Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 91: Survival Six

The two kept walking down the spruce forest, and Humke could always find something to eat. He could poke through dead spruce bark to find bugs hiding underneath, and he could find squirrel nests hidden behind branches. Although no squirrels were caught, there were enough pine nuts for two people to eat slowly on the road.

Siegel patiently observed Humke's actions, learned his behavior, and tried to understand the ideological elements of surviving in the wild. He still can't walk like a goblin who treats this pine forest in the snow as his own fields, but now in his eyes, the wasteland is not as cold and dangerous as it used to be, there is life hidden everywhere.

Suddenly, the orc stooped down and gestured for Siegel to do the same. He pointed ahead, and Siegel saw a beautiful long-horned deer hiding behind a pine tree, tugging at the branches on the ground, tearing off the skin and eating the tender core in the middle. This deer is not big, but it is a big meal for two people. I don't know why it acts here alone, I can only think that it is a blessing of nature.

The orc stretched out his hand and asked for the ice dagger in Siegel's hand. Siegel thought about it and gave him the dagger. As a mage, he still has enough stamina and energy to use spells, summoning ice and fire to strike enemies. So relatively speaking, the dagger is not an important weapon. He wanted to see how the orcs would behave when armed, to see if they could trust him.

Hunk took the dagger, weighed it, and held it in his hand. He stuffed a handful of snow into his mouth to hide the heat from his breath. The orc quietly approached the long-horned deer, avoiding the upwind direction and the front of the deer's field of vision. He was getting closer, ready to charge.

Siegel watched this scene from a distance, but he was not idle. Using the pine nuts found by Humke, he can use the power of magic to enhance the aroma of the pine nuts and attract the deer's attention. Siegel didn't know if the deer would be interested in pine nuts, but that was all he had at hand. The giraffe raised its head and sniffed in Siegel's direction as it scraped the ground with its hooves. The mage hid behind the snowdrifts, but the giraffes couldn't see him, but they were mesmerized by the scent of pine nuts, and didn't notice the orcs who took the opportunity to approach behind him.

"Hunk!" The orc rushed up and hugged the deer's waist. The giraffe slammed on the ground and threw its head back, trying to hurt the attacker with its horns. Hunk was already prepared, he clamped the deer's neck with his arm, and folded its body back in half. Only listening to the sound of cracking and breaking bones, the orcs solved the battle with brute force.

The orc beckoned and told Siegel to rush over. He opened the veins in the deer's neck with an ice dagger, lowered his head and drank vigorously. Blood contains powerful power, representing the power of life, and it is the best food in the wild. The orc took two sips, let out a long breath, and gave up his seat to Siegel.

Siegel also used to eat food made from animal blood, such as blood sausage and blood clot stew. He bent down and started drinking, but felt unexpectedly uncomfortable. A twitching sensation surged up from his heart, making him short of breath, dizzy, and his vision swirled. For a time, he felt that the blood was so poisonous to him that he couldn't swallow it at all. Siegel quickly let go of the deer and lay down on the ground trying to catch his breath. It's not a stomach-induced twitch, it's more of a deeper resistance in the body.

Humke thought that Siegel was not used to drinking deer blood, so he fell to the ground. He just shrugged his shoulders, lowered his head and drank himself. Food can't be wasted, especially in this icy world. Humke was taught from a young age that any wasted food will bring bad luck, and that devils and evil spirits will stare at you, looking for opportunities to kill and eat you.

After the blood coagulated, the orcs began to skin the deer with the ice blade again. This deer certainly doesn't have enough hide to make clothes for two people, but four warm boots are definitely more than enough. It was only at this time that Siegel gradually recovered, and he finally wanted to understand what caused the convulsions just now: in the prison dragon cave, when the blood magician tried to get into his body, when he poured blood into his mouth and nose, Siegel had this convulsion.

"What's wrong?" Siegel frowned and thought about it. Fortunately, apart from the inability to eat blood, no other abnormalities have been found for the time being. And all aspects of strength, speed, endurance and spellcasting ability are still the same as before. Siegel kept this matter in mind, and asked the doctor to check it carefully when conditions were available. Dr. Rees seems to have a good handle on blood disorders, and I hope to see him again.

After sitting up from the snow, Siegel concentrated on his survival plan. He broke off the branches and found fluffy yellow vines, which could be used as a starting material with a little rubbing. As a mage, he naturally doesn't need to drill wood or hit flint to make fire, he only needs to gather the fire element in nature. In the snow-covered land, the air is actually very dry, and making a fire is much easier than in a tropical rainforest. Siegel carefully held the kindling and quickly set the pine branch on fire. The flames were burning happily, and pine oil dripped down constantly, making a beep-beep-beep sound.

