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Hiratsuka Shizuka’s office is not far from the 2-year Class A, and Mu Fan soon came to Hiratsuka Shizuka’s office.

The door of the office was always open, and Hiratsuka Shizuka must have been waiting for him. Mu Fan knocked on the door and walked into the office, standing at the desk.

Looking up at Mu Fan who entered the office, Hiratsuka Shizuka was sitting on a chair with two slender and round legs folded together. Then he took out a pack of ladies cigarettes from his pocket, took the cigarettes, and ignited them with skillful movements. , Took a shallow breath, exhaled a puff of smoke, and narrowed his eyes.

“Ah, I really feel relaxed a lot!”

Mu Fan was stunned. What sensei is this, smoking in front of students in a sacred educational place like school?

“Sensei, I remember that the school seems to have regulations not to allow smoking…”


Hiratsuka Shizuka complexion turned cold, turned his head to look at Mu Fan, and raised his eyebrows: “Mu Fan, don’t you know that Sensei’s work is very stressful? It’s not just about preparing lessons and coping with leaders… .I also need to deal with some problematic children who don’t like to go to class. Occasionally, a cigarette can quickly ease the mood, don’t you think, Mu Fan?”

“hehe ……”

Mu Fan bitterly laughed. Hearing what Hiratsuka Shizuka said, the problem he had just now really shot himself in the foot. Destiny plays with people, he also didn’t expect that he was criticized by an old maiden who was only a few years older than him on the first day of school and treated him as a problem child.

What else can he do now except a wry smile?

Seeing Mu Fan not speaking, Hiratsuka Shizuka pinched out the cigarette butt and pressed it in the ashtray, lifts the head and stared at Mu Fan with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said meaningfully: “Hehe, be late on the first day of school, and wander in class. Mu Fan really suits other students differently.”

“I guess a student of your age must be standing there thinking about what happened at home, and traffic jams and other excuses to excuse yourself for being late and being lazy in class?”

“Sensei, you really guessed it. I only came across the first day, and I am a little uncomfortable with the new life. Can you let me get used to it first?”

Mu Fan rolled the eyes, but this sentence Mu Fan not at all said it, and even if it was said, who would believe it? This kind of talk is like telling people boasting that you have a jingle cat when you were a child, and it’s only strange if you don’t get beaten into a jingle cat!

“Indeed, the ideas of a student of my age and Sensei’s age…”


Halfway through Mu Fan’s words, he felt the piercing sound of breaking wind. He could not help but complexion changed, stepped back subconsciously, and hit the air with a “pu chi” fist almost rubbing his stomach.

Looking at Hiratsuka Shizuka’s fist in the air, Mu Fan held breath cold air. The power of this fist is too strong. Fortunately, System strengthened his physique this morning, making him react quickly and avoid this fist, otherwise The former physique was probably beaten into a Muggle by Hiratsuka Shizuka’s punch.

Killing weapons is quiet and cute, and sure enough the name is not in vain!

“Didn’t I teach you that the age of a woman can’t be mentioned?”

“Haha, yes. Actually, I just wanted to say that the thinking of a student like me must be the same as that of a young and beautiful girl like Sensei!”

Listening to the indifferent voice in his ear, Mu Fan quickly scratched his head and smiled and changed his mouth. .

Just a moment ago, Mu Fan recalled all the memories of Hiratsuka Shizuka from his predecessor.

Hiratsuka Shizuka-sensei is not only their national language Sensei, but also Sensei who is in charge of life guidance. He cares about his students very much. Because they are “youngsters”, they are often arranged to take charge of various school activities.

Yes, you all heard it right, that is-youngster!

An old maiden who is 3 years old is a youngster.

hehe …..

Everyone, I have a sentence that mmp doesn’t know when it is inappropriate to say it.

… ..

“Hehe, Sensei is very happy to meet Mu Fan as a well-behaved student!”

Fortunately, after hearing Mu Fan’s praise, a smile appeared on Hiratsuka Shizuka’s face, and he sat back in his seat again, with his long and slender legs folded together again.

The corners of Mu Fan’s mouth “unable to bear” twitched. He didn’t expect this matter because of his compliment. It was so simple to solve.

I have to say that women are really fickle animals.

But they all have a unified shortcoming, that is, they all like to be praised.

“Let’s change the subject, then Mu Fan, do you have any friends?”

“Sure, there is a friend in school and a younger sister at home.”

Hearing Hiratsuka Shizuka’s question, Mu Fan thought for a while and said that he met a teenager named Aki Lenya, who called him before, while working in the pitted restaurant.

And in his memory, Aki Lun was also in this school, right next door to him, in Class B in 2 years, and the relationship between the two when working in the restaurant was very good. If you met in school, it would be considered a good relationship. Friends.

“Is there a younger sister at home?” Hiratsuka Shizuka raised her eyebrows, looked at Mu Fan with a pair of beautiful eyes, and asked quietly, “Could it be that Mu Fan was late in the morning because of her younger sister?”

“That’s right.” Mu Fan spread his hands. Although he was late because of Sagiri, who has never been out of the room, on the one hand, it was more because of his own journey. After all, normal people have to get used to it for a while. Can start a new life.

“Is it at home?”

Hiratsuka Shizuka knocked on the table with his hand, thought about it, and said, “You should relax in school to study well. There are many clubs in the school. You shouldn’t join Mu Fan yet? Did you know that? High school does not participate in club activities but high school life is not complete.”

“High school club, this is a good way.”

Mu Fan’s heart moved. Anyway, he has nothing to do now. It’s better to go to the high school club department to see what club projects are suitable for him, and wait until a suitable club is found to see if he can rely on club activities to figure out how to earn money. Some living expenses…

“Then Sensei, let me go and see by myself at noon!”

Thinking of this, Mu Fan immediately said: “If nothing happens, I will go back to Sensei first.”

“Okay.” Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded: “But I don’t have a club I like, but I want to arrange other activities for you!”


Seeing that Hiratsuka Shizuka agreed, Mu Fan quickly opened the door and left the office, and closed the door at will.

He didn’t want to stay with this killing weapon for one minute.

Leaving the office and walking in the corridor, Mu Fan was relaxed. I have to say that Hiratsuka Shizuka-sensei is too terrifying. Facing her, she needs to be vigilant and cautiously speaking, otherwise it is very likely. Accidentally too late to react to being beaten into a Muggle by her.

You may not believe it, you are also a System person, and in the end you are afraid of her being a trifling female teacher.

However, Mu Fan was interested in the club Hiratsuka Shizuka said in his heart. He raised his eyebrows and made a decision in his heart to take a look at it at noon.

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