Villains Template

Chapter 756: Yue Si sells knives

However, as soon as Yue Si picked up the chopsticks and placed it on the dishes, several people sat on his table, and the table with only one person was filled in an instant.

These few people Yue Si recognized were those swordsmen who had been quietly following him on the street before. It seemed that they had found the right time, thought of a way, and were ready to pinch themselves.

Yue Siquan regarded them as air, picked up his chopsticks and started eating noodles. A bowl of noodles the size of a washbasin was eaten by Yue Si, leaving only some soup and water at the bottom of the bowl. Si picked up the bowl and poured the noodle soup at the bottom of the bowl into his mouth.

Yue Si, who was drinking the soup, suddenly said, "Don't move, it's mine!"

A swordsman sitting next to Yue Si tightened his body instantly, because his hand was reaching for the Amitabha Buddha's sword. When Yue Si sat down, he did not learn from the hero in the martial arts movie, and placed his sword on the table. , but leaned against the table, just as the swordsman stretched his hand through the bottom of the table to Amitabha Buddha's zen sword, Yue Si gave a warning.

Not only him, but the swordsman next to him is also nervous. Their hands have been pressed to their respective swords. If they disagree, they will draw their swords and face each other.

Yue Si put down the bowl, looked at a swordsman and said, "I ordered this dish. If you want to eat it, order it yourself. Don't reach out to my dish."

The swordsman withdrew his hand in embarrassment. Just now while Yue Si was eating noodles and drinking soup, he was about to start with Yue Si's dish, intending to pinch a piece of meat and taste it, but he was stopped by Yue Si.

It's just that the swordsman didn't understand why he would stop because of Yue Si's words on weekdays. If it was the case in the past, now he would swear at Yue Si, provoking and threatening.

He tore off a piece of chicken leg from the whole chicken to eat. Yue Si looked at the swordsman who had already touched the Amitabha Buddha's sword and said, "Why, do you like my sword?"

Seeing that his petty theft was discovered, the swordsman stopped pretending and slapped the Amitabha Zen sword on the table and said, "Scholar, you have taken a fancy to this sword, how much do you want to sell it for? Rich?"

‘What a coincidence, as soon as I got up and wanted to sell this knife, a buyer came to my door. "Yue Si chewed and ate the chicken legs together with the bones, and said, "This is the treasure knife left by the ancestors after meeting the immortals. It will be sold for three thousand taels of silver, but I remember the money, and ten taels are enough. "

This price makes those swordsmen's hearts move. An ordinary knife can be sold for about fifteen taels, but looking at Yue Si's knife, even if it is just a scabbard, it is worth fifty taels of silver. After listening to Yue Si's offer, he wanted to avoid those troubles.

The left and right are only 12 taels of silver, and for such a knife, it can be considered a profit.

"Twelve taels, okay, my uncle bought it." The swordsman was about to pay, but he heard Yue Si say: "Oh, don't worry, wait for me to tell you the benefits of this knife in detail, listen to you. After that, they will definitely raise the price for me, this is a treasured sword from the immortal."

The swordsman reached into his arms and took out the money, and looked at his left and right accomplices with a smile: "Oh, tell me carefully, where is the treasure of this knife?"

Yue Si tore off another chicken leg, chewed it up and swallowed it bone-by-belt: "This knife of mine has four treasures. First, you can understand it when you look at the knife."

Hearing that, the swordsman picked up the Amitabha Buddha's zen sword and looked at it carefully. It didn't matter when he saw it, his eyes widened.

When I looked at Yue Si's saber from a distance, I only felt that the equipment was exquisite. On closer inspection, I was shocked. The pattern decoration on the equipment was actually composed of countless relief murals, and there were several figures in the size of rice grains. A place the size of the belly of a finger is a complete scene. I don’t know how much gold and silver it costs, and how much time it takes the top craftsmen to carefully carve out the gorgeous decoration of the scabbard, the tang, and the head of the knife. .

Pulling out the knife, the bright blade reflects the light, as if reflecting into the heart of the swordsman. The smooth blade is the best sword the swordsman has ever seen in his life. Delicate, with this knife, this swordsman saw his face so clearly for the first time in his life.

"Beiqi's mother, who is this ugly ghost!"

After scolding, the swordsman remembered that his face was reflected on the body of the sword, and quickly closed his voice, wanting to reach out and touch the body of the sword, but was afraid that his palm prints would contaminate the beauty of the body of the sword.

Upon closer inspection, there are even more delicate and vivid portraits engraved on both sides of the blade.

However, the Amitabha Zen sword that appeared in the eyes of the swordsman was different from what Yue Si saw at the beginning.

