Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 90: Survival Five

The two sat on the backs of the takins and covered their bodies with the soft long hair as a blanket. The body of the magic takin naturally exudes a warm body temperature, allowing the legs to rest and recover. When they left the snow-capped mountains, there was only a thin layer of sackcloth on their feet, which they picked up when they fled. Now I have warm hair covering my feet, and I just feel like I'm in heaven.

Looking behind him, the majestic volcano revealed a gloomy atmosphere, and the top of the mountain was also shrouded in gray clouds, with red fires emerging from time to time. It is also not known whether the eruption of the volcano will affect that passage. For those who imprisoned him, Siegel naturally had no good feelings, 'May the lava engulf them'. I just don't know if there will be other prisoners in there and if they will be affected.

In the direction they were heading, they were not affected by the volcanic smoke, and the stars in the sky were brighter, as if they were close at hand and within reach. A crescent moon hangs in the clear night sky, looking huge. Siegel stared at the starry sky, judging the direction by the patterns of the stars. He found that the direction to go down the mountain was to go north. If the mountain range behind him was the city wall mountain range, then he had passed through the human castle defense line and reached the area controlled by the orcs.

It is very difficult to get back from here. Even the traveling mage William Eric rarely sets foot in this area. I remember that in the conference room of the Mages Association, there is no volcano sign on the map of the Walled Mountains. This is probably an unknown land, but how did you get here?

Siegel was lost in thought, trying to recall the scene of his accident. All he remembers was being blinded by the spell cane, and then being knocked off a cliff by cavalry. As if he hadn't fallen to a solid ground, the moment the feather fall technique took effect, he might have fallen into the river. Only this could explain why the injury was so light.

Then maybe the river water carried him for a long time? Siegel thought about it and thought it was very possible. Although he was wearing a breastplate at the time, thick clothes and cloaks were burdensome, but the Feather Falling Technique could indeed make him float on the water better. Even if it's not as light as a feather, it's no problem getting the same buoyancy as wood. What happened after that? The river can only flow from high to low, and it can't always go over mountains and mountains, and bring yourself to the north side of the mountains, right? Siegel could only speculate that he had fallen into the underground river, and if that was the case, he would have to lament his fate.

What happened after that was nothing more than being discovered, plundered, and sold. Now that Siegel has escaped, he no longer thinks about these things. The only thing he was worried about now was Janet, and of course Sir Bill, Evan and His Royal Highness the Prince. I don't know how the Slint family in Castle Black will treat them. Judging from the situation of the war, they should take the capture of the prince as the most important purpose, and not harm his life. Is it for ransom, or for political purposes? Siegel doesn't know. Considering that the Starry Kingdom is still the most powerful country in the old and new continents, the prince's safety can still be counted on. The power of the nobles should not be underestimated. Earl Todd has two large castles and five small castles, and the power he can mobilize is far more than the Black Blood Fortress. Besides, it is customary for nobles to pay ransoms to save their lives during battles, and they should be fine.

Janet, I just hope that she can use her transformation ability to survive. Siegel thinks this shouldn't be a problem, after all, she is also capable of deceiving people... just like turning into Malt-Littlefinger.

Siegel pondered for a while, then prayed to the **** of the storm to bless them with safety. Then he closed his eyes and concentrated on contacting the Raven familiar. It is estimated that the distance is too far, and it is difficult for Siegel to observe the surrounding situation through the eyes of his familiar. He can only use his mind to give instructions to let the raven Balon start to look for the erupting volcano in the city wall mountains. As long as you find this landmark, you can gradually recall the familiar to yourself. With the eyes in the sky, Siegel will have more choices for his next move, whether it is to go back over the mountains or go deep into the orc territory to see the situation.

The eruption of the volcano scared away a lot of animals, at least they didn't encounter them on the way down the mountain. The two were hungry, and they were actually trying to hunt some animals to eat. However, it is too difficult to find food in the complete ice and snow environment. If it is not for the takin to save their legs, their physical strength is not enough to guarantee the consumption of going down the mountain. In that situation, Siegel would have no choice but to open the keyspace, risk complete disclosure, and take out the food inside—he really didn't want to do that. But after a night's trek, they finally reached the woodland line. From here down, some trees start to grow on the slopes, mostly pine and spruce, with some moss on the bare ground. The existence of plants means that there may be animal life, and therefore food. Siegel decided to slow down here for a while, looking for food and shelter.

"We have to rest and start looking for food." Siegel said to the Humke Orc: "In the snowy mountain environment, our physical strength will be quickly depleted, and we can't take the risk."

"Hunk." The orc jumped off the back of the takin, pointed at the ox's neck, and made a cut gesture.

"Oh, no, this is a summoned creature. If you kill it, you won't have a corpse. You can't eat it," Siegel explained. "We have to find food elsewhere."

