, and imprison me in the reverse world is the first step of the war."

"Hahaha, you are very smart, you are smarter than humans." Rogia laughed loudly: "This is indeed our plan."

"In our long life, we have watched humans build many civilizations, some very advanced and some very backward, but there has never been a civilization as vicious as this one."

"In the past, humans might be hostile to elves, or they might be friendly to elves, but they have never been captured, brainwashed and enslaved with small balls." Rogia said seriously.

"Humans capture the elves who lived freely in nature and make them attack each other for fun. For the vanity of master trainers and the like, they squeeze the lives of elves without a bottom line and let them live a short life Spent in endless battles."

"Not only that, but they were raised in captivity, instilled with slave and pet thinking from birth, and let them serve humans from generation to generation."

"The civilization developed by human beings has been too biased, extravagant and extravagant, unlimited exploitation of nature, and resources in many places have been plundered and exhausted."

"The coal you burn is the corpse fossils of the vegetation of this world for hundreds of millions of years, and the oil you burn is the relics of elves and animal corpses buried deep in the ground for hundreds of millions of years. Compared with the crystal civilization and light energy civilization of previous generations, you The civilization this time is more like a corpse oil civilization based on burning corpses."

Not only DU Chen said this, even several league champions were stunned. They didn't expect that the industrial electrical civilization that human beings are proud of is so unbearable in the eyes of mythical elves.

"Originally because of Arceus' agreement, we didn't intend to intervene too early, but we didn't expect your ambition to expand to challenge the mythical elves with ∞ energy, which made us have to react."

I don't know if it's because the ocean pollution is too serious, which makes the sea god very unhappy. Compared with the other mythical elves, Rogia seems more willing to sue.

Challenge the mythical elves with ∞ energy?

Hearing Rogia's words, the senior leaders of the alliance present immediately understood what it meant.

A few years ago, led by the Alliance and Devon, a project was formed called the Rift Block Capture Project.

Its project is to use the ∞ energy developed by the German company to make a device that can restrain the mythical elves, and intends to capture the ruler of the atmosphere, the empty seat.

This device is driven by ∞ energy, which can take life energy from the opponent and weaken it.

Relying on this device, the Alliance once captured the weak Rayquax due to the battle with the alien life form Deoxys.

The champions present are all in high positions, and none of them are human beings. At this moment, they understand the real reason why they started the war...

Of course, it is true that humans over-exploited resources and enslaved elves, but what really made the mythical elves determined to destroy this civilization is that humans have developed to the point where they can threaten them.

The previous primitive civilizations offered and worshiped them as gods, but this generation of humans actually wants to control their power...

This time it's the empty seat, what about next time? Will it be Poseidon?

Phoenix King possesses the power to bring the dead back to life, isn't his ability the most coveted?

The fear of this human civilization is the real reason for the mythical elves to take these actions.

Having said what was in his heart, Rogia seemed to be in a happy mood, turned his head to Du Chen and the alliance champions who had been controlled by Palkya, and said, "Giratina is waiting for you in the reverse world. It doesn't like rude people, remember to say hello to it."

After finishing speaking, the black hole in the sky erupted with a surge of gravitational force, and everyone present and the elves rose from the ground and were sucked into the gate of the reverse world.

The four mythological elves watched quietly, until only Aknom was left on the scene, Dialga and Palkya withdrew their power, and the black hole disappeared into the air.


The space in front of DU Chen changed, and the sky and the earth hung upside down. After a while of dizziness, he found himself in a world with a black theme.

Reverse the world...

Of course DU Chen can recognize this place, which is called the shadow of the real world. In the original Platinum, there is a plot where the protagonist explores here.

However, there are only a dozen reverse world maps in the game, but this real reverse world is indeed as grand as the real world.

After induction, Kona, Quan and the others had only a weak induction, and all the infected bodies in the same space with him still had a very clear connection, Du Chen immediately ordered them to gather in his place.

Don't know where those champion leaders fell.

If it was random, maybe someone would fall thousands of miles away...

According to DU Chen's understanding of the original work, there is only one way to return to the real world, and that is through Giratina.

But the reverse world is incredible. Where can I find this mythical elf? Pluto Giratina and the two gods of time and space are clones of Arceus. Even if they are found, Giratina will definitely not be willing to send him back.

Rogia said so much just now, but there are still some details that Du Chen doesn't quite understand. For example, Giratina is the master of the inverted world. It has nothing to do with human beings exploiting nature. It is not afraid of human threats here. Why get involved?

The space around DU Chen flickered, and Lila and Xanadu appeared.

In addition to them, DU dust saw a white elf circle around his head and flew away.


This is the elf released by Sirona just now.

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