What Yue Si saw was the Bodhisattva Arhat and the Vajra Warrior. On both sides of the blade were the three Buddhas and the King of Anger.

What the swordsman saw was the eighteen mud-plough hells, where ten thousand ghosts suffered, and on both sides of the blade were engraved Asura Yaksha and Rakshasa evil ghosts.

When this sword was in Yue Si's hands, it was a sword of mercy. Although it had the wrath of King Kong and the anger of King Ming, it also surrendered to external demons and suppressed inner demons.

When this knife is in the hands of the swordsman, it is endless suffering, a ghost chasing a soul, a demon cannibal, and it seems to be suspected of being addicted to the Lord.

"Good knife! Good knife!" Although the sight of all kinds of suffering and suffering is fierce, the swordsman did not realize it, and wiped his saliva. Even if this knife does not kill people, it is already a rare treasure in the world. Not to mention 3,000 taels, if you meet a wealthy guy who knows how to do it, you can sell 30,000 taels.

At the moment of holding this Amitabha Buddha Zen sword, the five desires of the swordsman were aroused and aroused, and he had lost himself.

"Then, what is the second item?"

Yue Si said with a smile: "The second piece is to chop copper and iron, the knife edge is not curled... You come or I come."

The swordsman indicated with his eyes, and the swordsman next to him immediately took out a stack of copper coins from his arms and placed it on the edge of the table, and then a few people dispersed, lest one of his bosses accidentally hurt himself.

Contrary to them, the originally lively store suddenly became quiet, and the diners stuck their heads and stretched their heads one by one, looking towards Yue Si, lest they miss out on the excitement.

"I'm coming." The swordsman held the Amitabha Zen saber in his hand, rolled up his sleeves, and held his breath, only the stack of copper coins in his eyes.

Although the face is ugly and the person is inferior, this swordsman has a lot of skills. With just one knife, he turned the stack of copper coins into two halves, half of which was left on the table, and the other half fell to the ground with one corner of the table.

"What a fast knife!" The swordsman exclaimed. Just now, he slashed with the knife, and when it fell, it seemed to be nothing. Although he cut the copper coin and the corner of the willow table, it seemed as if it had been slashed in the air.

"The third thing is to make a decisive blow, pull out a piece of hair, put it on the blade of the knife and blow it lightly, and it will break." Yue Si saw that the swordsman was caught, and followed Yang Zhi's routine of selling knives. to, and gestured to pull out a few hairs and blow it towards the blade.

"I believe this, I believe it." The swordsman asked: "What about the last one?"

"The last thing is that killing people does not stick to blood." Yue Si took a knife with his right hand, swiped forward, and said: "Kill someone, there is no blood on the knife, no blood, just one word, fast!"

After listening to Yue Si's words, the swordsman suddenly looked bad and looked at the diners in the store. The original diners who were watching the fun all bowed their heads and ate with peace of mind, not even swearing. The swordsman's attention, he pulled himself to be the unlucky person who tried the knife.

These swordsmen rely on their kung fu and swords on weekdays. They are so fierce that even the government can't help them.

But the swordsman didn't do that. He just put the Amitabha Buddha's sword back into the sheath, and then groped for some silver from his arms and threw it on the table. It was a silver ingot and some scattered silver: "The silver here is There are about fifteen taels, and this knife will be mine in the future."

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk." Yue Si put the silver together and said with a smile, "I'll just say it. After listening to me, you will definitely add more money."

Holding the Amitabha Buddha Zen sword in his arms as if he was holding his own life, the swordsman took off a sword from his body and threw it on the table together with the scabbard: "This is the sword that I slaughtered and snatched from a blind guy. I don't take advantage of you either, this sword should be given to you."

After all, holding the knife, the swordsman was surrounded by his own group of brothers and left the inn.

There was excitement on the face of the swordsman. His brothers congratulated the swordsman with a tone of compliment and envy. At the same time, they scolded Yue Si for being stupid, but their eyes were fixed on the Amitabha Buddha's sword. , even if they tried their best to hide it, they couldn't hide the deepest greed in their eyes.

They also want this knife, and they also want to try whether the "sharp decision" and "kill without blood" are true.

The ghosts of **** on the scabbard seem to have changed from carvings to real existence, tearing the soul vision of these swordsmen, pulling them into hell, making these swordsmen become muddled and more extreme, turning the poor and sad. Eighteen kinds of disasters, such as pain, loneliness, shame, and bad luck, are imposed on them, causing them to suffer many disasters and die.

If the sword is unsheathed, it will be even more incredible, Yaksha Shura appears, and it is directly affected by three disasters and nine disasters.

The more creatures you kill with this knife, the stronger its power will be.

