Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 102 The evil god and the time traveler meet

"Pray, who is it?" With the power of the City of Disaster, Medea sensed the source of this prayer.

In compliance with the connection of extraordinary power, relying on the intervention of the Academy granted by the knowledge of Bodhisattva, Medea focused on the "Prayer".

"It's actually...Klein."

The power from the City of Disaster projects her in front of the praying people. The strong power of disaster sweeps across the world, creating a palace out of thin air that sits on nothingness.

Sitting on the Black Iron Throne, Medea wears a black dress, an imperial crown on her head, and silver gauze on her shoulders. She holds a long-handled staff that looks like a combination of birds, flowers, bright moon, sun, starry sky, universe and other elements. .

He changed his vest and used another image of himself - the Evil God, the Activation of the City of Disaster, and the Vortex of Destruction.

Looking at the palace in front of him, Klein looked around and found that he was standing in a void.

With a slight cough, Klein spoke in Chinese: "Hello~"

The next moment, he found himself in an unknown space.

Surrounded by hollow reliefs, buildings, streets, and houses belonging to the 21st century are painted in different colors... Everything here depicts the earth where Klein, no, Zhou Mingrui lives, the era of the 21st century.

On the dome of the palace is the blue planet that Zhou Mingrui is familiar with. Many murals depict the world before time travel in an abstract way.

Focusing on the palace owner, Klein repeated again: "Hello~"

Still in Chinese.

"Hello~" As wonderful as a lark, Medea stood up and stepped down from the throne.

"Welcome, travelers in a foreign land."

"Are you a god?" Klein didn't have much restraint. When meeting fellow villagers, he asked directly.

"Yes, and no." Medea snapped her fingers, the staff in her hand disappeared, and she put her hands behind her back.

"Any questions? I'd be happy to help you with the answers to your questions."

"There are many questions." After thinking about it, Klein asked the questions one by one.

"What happened to the omniscient and omnipotent God in the second era? Why did his country collapse after defeating the eight ancient gods."

"What exactly happened to traveler Russell? History records his accidental death."

"What exactly are the Antigonus Family Notes?"

"And... why do gods restrict the circulation of wisdom?"

"Come one by one." Medea tapped her palms, and Klein found a chair appearing in front of him.

After Klein sat down, Medea spoke.

"I don't know the history of the Second Era either. I lived later than Russell."

"As for why Russell died, he violated the interests of the gods, so he was killed."

"The interests of the gods?" Klein asked curiously: "What interests."

"Compatriots, a little knowledge about gods."

Medea said in a long tone: "Gods need faith, which is...'anchor'."

“Extraordinary loss of control contains gods.

After reaching the fourth sequence of demigods, promotion through the extraordinary path requires establishing a church and stabilizing yourself with the anchor of faith, otherwise you will lose control due to divinity.

The gods are very powerful, so they naturally need more anchors to maintain their status. "

"The higher the extraordinary sequence, the greater the impact of the two laws of aggregation and separation!"

"Convergence and separation..." Klein's eyes looked thoughtful, and he looked at Medea.

"Yes, the law of extraordinary characteristics." Medea began to teach him.

“First, the law of immortality of extraordinary characteristics.

Extraordinary characteristics will not be destroyed or reduced. The Extraordinary characteristics diluted after the death of the Extraordinary can be used as the main material of potions for improvement. "

"In other words, fighting is inevitable..." Klein concluded. "The promotion of Extraordinary people... Extraordinary people on the same path are all enemies."

"Yes, everyone contains the imprint of the original. Everyone can become an extraordinary person and move toward the beginning. Whether they are mortals or gods, the end point has already been fixed."

"This is cruel. My compatriots and gods also struggle due to the madness of extraordinary power and rely on faith to maintain their personality.

But this is just one of the extraordinary laws. "

"Second, the law of conservation of extraordinary characteristics. Extraordinary characteristics of similar pathways are conserved and will not increase or decrease. If there are more high sequences, there will be fewer low sequences, and vice versa.

Third, the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics. If a high-sequence item appears, it will intermittently and unconsciously attract medium- and low-sequence Beyonders of the same or similar paths to its vicinity. "

"Of course, there is also the fourth law that I summarized."

Medea looked at Klein's expectant eyes and spoke slowly.

"Extraordinary characteristics are separated. Whenever they come together, they will separate."

"No matter where you go, extraordinary characteristics will eventually cause irreversible separation, aggregation, and separation. Once the extraordinary characteristics carrier potion is swallowed, it is destined to follow a path."

