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Chapter 755: "A Chinese Ghost Story"

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"A Chinese Ghost Story" world.

As soon as he entered this world, Yue Si frowned. This world made him feel very uncomfortable.

This world is very chaotic, just like the previous world of "Nine Uncles", although the vitality is sufficient, it is possible to practice and run mana to cast spells, and even the martial arts of martial arts practitioners are much stronger than those of other worlds, but there are also monsters. All over the place, evil spirits and demons are everywhere.

It's just that this world is not as good as the world of "Nine Uncles". Although the vitality of that world is declining, the magical power is weakening, and the current situation is turbulent, the gods and Buddhas still exist in the sky, and the order of heaven still exists. For example, the four The head priest can ask the patriarch to help, even if he doesn't use any supernatural powers, he can beat the shrewd zombie with just one breath.

In this world, the gods and Buddhas have disappeared without a trace, and the rules and order, inheritance and supernatural powers they left behind are still preserved along with the operation of the heaven. Yi Tianzun's "Taiyi Expelling Sins and Slaying Demons and Protecting the Body Curse" relies on "the boundlessness of heaven and earth, Qiankun borrows the law" to borrow mana from heaven and earth to cast the spell.

However, due to the lack of maintenance, the rules and order are still in dire straits. Countless powerful demons have divided the underworld and the Yang world. Purdue Cihang dared to steal the dragon energy to occupy a country's luck, and put it in the shape of a **** and Buddha; Occupy the dead city...

The place where Yue Si appeared was in the wilderness, and there were many bones in the grass. I don't know if it was killing people and throwing corpses, or starving the victims to death.

"In short, I want to control the world, not be swayed by this world, and can't follow the tonality of this world."

Each world has its own style. If it is targeted by the world consciousness, the situation will be very bad. You have to follow its established plot and waste time and energy.

Saying this to himself, Yue Si took out three cards.

"Item Card: Amitabha Zen Sword." Remember the website m.xbequge. com

"Explanation: Killing is to protect life, and killing business is not killing people."

"Explanation 2: There is nothing that cannot be slashed, it can destroy the indestructible body of the King Kong, it can destroy the primordial spirit that is immortal, and it can destroy a little indestructible spiritual consciousness."

"Explanation 3: It's called the Zen Sword, but it's actually a magic sword. The more creatures it kills, the stronger the power of this sword will be, and at the same time, it will be more difficult to control."

Activated the item Ka-Amitabha Zen Sword, and what fell into the hands of Yue Si was a gorgeous long sword. The scabbard was carefully lacquered, inlaid with intricately patterned copper-colored equipment, and wrapped in a layer of leather of the same color. Come, countless Sanskrit scriptures are pierced with needles on the leather, and the golden decorations are countless Bodhisattva Arhats and Vajrayana.

The handle of the knife is wrapped in pearl fish skin, and the handguard is also ornately decorated in copper.

Pulling out the sword, the shape of the sword is that of a wild goose-winged sword. The body of the sword is as bright as a mirror. One side is engraved with the three Buddhas, and the other side is engraved with King Ming Ming. Although it is not a magic weapon, it is a top-level weapon.

With a slight wave, without using any sharp weapon, Amitabha Buddha's Zen saber slashed out a sharp edge, and countless weeds taller than a human overturned.

"Good knife."

Returning the knife to the sheath, Yue Si looked at the second card again.

"Item Card: "Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" Remnant"

"Explanation: You have seen it and used it, you must know it very well."

"Remarks: The superiors hear the Dao, and they practice it diligently; the sergeant hears the Dao, if it survives or perishes; the sergeant hears the Dao, and laughs at it."

"Remarks: Those who learn from me live, and those who resemble me die."

"Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun", in the world of "Fate/Zero", Yue Si once saw some scraps in the Matou family's collection, but he also successfully used it to make "Destroying Demons and Restraining Ghosts" ”, summoned a Byakir from the vast starry sky to use as a mount.

The third card, Yue Si simply looked at it and put it away, leaving it alone for the time being.

Using the technique of looking at the breath, Yue Si looked around and saw a gathering of popular people in a distant place, either a county or a large village, so he walked in that direction. Only when he meets people can he meet "story". , what can Yue Si do.