Before coming to the town, Yue Si killed several unqualified strongmen with the Amitabha Zen sword on the road, took their lives, split their souls and consciousness, and completely wiped out the existence of those few people between heaven and earth. To make this extraordinary power of the magic weapon stand out.

However, held in the hands of Yue Si and controlled by Yue Si, the Amitabha Buddha Zen Sword is the real Zen sword. It can slay demons and evil people from the outside, resist all external demons, and at the same time, it can subdue the internal demons, so that people can enter the tranquility of Zen meditation and enlightenment. realm.

Those who have insufficient skills and xinxing have obtained it, and the Amitabha Buddha Zen Sword will reveal the essence of the magic sword, bring the person holding it into disaster and death, and radiate it to the surrounding area, pulling the people around the person holding the sword into the sword. Unlucky.

Or, use a knife to control a person, turning the knife-wielding person into a walking knife holder and becoming a knife slave.

When the Amitabha Buddha's zen sword fell into the hands of these swordsmen, it was inevitable that it would be used in the fight. Taking the lives of others was inevitable, and this would speed up the process.

However, the gods know the master, and the Amitabha Buddha's sword will definitely return to Yue Si's hands. Yue Si is also happy to see someone who is beyond their own power take this magic sword from his own hands. When the order collapsed, it was the devil. When the knife strikes.

In the inn, after the swordsmen left, the diners who were drowning in their meals resumed their liveliness, chatting while eating, and the topic was occasionally brought up to Yue Si.

Yue Si placed the sword against the table, swept away the unfinished dishes, then pulled the half stack of copper coins at the corner of the table into his hands, and greeted Xiao Er, "Xiao Er, this table I don't need to pay."

The shop assistant nodded and said, "Guest officer, how can you pay for it... I'll show you to the guest room?"

"Okay." Yue Si raised his sword and followed the second shopkeeper upstairs.

When he arrived at the guest room, the shop assistant, perhaps because of the few coins that Yue Si had given him earlier, was very enthusiastic, so he opened the window early to ventilate, and introduced to Yue Si: "Guest officer, although this quilt is not new, I specially give it to him. You got a new set and a new set to keep it clean."

"Okay, good, I'm interested." It's just some money left and right, and the quality of service has improved a lot, and Yue Si is also happy to see it.

When the second shopkeeper turned to leave, he brought the door to Yue Si from the outside, and Yue Si began to look at the sword in his hand.

With a gentle pull, the long sword did not come out of the scabbard. After running the mana to pull out the stained long sword, a stench filled the room. Connected together, Yue Si didn't pull it out at the first time: "These guys really don't care about weapons!"

Why is it a treasure that killing people does not stick to blood? After ordinary sword fights, the gaps caused by the collision of the blades need to be ground to keep them sharp; Rot in the scabbard.

Therefore, in the sword and halberd films, you can often see the scene where the samurai maintains the sword, and when the sword is closed after slashing, he takes out the pocket paper to wipe off the blood on the knife, and throws the pocket paper on the enemy's corpse. She sheathed the knife and left gracefully. ???

Those knights and chivalrous women in martial arts films have internal power to protect themselves, and the sword does not stick to blood as an active skill. Once the internal force spit out the sword, the blood will not stick, so there is no need to do that.

Listening to the swordsman's meaning, this long sword was obtained from others after he killed someone. Naturally, he would not cherish what was not his own. Moreover, although the swordsman had kung fu, he had no inner strength. This is how the long sword became.

As soon as Yue Si's mana turned, the stains and rust on the scabbard and the sword body instantly dissipated.

Early the next Yue Si checked out and left, and asked the shop assistant to prepare some dry food cooked meat to eat on the road, wrapped a package on his back, and asked where the nearest town was located. The direction and distance, the sword got up and went on the road.

He originally wanted to go to Guobei County, where the story took place, but after asking around, no one knew where it was, so he prepared to rush to the next town and ask there.

Walking on the street, Yue Si heard a lot of talk from pedestrians. Hearing carefully, it turned out that the group of swordsmen who bought knives from Yue Si yesterday almost died.

It turned out that their boss got a good knife yesterday, and they drank to celebrate at night. After three rounds of drinking, they didn't know how to quarrel. A certain swordsman robbed the boss's treasured knife, hacked other people to death, and then went to Baitiancheng. As soon as the door opened, he ran away in a hurry.

"The fate is too thin, the luck is not prosperous, the consciousness is not firm, and the xinxing cultivation base is not enough. I thought that after they took away the Amitabha Buddha's sword, they would be able to live for a while before they would be attacked, but they didn't survive even a night. It's sad!"

With a mocking evaluation of the swordsmen, Yue Si set foot on the road. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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