“Through aggregation, they grow to reach the top of that sequence, or they separate and become the nourishment for other Extraordinaries and Extraordinaries of the same sequence.

Sometimes, you may have died, but the diluted Extraordinary characteristics of your corpse will become the main material for the promotion of other Extraordinaries. "

"Besides, my fellow citizens, death is not the end of everything."


"Yes and no.

If a latecomer in the same sequence plays "you", then after he swallows the potion and continues to act, the mental pollution contained in the potion will make you "reborn".

In a sense, you will be resurrected from the dead, but all this requires you to reach a high sequence level. "

"This... is really hopeless." Klein took a deep breath.

How cruel is the world of extraordinary people?

Maybe, in the eyes of some extraordinary people, you are the main ingredient for potions that they need for promotion.

By eating you, they become stronger.

Not only that, sometimes your performance will make you unknowingly become the resurrection carrier of your "predecessor".

Extraordinary world dangers are everywhere.

"But don't worry, I'm exploring a new direction. If everything goes well, then I will cut off this cycle of fate."

"Maybe I can call myself Hades." Medea chuckled and said, "Since I got tired of searching, I have learned to find it once I find it.

Since a headwind hit, I have been able to brave the wind from all directions and sail the boat.

This hundred thousand year reincarnation will be cut off by me. "

"What direction?" Ignoring the super beast's pretentious words, Klein looked at Medea.

Since it is already the law of the extraordinary world, how do you find a new direction?

"The acting method, acting in the extraordinary world determines growth. Through acting, extraordinary people become excellent carriers of extraordinary characteristics."

"I summarized the relevant concepts of extraordinary people."

"Performing, when an extraordinary person digests a potion, it is like performing to make himself the 'name' represented by the potion, so as to more conveniently obtain the power of the potion."

Medea's tone began to sound like a burning fire.

“In ancient times, potion plays had different names, some of which were completely different from today.

For example, a fire mage and an arsonist have the same potion sequence and the same potion sequence level. Their roles in the past were completely different from their current roles. "

“Through systematic summary investigation and on-the-spot investigation, I came to a conclusion – this is because of the differences in times and environments.

Once upon a time, the gods walked on the earth, extraordinary power was not secret, and Sequence Seven was just a low sequence. Now everything has changed!

The gods are no longer walking on the earth, and their extraordinary power is hidden.

The original fire mage has now become an arsonist, although it is still a combination of destruction, flames, burning, damage, etc.

But such a big difference is enough to explain one thing.

——That is, the sequence of potions can be changed.

As long as the base has the same content, you can perform, change the ritual, modify the formula, and there are many, many differences to make changes to the potion sequence! "

Speaking of this, Medea seemed to be giving a public speech, and her words were so "bewitching".

"My fellow countrymen, I have a bold idea.

The role changes with the overall framework of the world. This extraordinary feature is a mod applied to human civilization. So what will happen if I guide the change of the world? "

"The answer is that Extraordinary will no longer be out of control. The mental pollution left by the magic potion, the extraordinary divine pollution, and even the inevitable pollution contained in Extraordinary power will all be controllable!"

This is a new era.

——With my hands, ascend to the gods!

She completely ended the endless whirlpool of internal friction!

"What will be the consequences?" Klein looked at Media, like a sage looking down at the gods in search of answers and truth.

Mitya chuckled and replied: "The answer lies in history, doesn't it?"

“Roselle brought the steam age to the world, and I discovered the parts that needed to be supplemented, cutting off the shackles on the thinking of all living beings, and bringing about a revolution.

This is the path that the gods look forward to, and even the evil gods are eager to cut off this shackles. "

The gods approve and the whole world agrees.

Righteous Gods and Evil Gods, after Medea and the Secret Sage reached a cooperation and began to try to create the Star God, Destiny, and Envoy of Bo Shi Zun, they discovered that this path can solve the problem of out-of-control extraordinary power, and even adjacent paths. The fight can be solved as well!

Even the old alien gods who need to be faced in the future can be included by the Star God because of their own paths!

This answer is a revolutionary subversion that will completely solve the problem.

Medea's fateful attempt was like opening a door, allowing the gods to find an answer.

They can't solve the problem, but that doesn't mean the problem cannot be solved.

Research on the nature of extraordinary characteristics, answers to how to play potions, interpretations of the three extraordinary laws, the past and the origin of extraordinary... these are the vague answers that can now be seen.

And this... is one of the agreements between Adam and Medea.

The third time traveler, a vest that Medea made for herself

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