Looking for some vine branches, weaving a belt, and hanging the Amitabha Buddha's sword on his waist casually, Yue Si took out the fragment of the "Secret Book of Xuanjun Seven Chapters" and walked on the road holding the book like that. Go in the direction of your choice.

This book of "Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" is the same but different from the fragment that Yue Si had seen before. Even if it is just a clone, Yue Si's realm has improved a lot compared to the original, and seeing the same understanding of the content is different.

For example, when Yue Si saw that "you can't drink freshly boiled water directly", it was a literal meaning. He only knew to do what he said. If he didn't do what he said, he would be hurt. Self is a kind of intuitive and instinctive experience summary; and now, the reason why Yue Si can't drink the freshly boiled water is because the boiling water will cause damage to the cells of the oral cavity, and he is looking at the essence through phenomena.

Gradually, Yue Si found a specific idea from a slightly confused state, and began to understand what he should do in this world.

"Hey, that poor scholar in front of you!"

On the side of the road, a man in tattered and dirty clothes jumped out of the grass, carrying a knife, and spoke to Yue Si in a dignified manner.

His clothes were made of coarse cloth, which, like him, had not been washed for a long time, and it was stained and smelly, and there was no sign of mending, not even the roughest seam, where the holes were worn.

Yue Si looked at his outfit. His hair was half-length and not short. His clothes were also ordinary casual clothes. He had a knife on his waist. No matter how he looked, he didn't fit in with this world, and he didn't look like a scholar. looks like.

"Are you calling me?" Yue Si put away the "Secret Book of the Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" and looked at the guy who was blocking the road-to describe him as a compliment to him, this one is really not popular, Even the bandits and bandits are unprofessional, that is, blind liuzi, the kind of ruffians who are not stingy, and the ones who feel dirty when they beat him.

"Where do I look like a scholar?"

After brushing, a few more people jumped out of the grass by the roadside and surrounded Yue Si. They all had knives in their hands, and their bodies were dirty. The kind that the master can rub off three pounds of mud from each of them.

However, the clothes on two or three of them are quite good. It can be seen from the fabric. They are relatively clean, but one of them is obviously a woman's clothes - don't think about it, it must be this group of strongmen who robbed others and saw the clothes. Very good, no matter whether it is male or female, I just put it on my body.

The odor on their bodies, in addition to their own body odor, also has the stench of protein decay, which is obviously the smell of human blood that has not been washed away.

"Oh, this scholar is stupid when he reads. Although he dresses strangely, his body is made of good fabrics, and he has a knife hanging from his waist, but he doesn't forget the stupidity he sees when he walks, and his white face, you If you say that you are not a scholar, who will believe it."

A strong man looked at Yue Si, laughed and mocked, and then saw the knife hanging from Yue Si's waist, his eyes couldn't move.

"You guys shouldn't cut the diameter to be strong. I said in advance that I don't have any money on me."

"Oh? Shearing Strongman, you see he still doesn't admit that he is a scholar. This little word is a set of words." A strongman dressed in good clothes said: "But now we want to do more than money. If you want something else, first untie the knife on your body and throw it to me, and we will talk to see if we can return your life to you."

"Brother, let him hand over the book he was reading while walking." The strongman who jumped out at the beginning interjected, although he only glanced at the cover of "Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" from afar, Although he didn't know the words, there was an uncontrollable desire in his heart to take the book as his own.

His desire for that book was even greater than his desire for men and women, more than all his previous desires.

"Alas..." Yue Si let out a sigh: "You run away, run as far as I can before I regret it... If you are willing to leave some money for your life, I can spare your life, after all, I There's really nothing on me."

"Okay, after I finish speaking, it's up to you how to choose."

"Hahaha..." After listening to Yue Si's words, the strong man who was called the big brother laughed: "Are you a scholar who read books stupidly, there are so many of us, you are a person with no strength, And take our lives."

"Oh... the world is so ignorant!" Looking at the group of strong men, Yue Si pressed the wild goose's wings, pulled back the spring, and unsheathed his sword. He saw a flash of silver light, and the upper body of a strong man flew up lightly and fell. In the place three or five steps behind him, it was actually a slash with a knife, which resulted in his life.

