Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 55: , High-energy response ahead!

If you look inside from the outside of this asteroid fortress.

We can see that there are thousands of beams, and at least tens of thousands of live ammunition, all impacting towards one of the points.

Some light beams and live ammunition exploded because of mutual interference before even reaching that point.

However, most of the beams and live ammunition still hit that point.

Crazy, bloodthirsty thoughts constantly emerged from Zhang Xiang's heart.

His eyes became dull, as if he had lost all consciousness.

It's just that the sound of his heart beating is even louder, and he can even hear it outside his body.

However, because there is only extremely thin air around the asteroid, it is difficult to transmit it.

His body was swelling continuously, and the muscles of his body began to swell.

And at this moment, all the bright beams lasing from all directions and the live ammunition that almost covered his sights all arrived, bursting out an unprecedented explosion.

The huge explosion even swept over a range of several thousand meters, making the asteroids that were closer to the test begin to feel a slight tremor.

"Did you kill it?!" The captain on a battleship directly opposite, could not help propping up his body with his hands, and leaned forward nervously.

Because, just now, the Gundam that originally defended them had already lost more than half.

"The result of the fundamental scan is... the opponent is still... still in a state of survival! And, moreover, the volume has skyrocketed dozens of times!"

"This, how is this possible?!" The man in the colonel's uniform couldn't help but widen his eyes, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

However, he has not waited for his next order.

An exclamation sound rang from the bridge of this warship.

"Front and front high-energy reaction!" A startled voice rang from the bridge.

Instead of using the voice to remind them, just as the voice sounded, they were already passing the light screen of the bridge and saw a condensed orange-yellow light directly above the light screen.

That kind of dazzling light, even after the automatic adjustment of the computer.

However, the entire bridge was still illuminated, and everyone present showed a panic expression.

"Hide at forty-five degrees to the left..." The captain violently issued an order.

But it is a pity that he hasn't waited until his order is finished.

The battleship that resisted in front of the orange beam was already completely submerged by the orange light.

And this huge orange beam of light did not stop after shooting through the warship, but continued to spread to the right, directly centering on the spot where the orange beam burst out. , Swept out a fan shape of 272 degrees.

And within 10,000 kilometers within this fan-shaped range, a series of explosions burst out one after another.

If you look up from above the asteroid, you can see many dazzling rays of light like supernova explosions.

Even a series of explosions occurred on the super giant protective shield that existed at the periphery of that 10,000 kilometers.

It was on the periphery, the machine that assisted in forming this protective cover exploded because of the instantaneous energy overload.

Affected by this one, the color on this side of that super huge protective cover has slightly dimmed.

That is the status quo that only occurs when the energy supply is insufficient.

And when the successive explosions disappeared, the smoke and halo formed by the explosions gradually dispersed where Zhang Xiang had been.

However, it was not the Saiyan who was only 1.68 meters tall, but an oversized orangutan.


There was a loud noise, undulating towards the surroundings.

Even though it was because the air above the asteroid was extremely thin, it was still transmitted to a far place, causing those who survived to feel a chill in their bodies.

Because it is within sight.

The dozens of warships over 2,000 meters in length that were originally covering the sky and the sun covering the entire asteroid, as well as the more than 1,300 Gundams, are only sparse. .

In particular, the losses of some warships were the most serious under Zhang Xiang's care.

In the field, there is only one warship that can float in the air.

Moreover, one third of the warship's hull was severely damaged, and it seemed that there was no way to fight back.

As for those Gundams, there are less than two hundred left.

All in all, under the one-shot qigong gun just now, the enemy's combat effectiveness was almost completely lost.

Who told them to put up such a dense formation in order to beat Zhang Xiang, and they were kicked by Zhang Xiang.

Otherwise, Zhang Xiang still needs to spend some money!

"Okay, the things in the way have been cleaned up. Then let's go!" Zhang Xiang turned around, the huge orangutan body returned to the surface of the asteroid at a very fast speed , Took the cube alloy box that had not been attacked so far under his special care.

Originally, that cube alloy box was several times his height.

But now, it is nothing more than what he grasped with one hand after being transformed into apes.

After that, Zhang Xiang flew away from the asteroid like this.

And along the way, he didn't encounter any obstacles, not even a single shot was fired at him.

This is because the vital power of the old humans in space has almost disappeared.

But it is more fearful of Zhang Xiang.

They were terrified of Zhang Xiang’s arrogant combat power. It was not like a human being. It was stronger than warships and Gundam. The defense was comparable to a fortress level. It was just a blow, and it was almost completely wiped out. The battleship they sent out and the fighting power of Gundam.

Because I have never seen it before, I feel even more afraid and helpless.

Therefore, even if they are on the asteroid, there are another half of the warships and Gundam that have not yet taken off.

However, they did not dare to catch up anymore.

When Zhang Xiang was transformed into apes, he came to the huge fortress that was claimed to be able to withstand the continuous slashing of the main guns of any main ship, and could withstand the attacks of one third of the new humans for three days and three nights, and would not break through. In front of the level of the protective cover, with just one blow, a huge hole was already broken.

Then, when the protective cover had not been completely repaired, when he calmly let his huge body drill out.

The old man on the asteroid has completely lost the desire to pursue it.

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