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After locking the door, Mu Fan took out his mobile phone and checked the time, his face changed involuntarily, and he hurriedly increased the speed, and quickly shuttled through the street. This was the first day of high school 2 and the first day he passed through. He didn’t want to be late on this first day.

Fortunately, Mu Fan’s home is not far from the high school, Toyogsaki High School. With his physical strength and speed exceeding normal adults, he quickly rushed into the school.

But before Mu Fan arrived in the classroom, the class bell rang. Reminiscent of the violent punch teacher in the memory of his predecessor, Mu Fan’s body shuddered, subconsciously speeding up his pace.

But when Mu Fan just walked into the corridor of the classroom, he suddenly walked out of a silhouette outside the corner. Mu Fan’s complexion changed, but at his speed there was no time to escape, and the whole person directly accidentally hit the silhouette.

A soft feeling came along with an exclamation.

Mu Fan understood very well that with the speed and strength he had just now, ordinary girls were likely to be knocked out directly by him, and quickly lowered their heads and said apologetically: “Sorry, I was too anxious and accidentally hit you. Are you okay…”

But halfway through, Mu Fan suddenly felt that the exclamation just now was a bit familiar. He lifts the head, and when he saw the familiar silhouette in front of him, his face suddenly turned green.

“Ping… Hiratsuka Shizuka-sensei?”

The corners of Mu Fan’s mouth twitched fiercely. Standing in front of him was a beautiful silky long straight black hair hanging down to his waist, a pair of high heels under his feet, and a white coat on the outside. Wearing a black teacher’s uniform inside, a tall and beautiful female teacher with fair complexion.

Although the female teacher in front of me is a big beauty in terms of body and appearance, in Mu Fan’s memory, her predecessor was quite afraid of this beautiful teacher.

Because he, a female teacher of Mandarin Chinese, has serious violent tendencies, and she has practiced superb fighting skills. It is enough to show her strength by not knocking her down with Mu Fan’s power just now.

She also enjoys the reputation of 2 legendary special titles, one-punch teacher, and the killing weapon Hiratsuka Shizuka…

As for the “quiet cute” who didn’t know from which dimension they crossed, Mu Fan directly ignored it. In his eyes, this beautiful teacher gave him only terrifying and violent feelings, completely indifferent to cute!

“Mu Fan, why is your face so ugly? Is Sensei so terrifying? Don’t worry, although you are late and try to attack Sensei, Sensei impossible used violence against you. After all, this is the beginning of the new grade. Did you say yes on the first day, classmate Mu Fan?”

Although the exquisite face in front of him was full of friendly smile like Angel, but Mu Fan faintly heard the murderous in the words, unable to bear held breath cold air. Naturally, he could hear that this sentence was completely the opposite. Hiratsuka Shizuka was obviously saying, “On the first day of school, he was late and attacked Sensei, courting death?”

mmp, I just encountered this kind of thing on the first day of school, the future is not bright!

“Cough cough, as Sensei said.”

Mu Fan laughed twice. Now that the attack on Sensei has been implemented, how can he explain it? He just wants to quickly get rid of the predicament in front of him, and return to the classroom as soon as possible to escape from this terrifying woman.

“Does Mu Fan plan to go to class with me?” Hiratsuka Shizuka bent over at a moderate pace to pick up the textbooks that had just been scattered on the ground, straightened up holding the textbooks, and squinted at Mu Fan with a beautiful eyes faint smile .


Hearing Hiratsuka Shizuka’s words, Mu Fan felt relieved. After apologizing, he quickly ran past Hiratsuka Shizuka, and rushed into the classroom first. He arrived at the corner window seat and put down his schoolbag. , Sat in the seat once belonged to him.

Not long after, the Mandarin teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka entered the classroom with the textbook in both hands. Seeing Mu Fan returned to his original position, his eyebrows were raised, and then he walked to the blackboard, placed the textbook on the table, and started the new semester. Course.

As for the knowledge of high school, Mu Fan, who has already attended high school once, is naturally not very interested. He supported his head with his hands and turned his head moved towards and looked out the window.

Today’s first session is the physical education class for the first year of high school. Many boys stand in the sun on the basketball court with youthful sweat, and from time to time the beautiful silhouettes of girls with upper bodies in sailor suits and black skirts walk through the playground. . The exquisite short skirt is matched with tight knee-length stockings, revealing the white Absolute Domain in the middle, which is even more pleasing to the eye.

“This is youth!”

Looking at the beautiful and youthful silhouette outside the window, Mu Fan sighed in remembrance. He was in his 20s and never thought that he could relive his high school life again.

However, Mu Fan does not have time to appreciate the beautiful scene in front of him. After all, he is now facing an existential crisis. Without thinking about how to earn some living expenses, he and Sagiri will starve to death at home in a few days.

Not to mention the future game Krypton Gold and a beautiful leisure life.

But for Hiratsuka Shizuka’s class, Mu Fan naturally didn’t dare to make too many slips. After all, the horror of Hiratsuka Shizuka impressed every student in the class.

Looking back, picking up the books, although I don’t like to listen to classes, I can do it by pretending to be.

But just picking up the book, a system prompt sounded in his mind, and he couldn’t help but froze slightly: “Give the cute Sagiri younger sister a satisfying feeding playMission completed! Cooking Skill is upgraded to Level 2 , The primary level 1 Cooking Skill: [Golden Fried Rice] and a little Fantasy Point.”

After the system’s prompt sound ended, the skill of making golden fried rice was passed on to Mu Fan’s memory, and Mu Fan’s cooking skills changed from Level 2 to Level 1. Even he himself clearly felt his understanding of cooking skills. The level has also risen to a new height.

“It seems that Sagiri has eaten the breakfast he made and said that he likes it!”

Hearing the completion of this Mission, Mu Fan’s heart suddenly felt ecstasy. Now with Yangchun noodles and golden fried rice, he now has 2 staple foods that he is good at.

It seems that I am gradually developing towards an expert with all-round culinary skills. Then I will experiment with the golden fried rice the next day. Maybe I will become a Grandmaster Level in the future, and the delicacies made can be sold throughout the country and the world…

Once this idea came into being, it took root directly in Mu Fan’s mind, and it couldn’t be restrained for a while.

“Mu Fan, although I don’t want to talk about it, you were too distracted in class today, right?”

When Mu Fan was in a state of extreme excitement in his heart, a funny voice called him back to reality. Turning his head, a face that looked extremely uncomfortable came into his sight.

“Mu Fan, I’ve been looking out the window for every lesson. Is it because I don’t understand the course taught by Sensei, or do I hate Sensei?”

Hiratsuka Shizuka took the textbook and knocked on Mu Fan’s desk. He looked at Mu Fan with a faint smile, and there was something called killing intent in his eyes. Even on a hot day, Mu Fan’s back was full Chills.

Being late in the morning, accidentally bumping into her, and not attending class this time, it seems that the explanation is not clear this time.

“Come to my office after class!” Hiratsuka Shizuka glared at Mu Fan and sneered.

Hearing this sound, Mu Fan’s heart suddenly became cold. Unable to bear in the heart shouted mlgbd. This semester has just begun to be targeted by the killing weapon “Jing Cute”. What a bleak future!


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