Using snow to build a windshield around the fire, Siegel assuredly collected the big branches, peeled off the bark, and burned them separately from the branches. Humke threw a few pieces of venison, as well as the dismembered heart and liver, and Siegel was responsible for roasting these precious ingredients over the fire. After a while, the aroma has drifted away, and it smells like being in a fairyland.

The deerskin was already peeled, and Humke spread it on the ground with the hairy side facing up. So the two sat on soft, smooth fur cushions, each with steaming venison in their hands. I took a big bite, and the aroma was strong. I only felt that every pore in my body was rejuvenated, and all pain was driven away. It can boost morale more than any panacea in the world. Siegel had eaten the prince's dinner, the dwarf's feast, and the celebration of becoming a noble. It was also a good food, but they all added up to half the delicious food. They have large chunks of meat in their hands, some are still roasting on the fire, and there is still a lot of unfinished in the snow next to them - this "harvest" feeling is better than anything. The venison in the snow quickly filled the hungry belly of the two people, and also added confidence and vitality to their actions.

Siegel has been trying his best to make various plans for escape. He was nervous and physically exhausted along the way. Constantly casting spells with inferior casting materials also greatly consumed his stamina and energy. In this icy world, he relied on the will to survive to constantly fight against nature, challenge the limits of his body, and strive to protect the burning of the fire of life and keep it warm. After a night of extreme survival, it was only then that he could stop to rest and take a good look at the place. Few humans can reach the north of the City Wall Mountains, and only a few of them can return to tell others what they have seen.

The sun rises from the east, and although it can only bring a weak temperature, the golden brilliance still makes people feel close. Today there are no clouds and no snow. As far as the eye can see, there is a beautiful clear sky overhead. Beneath the sky, the northern woodlands stretched as far as the eye could see, and the mountain ridges that stretched down were full of pines, cypresses and spruce. The surroundings are very quiet, but if you listen carefully, you can still make out the sounds of animal movement. Siegel's black eyes swept through the woods, and the keen Bo caught a small herd of deer, two clouded leopards and squirrels hopping on the branches. There is a very bright reflection at the foot of the distant mountain, and if you look closely, it turns out to be a stream that has not yet frozen. Siegel is now resting on the warm deerskin, with a fire beside him to keep warm and venison to eat, and his body tells him that for now he just wants to stay here and doesn't want to move.

But after all, it can't stay here for too long, and the danger has not disappeared. After the volcanic eruption ends at the latest, the enemy will send a team to search - even they are already on their way. Maybe the takin's footprints will confuse them, maybe this pine forest is the best cover, maybe with the power of magic Siegel can kill all the pursuers, but he doesn't dare to gamble. The two of them took a luxurious rest for a quarter of an hour, and then got busy again.

The benefits of studying with Sir Bill are also reflected. Siegel is already familiar with the manufacture of simple combat equipment, and with the assistance of magic, it is even more powerful. By peeling the bark from the branches for ropes and wrapping them around the cut pieces of wood to form binding points, Siegel quickly made simple moccasins. With the blessing of the spell, the ice dagger is very sharp, and the antlers are quickly sharpened and split in half from the middle, just right for dual-wielding polydents. If encountering enemies or predators, this weapon is much better than a short dagger. They stuffed the deer's bladder with snow again, heated it through the deer's stomach to melt the snow, and then put the warm bladder close to the body, so there was a water bladder.

They use the leftover deerskin as pockets, UU reading www. packs and takes away as much meat as possible. Using the power of deer bones and flames, Siegel tried again to summon the mount, but the spell failed, and the runaway magical energy smashed around him. Before it subsided, the chance of failing to cast the spell was greatly increased, so Siegel stopped making similar attempts for the time being. The two of them leaned on their talented legs, nibbling on the roasted innards and walking down the mountain with the spoils on their backs.

Their goal is the stream in the valley, and going in the direction it flows, the probability of hitting a settlement is much higher. Even if there are no villages, the streams can provide sufficient drinking water, and there may be edible fish in them. Many animals will go to the stream to drink, which can also increase the food source for two people. If you run into predators, there's also staghorn and Siegel's magic to use.

They walked all day without stopping, and they ate cooked venison that was placed close to the body—although it was not frozen, it was still cold and hard. They crossed three valleys and slowly walked out of the rolling mountains. In front of the two of them was an open land, and the snow spread all the way to the distant horizon. There are only a few round and gentle hills here. In addition to pine and cypress, there are already some drought-tolerant deciduous trees. Humke pointed in the east direction and could see many thin plumes of smoke rising from behind the hillock.

"Hunk!" He pointed to himself, "Hunk!" He pointed to the smoke column again, and then smiled.

In fact, Siegel wasn't sure if the orcs were laughing, the ugly face with fangs and thick eyebrows was scary enough to laugh. But Siegel could understand the meaning of the orcs. The location of the smoke pillars was their destination, Humke's tribe.

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