Under Her Cursed Scythe

27 5 Days Before Halloween PART D

As they came closer, Alivia spotted that their cloaks were variant in colours and different in length. Some of the cloaks were at knee-length; some were from head-to-toe; and some were about their loins. Their appearances were mostly obscured by hoods that were pulled up and forward; by face masks or veils that covered the lower halves of their faces; and by large goggles that had numbers, words and pictures appearing on the surface of the lens. Hence, their features were hard to be discerned.

"Don't worry. If my calculations are correct, the three strikes should have made this Witch immune to its own magic for...approximately an hour and sixteen minutes." the boy whom she had encountered first, uttered to his companions with a pleased tone as he came up behind her with a pocket watch in his hand. And the moment Alivia could catch a closer glimpse of him, she noticed that not just his cloak was pure white, even the face mask under his hood was in the same colour.

"That would be more than enough. Thank you, Agent 616." someone answered. "Now eliminate-"

"Who...who are you people? W-what do you want from me? " Alivia wheezed like a race car which the driver had jammed on its brakes all of sudden. It took her some time to stand back up on her feet, and once she steadied herself, rather than feeling the ache on her sore limbs, she first sensed this faint itchy, tingling sensation akin to electricity scuttling through her body especially the parts that were struck by lightning.

"Did you hear that?" The boy halted his footsteps and appeared startled by Alivia's questions. Whipping his head at her, he asked, "What did you say again?"

"I said 'who are you and what do you want from me?'!" Alivia repeated while stealthily, her left hand crept into the pocket of her jacket, searching for the enchanted glove from within. And once she found the opening of the glove, she pushed the antique ruby ring towards the inside of it with her thumb, before any of the cloaked people were close enough to notice her movements.

"It, no, she, she questioned us!?" the boy said. Alivia noticed a shard of fascinated curiosity in his voice.

Turning his head at Alivia, he denoted, "You are certainly the first level 7 who is clear-minded enough to ask us questions! No wait, your eyes, they are-" He suddenly forwarded his body towards Alivia, putting his face disconcertingly close to hers, and cocked his head. While doing this, he also hummed a weird tongue under his breath.

"What are you doing? What-" She halted in surprise when noticing the sparkly rabbit-like figure that she saw a moment ago just suddenly popped out from a soft glow and then comfortably sat on the shoulder of the boy in the white cloak, cleaning and smoothing its fur. "That…"

She then, glanced around and noted that beside, behind or above every cloaked person around her, there were spirit-like, semi-transparent and sparkly beings which some of them looked like hybrid animals, some of them appeared to be living plants and some of them bore some characteristics of humans.

'What are those?' She wondered curiously but swiftly, she snapped herself out of her own curiosity and scolded herself. 'Stop it! Focus on the job!'

"Who the hell are you people?" she inquired with stronger tone in her voice. "The Witch Hunters? The Wizards? Or are you my mother's aunts or uncles who- "

"Blessers. We are Blessers." a silvery voice interjected. "We are something in between Witch Hunters and Wizards ,and like them, our main duty is to hunt down any beings that practice the dark arts and walk on the Left-Hand Path like you."

A girl cladded in a long purple cloak with golden embroidery of a Phoenix around the shoulder area came striding into sight, joining the group of five. She was a head taller than Alivia and she could instantly sense a temperament of power and royalty encircling this girl from her regal entrance and from others' reaction towards her. They turned their heads towards her attentively at the moment her loud, clear voice sounded and automatically made way for her to enter. What's more, she was the only person without a spirit-like figure presented beside her and this inconsistency made her stand out even more from the rest of her group.

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