Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 54: , Clear out these miscellaneous soldiers!

And with the help of the same special force that Zhang Xiang perceives in front of the elevator before, with the help of the same special force that the male driver burst out in a state of extreme anger, this driver manipulates this Gundam It's faster.

Moreover, because the Gundam in front of me is more advanced, it can withstand the rougher movements of the opponent.

The opponent's attack appeared even more fierce!

In an instant, he came to Zhang Xiang's eyes.

"Although I don’t know what I did, which caused you to have such a big hatred. Or maybe the male driver who was killed by me just now is your brother. However, as soon as he came out, he said hello to me in such a strong way. . Is it too impulsive?” Zhang Xiang said while raising his right hand.

The full qi circulated at his fingertips and gathered into a small qi sword.

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang's body slammed forward, and the Qi sword in his hand slammed into each other with the huge laser sword that was slashed down.

And the magical thing happened at this moment.

Under the swing of a steel height of 120 meters, the extremely tough laser sword was cut off by the Qi sword in Zhang Xiang's hand at the moment of contact.

The tip of the laser sword that was gradually dissipating, rotated and flew upside down to the top of the gate, directly submerged in the alloy baffle on the edge of the gate.

As for Zhang Xiang's voice, it had already rushed to the cockpit.

His right hand touched the ground and swept across the cockpit, and a bright light shone from the transfer armor outside the cockpit.

At the same time, the engine that supplied the transfer armor exploded directly because of a momentary overload.

Then, the entire Gundam was divided from the cockpit as the dividing point toward the two sides, and exploded into fragments in the violent explosion.

Even the laser sword in Gundam's hand rotated and flew out.

It's just that, in the middle of the road, Zhang Xiang, who was floating in the air, was blocked.

As for the violent explosion, it only hit a short distance in front of Zhang Xiang, and was intercepted by the qi exploding outside of his body.

However, just before the light of the explosion had completely dissipated, a large number of Gundams were already surrounded.

Although, from the outside, it was known that these were not comparable to the one that was attacked just now, which was obviously an elite Gundam, and it was just a group of miscellaneous soldiers.

But it couldn't hold up to just close to the Gundam, there are already close to five hundred.

Moreover, they are all new Gundams.

With this high firepower, wanting to destroy the base behind him that has already lost its energy supply is just a round of artillery.

Even if it is a pile, it can cause Zhang Xiang a lot of trouble.

Not to mention, there is a lot of burden behind him.

"It seems that the original plan to kill directly will not work. Then, there is only one choice. That is to clear this group of miscellaneous soldiers!" Zhang Xiang looked at the Gundam surrounded by the sky, and couldn't help but reveal Come with a smile.

He could feel that the blood in his body was boiling, so he rushed out to fight.

Zhang Xiang knew that it was the restless Saiyan bloodline in his body that was at work.

However, Zhang Xiang did not resist this impulse.

For him, to seize control of this world in the future, many battles will be required.

So, let’s get acquainted with the way of fighting in this world, isn’t it great?

"Then, Zhang Xiang...Well, it doesn't sound good, just the Saiyan, let's go!" Zhang Xiang's voice just fell, and the long alloy rope around his waist was loosened, and his figure disappeared instantly.

At the same time, a series of red light beams also descended on the place where Zhang Xiang originally stood, directly melting the thickened alloy baffle at the gate.

As for Zhang Xiang's figure, he had already appeared in front of the nearest Miscellaneous Soldier Gundam.

He is holding it in both hands that has been automatically repaired. It is an ultra-long laser sword with a length of fifty meters and a diameter of two meters. It looks like a child is embracing an enlarged version of the golden hoop and is dangerously planning to swing it. It looks average.

However, it is impossible for a child to really wield the golden hoop that is full of tens of thousands of catties.

However, the ultra-long laser sword with a length of 50 meters and a diameter of two meters is like a toothpick in Zhang Xiang's hands.

Accompanied by his waving, it passed directly from the waist fighter of the mixed soldier.

And in the next instant, his figure turned into an afterimage, appearing next to the other Zabing Gundam.

However, this time he did not choose to cut off the cockpit of Gundam.

This time he chose to directly cut off the Gundam limbs and the head for observing surrounding images.

That's right, Zhang Xiang is adding difficulty to himself.

He has to learn from the basic spirit in SEED, and remove the enemy's combat power without killing the enemy as much as possible.

In this way, Zhang Xiang's figure turned into a flickering afterimage, moving around in the huge void, and when it reached that point, it would burst out with dazzling light.

That means that one Gundam has lost its combat effectiveness.

And the entire lined up of Gundams, that is, a total of three hundred Gundams, only lasted less than three minutes in Zhang Xiang's hands.

However, after the opponent lost so many Gundams, he finally figured out a way to deal with Zhang Xiang.

That is, let most of the forty-five warships that were originally in the rear step forward and use the barrage to attack any route that Zhang Xiang might travel to form a circle, so that he can no longer easily Just slaughter those Gundams.

Then, three new highs line up to form another offensive from three directions.

Under such fierce firepower attack, even with such a large space to dodge.

However, Zhang Xiang was occasionally attacked by live ammunition from the opponent.

He also forced Zhang Xiang to constantly use the laser sword in his hand to resist some live ammunition and beam shooting, and he was not injured.

However, being forced to such a point, Zhang Xiang couldn't keep his hands anymore.

In the course of the fierce battle, Zhang Xiang was also slightly agitated.

"Okay, it's almost time to play. Then, let's solve you all!" As soon as Zhang Xiang's voice fell, he directly stayed in place.

He stretched out his right hand, and an imaginary ball of light flickered on his right hand.

Bang, bang

The violent sound, like a drum, rang from Zhang Xiang's mind.

It was the sound of his heart beating, echoing through his bones into his ears.

And when encountering such a golden opportunity, whether it was the relatively distant warships or the highs around, they all launched a crazy attack on Zhang Xiang.

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