The takin snorted, and it opened its mouth to signal the mage to add more charcoal strips. Siegel only had the last one left in his hand, and in order to be able to cast other fire spells, he could no longer give it to the takin. So Siegel jumped down, patted the bull's head, and summoned it back. The takin finally mooed and turned into dust and dissipated in the air.

Hunk looked at this scene in surprise, and became more and more incomprehensible to this inmate. He has magical powers, just like the witch sacrifice in the village, but it is not the same. The witch sacrifice in the village can't conjure so many things from the crotch. During the half month that he was locked in the cell together, he had already taken out cakes and bottles from there, and woven a large net from the wool there. This human being was able to pull out a cow when he went down the mountain, which can no longer be simply summed up in the word "magic". Maybe the shamanic rituals in the south of this mountain range are different, and they all believe in the soul of fertility? Why are all spells inseparable from the next three ways?

And this southern witch is a man, where are his things hidden? When he was just thrown into prison, he didn't have any clothes on, and all the upper and lower parts were exposed. He had seen it before, and there was nothing to hide. Hunk was suddenly startled, 'Could it be that what he said below is false, in fact, she is a woman without breasts, so she can hide things? ’ The more he thought about it, the more right he became, the more curious he became. This question has been bothering him for a long time, and he has to figure it out today.

So the orc walked up to Siegel and called out "Hunk" as a greeting for the next thing to do. Naturally, Siegel didn't understand what this meant, so he saw the orc suddenly grab his lower body and tugged hard.

This was so unexpected, Siegel thought for a moment that the Orcs had revealed their true colors of evil and were going to attack him. He tried to dodge backwards, but the ankle-deep snow affected his speed and he was caught anyway. This kind of severe pain is very unbearable, and the ice spell in his hand is out of control and cannot be stimulated.

The orc grabbed it and felt that it was true, so he was even more confused. He muttered "Hunk? Hunk?" while scratching the short hair on his head. Siegel fell to the ground, grasping the snow in his hands and using the power of magic to shape them into ice blades. He was about to fight for life and death when he saw the orc looking suspicious, turned and walked into the woods.

"What the **** is this doing?" Siegel had nowhere to vent his anger, and could only stare at the back of the orc with hatred. "I really don't understand what's going on in your head. If you dare to reach out to me suddenly, I'll slit your throat!"

The Orc shrugged, "Hunk, Hunk," he replied.

Siegel rubbed the sore spot, cursed again, and suddenly looked at the ice blade in his hand in surprise. He recalled the state of making the dagger just now, which was the result of complete concentration and just the right magic control. The shape of the dagger is very similar to Siegel's obsidian dagger, which may be the result of subconsciousness. The spells he used were very simple, just basic shape and transformation spells, but from the process of making this dagger with spells, Siegel learned a new lesson: magic is the result of regular learning, but it should be freewheeling the creation process. Siegel wraps the cloth around the dagger as a grip, which is by far the best weapon he has ever used—aside from those in the keyspace.

The two were walking forward on the snow covered with pine needles, observing the surrounding situation as they moved forward. Humke found an ant nest, and he could see a lot of small hills made of fermented and rotten The orc broke off a branch, opened the hill, and saw countless Big black ants crawled around.

"You don't want to say this is edible, do you?" Siegel asked.

"Hunk, Hunk!" The orc quickly denied it. He took off his sackcloth clothes, dug a small hole, and spread it out. Then he dug up the ant nest again and rummaged down. Black ants crawled everywhere, trying to avoid this "natural disaster". But Hunk was unmoved and used a stick to shovel away the soil piece by piece. "Hunk!" He whispered, then grabbed a bunch of ants with his hands and put them in the clothes pit. Siegel leaned in and saw that there were many eggs and some whitish larvae inside. The frightened ants hurriedly carried the eggs back, leaving the immobile larvae struggling inside the clothes.

The orc picked up some ant larvae and put it in his mouth, chewing it hard. "Hunk!" He looked satisfied. He also motioned for Siegel to try it. The larvae were sticky and soft and smelled so bad that Siegel felt a chill all over his body. It wasn't until after a few sips that he gradually got used to the taste.

The ant larvae can only relieve their hunger for a while, and their mouth is full of this stench, which makes Siegel completely lose his appetite-maybe this is the point of eating ants? The Humk orc shook off the remaining ants and put his clothes back on. He rummaged forward again, dug a steep slope, and pulled out the roots of the pine trees. The tenderest parts of it are wiped clean and ready to eat, and this food makes the goblins seem to enjoy it. Siegel took it and tried to take a few bites. It's finally no longer a stinky thing, but like bitter old celery. Better than nothing, Siegel consoled himself. At the same time, he also discovered the benefit of Humke - his ability to survive in the wild is very useful.

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