Under Her Cursed Scythe

26 5 Days Before Halloween PART C

As soon as her feet touched the ground, she could feel a sensation that was akin to being stung by millions of bees at the same time scuttling through her legs but strangely, it only lasted for a brief moment and afterward, she could easily get up again and no cuts or blood were seen on the surface. Yet, when she gritted her teeth, trying to perform the aviation spell again, her words availed no effect in which she found both of her feet stuck hard to the concrete floor.

Confusion and panic filled her mind but she dismissed them quickly and began to perform a teleportation spell instead. That was the moment the second strike of lightning hit her on the back, forcing her to collapse onto the ground and the teleportation spell that seemed to manifest a second ago lost its effect instantly.

By this moment, regardless of the millions of questions buzzing in her head, she was certain of one thing: those were no any random lightning.

Before the third strike of lightning landed, Alivia had recited a speed-up spell, almost slurring her words, and with all four of her limbs on the ground, she began to galloped swiftly like a cheetah running in full speed.

Streaks of lightning chased after her, crashing and booming around her as she hobbled with both her fore and hind limbs on the ground.

There was a second when out of the corner of her eyes, she detected a sparkly light yellow rabbit in a waistcoat with zig zag electric sparks behind its tail, dashing along with her. It didn't take her long to realise it had the capability to overtake her easily. Nevertheless, it just trailed after her and from time to time, it would hurled itself to a brief pause before catching up to her again, and whenever it ceased, the electric lights would drop as if the rabbit was the attraction of those lightning.

She zigzagged, weaved and warded off all of those lightning attacks but it seemed they were forcing her to run in a certain direction. No matter how hard she planned to run out of the construction site, she was impelled to run back to the same starting point, around the same corner of the building in the middle of the construction site and along the same peddle path with pools of rainwater splashing her jacket as she galloped by.

She was trapped in a loop and when she ran so fast that she could only see a blur of trees and images passed by, a voice came from behind, "Stop running!"

Of course Alivia didn't do what she was told to. She was too full of thoughts of her mother's words during her first few days of training...

'Faster!' Alivia repeated her mother's word and compelled her limbs to push harder, finally breaking into a dash.

The rapid thump of her steps echoed in her ears, she felt beads of sweat rolling down her forehead, her limbs burning and her lungs were screaming every second… Then, someone got in her way of escape - a hooded, masked person wrapped entirely in a pure white cloak.

"Could you just please stop running?" questioned the person coming out of a hole in the ground that emerged out of nowhere, with a boyish voice.

Alivia's heart almost jumped out of her chest in reaction to this sudden appearance. Yet, that still didn't stop her from dashing. She immediately veered to the right, trying to bolt towards a different direction.

Unfortunately, she found that that path was already blocked by others who aligned themselves with similar outfits as the first person she had encountered.

No matter which direction she turned to, all the "exits" were already sealed by those people who were cladded themselves in cloaks. And pretty soon, Alivia found herself being surrounded by them in a wide circle.

To make the situation worse, being distracted by these strangely-dressed people, she couldn't avoid herself from being careless and got herself struck by the lightning for the third time.

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