After a knife, the third Buddha on the knife lit up with a blood-colored brilliance, and the angry King Ming on the other side seemed to sneer.

The rest of the strong men were terrified. They didn't even see how Yue Si made the move, and they lost a person easily.

It's just that those strongmen don't understand, Yue Si's knife slashed not only the strongman's body, but also his soul was shattered, and there was no possibility of reincarnation.

"Come on, hurry up!" The elder brother was so frightened that he started talking nonsense and greeted his "brother" to step forward, but those few people were not fools. One or two smeared the soles of their feet and slipped away. A strongman with different intentions in Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Scripture stepped forward, but was slashed and killed by Yue Si instead.

Seeing that another person died in front of him, the big brother was so scared that he almost wet his pants, but Yue Si still put the knife in the sheath, grabbed his collar with the knife and lifted him up with the other hand. The coat was peeled off, and then fell to the ground and died.

"A group of dudes who don't know what they are called, relying on the large number of people and weapons in their hands, dare to do the promising job of bandit without even practicing a trick or a half." Yue Si's stripped clothes were rolled into a ball In his hand, he chased after the strong men who were fleeing in all directions. When they escaped, they were in a hurry. They didn't walk along the road, but drilled into the grass and corners.

After a while, Yue Si returned to the road with a parcel.

That was the money he looted from several robbers, some copper coins and scattered silver, wrapped in cloth torn from a strongman's clothes and carried in his hand.

It can be seen from their nondescript clothes that they robbed and killed people before Yue Si, and these copper coins and scattered silver are what they left behind after dividing the spoils.

Running the mana, he disassembled the good clothes that he had peeled off from the elder brother into silk threads. After simple refining, he weaved them into a set of fitted scholar's robes and wore them on his body. It is long, simply rolled up and put on the turban. The belt used to hang the Amitabha Buddha's zen sword has also been replaced with cloth.

Now, Yue Si is more like a scholar.

After twisting a rope, Yue Si strung the copper coins one by one. The copper coins on these strongmen added up to about 300 coins: "Well, there is money to live in the restaurant and eat."

On the contrary, the one who robbed the road was robbed by the one who was robbed.

Putting the copper coins and pieces of silver in his pocket, Yue Si took out the "Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" and read it carefully, and only put it away when he arrived at the destination. This is a large-scale village and town with a city wall. It is a low loess city wall with no bricks on the outside.

Although there are strong men on the road, and there are unknown corpses in the grass by the roadside, the villages and towns are still very lively, and it is almost the same for pedestrians not talking about shoulder-to-shoulder, but Yue Si uses the technique of looking at the air, and everyone has a hostile aura. , both greed, hatred and delusion.

The dynasty is still there, but the order is broken. As a part of the dynasty, the people of Limin are also affected by luck and become chaotic and disorderly. Live better.

And there are still many swordsmen roaming the streets, staring badly at the pedestrians who come and go. Their hostility is heavier, more savage, and vulgar, as if they are not individual people, like beasts.

After seeing Yue Si, the swordsmen began to whisper, as if staring at their prey, and some began to follow Yue Si quietly.

Yue Si ignored them. After walking a few streets, he saw a lively inn and walked in.

The shopkeeper standing behind the counter saw that Yue Si had an extraordinary bearing, and the clothes on his body were also made of good material. Although there was a knife hanging on his waist, it was also loaded with wrong gold and silver, and he immediately came out to say hello: "This is Staying or eating?"

"Stay in the store, open a room, and get me something to eat." Yue Siping said flatly.

The shopkeeper immediately asked Xiao Er to come over, led Yue Si to a quiet place, and wiped the table, chair and bench vigorously with the towel on his shoulder, and then sat down: "Master, what would you like to eat?"

"Give me a whole chicken, make a big bowl of noodles, and give me two plates..." After that, he took out about ten copper coins and gave them to the shop assistant: "These are for you, hurry up and be careful. Do."

After getting the money, the shop boy who had bowed his head and bowed his head suddenly said with a smile: "Don't worry, I promise to do it for you."

Money is really good. The food that Yue Si ordered came quickly, a whole chicken, a portion of noodles that can be called a pot, and two simple stir-fries. In addition, the shop assistant also sent an extra A pair of bamboo chopsticks came over, which seemed to be freshly cut.

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