Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 101 The Destructive Miss Amon

What Amon is going to do – that’s an interesting topic.

As a born and unique spirit, Amon has no so-called moral constraints at all. He is a complete mythical creature.

Chaos, absurdity, and no inhibitions.


"Hi, Senior Klein." Miss Amon sat on the sofa and greeted Klein who had just come downstairs in a gentle tone.

"Miss Amon."

"Senior Klein, this is today's newspaper." Amon handed the newspaper to Klein.

She wanted to see what kind of expression Klein would show after learning about this matter.

[Labor wages in Tingen have further dropped, reaching their lowest point in seventy years]

"Wait a minute." Klein suddenly felt excited. He grabbed the newspaper and read it carefully from the beginning.

The records in the newspaper are very detailed. They analyzed various market speculations in Tingen City and analyzed all aspects, and then came to the conclusion that major capital companies in Tingen City will lay off people on a large scale.

“The cotton textile industry in Tingen will be machine-made and produced on steam-type spinning machines.”

"...The import and export trading company will build a steam engine steel smelting plant at the dock, using the method of steel forging..."

"Tingen City Grain Synthesis Processing Center will be based on..."

"The tariffs on import and export goods will be revised according to the new legal provisions of the royal family of the Kingdom of Loen..."

These... are so familiar!

Klein instantly recalled the memory of his death.

This content is described in history textbooks - steam engine, the first industrial revolution!

"Russell Gustave!" Klein thought of him.

As a time traveler, Russell left behind the steam engine, started the industrial revolution, established the pattern of the north and south continents, and ushered in the era of maritime trade.

However, in these years, everything seems to be restricted because of Steam Princess, one of the Seven Gods Church.

Nowadays, Tingen City has begun to cultivate scholars because of the Erudite Society established by Mitya, and knowledge is transferred on a large scale. Many scholars with "advanced" knowledge reserves have joined the capital company, so...

The Industrial Revolution will really begin to kick off.

There, if you continue to reason, you will get a surprising discovery!

"Senior Klein, what are you thinking about?"

Miss Amon's voice woke him up.

Klein quickly turned around and asked: "Miss Amon, this newspaper is..."

"Yes, this is what I concluded." Amon nodded and continued.

"Teacher Medea has taught us students a lot of... advanced knowledge."

Medea is like a knife, cutting through the shackles of the businessmen's thinking field and breaking free from the shackles of the social order.

For money, these people can sell everything!

Even if it’s your own beliefs!

For them, if their faith can be sold to the devil, then they are willing to sell their souls for money!

"I understand, I understand." He kept mumbling, and Klein already understood what was going to happen next!

The sprouting of capital in Tingen City will bring industrialization to replace the current handicraft industry, replace labor with machines, and cause a massive wave of layoffs. When factories have better machines to replace labor, so-called labor will be squeezed!

And this period of history will be bloody, dark, cruel, crazy, desperate...purgatory on earth.

This is the darkest time, when there are no stars in the night to guide the way.

" will be a rebellion, a struggle for the rights of lower-class workers and greedy capitalists.

This revolution will cause...disaster, resentment, and evil gods coming to the world! "

Thinking of this, Klein understood why Medea said the word "wisdom" like this.

This is blasphemy!

The Church of the Night and the Church of the Seven Gods Selection The world was created by the Creator. The Seven Gods are the incarnations of the Creator, and they are in charge of everything.

Not only them, but those evil gods also announced that they would imbue themselves with omniscience, omnipotence, and the Creator.

Klein knew that even the super macho Maozi from the second era and the omniscient and omnipotent god who crushed the ancient gods were human beings.

Then why do you still believe...

In other words, belief in gods... Why should we believe in you?

When truth overthrows the falsehood of faith,

When the dawn bell rings,

When the wise man finds that it is no longer necessary to believe in the gods,

When the Enlightenment brought about a radical reform of religion,

When mortals look at the throne of God in the sky with innocent eyes...

"Blasphemy!" Suppressing his heart, Klein kept pacing back and forth.

Trouble, this is a trouble he can't solve.

The impact of Medea's erudition would be too serious. It is not very likely, but it will definitely attract attacks from those churches.

With industrialization and machine manufacturing replacing humans, the disaster and chaos caused by unemployed workers will have serious consequences!

At that time, due to such a huge impact on the social order pattern, the internal contradictions could not be transformed, or in other words, they were suppressed... which would definitely lead to the occurrence of a world war.

Since the conflict cannot be resolved internally, then transfer the conflict~

Even the aftermath of the war was enough to crush the Klein family.

"Miss Amon, are these all true?" Klein pressed Amon's shoulders tightly with both hands, his eyes looking a little lucky.

Miss Amon smiled and opened her mouth to shatter his luck.

"Yes, these are true."

grass (always plant)

Clutching his fingers tightly, Klein felt like a headless fly, unable to find the direction or answer. He could only fly around without a clue, hitting walls everywhere.

what should I do?

Klein doesn’t know.

Russell used to treat the world as a game, and what he left behind was a disaster. Now it has been detonated.

Thinking of this, Klein felt very fucked up.

You Russell play games, no problem.


You brought about the first industrial revolution, but the results were incomplete. These hidden dangers and chaotic changes were detonated in my era.

Are you a time assassin?

Give me a hard blow from afar!

"Benson, Melissa, Medea, Erudite Society..." Thinking about the answer, Klein didn't know what to do.

Wait...I, by the way, the third time traveler, the Evil God, the Vortex of Destruction!

She will definitely be able to solve it...

But, this really looks like an evil god!

While Klein was thinking, Amon suddenly said: "Senior Klein, during my field trip to the dock this morning, I found that many workers are unemployed."

"Benson!" For a moment, Klein thought of the import and export company where Benson worked.

If Benson loses his job...

Seemingly sensing Klein's confusion, Miss Amon continued to "add fuel to the fire." She casually mentioned some gossip she heard on the roadside.

"Senior Klein, I heard that some unemployed and laid-off workers are planning to jointly protest at the city council in Tingen City."

If a conflict breaks out because of the protest... Thinking of this outcome, Klein's mind was shaken and he made a decision in an instant.

"Miss Amon, I'm going back to my room." After saying this, Klein hurriedly ran back to the second floor.

"So, is this manipulating fate?" Amon looked at Klein's back and said to himself: "Knowing his personal information and his weaknesses, he formed an irreversible fate with a gentle push. ."

Squinting his eyes, Amon thought back to his...Adam.

He laughed.

It's interesting. For Amon, Klein is so interesting now.

Back on the second floor, Klein didn't talk too much and started praying.

Being cowardly in the second quadrant, he began to chant the venerable name.

This is a very stupid move, to have contact with the evil god without permission, but Klein has no idea when the god will send down divine punishment!

Maybe in the next second, the conflict between capitalists and workers caused by protests, divine punishment will destroy this city!

Ancient and obscure murmurs came out of his mouth, and the ancient Hermetic language, which could leverage the power of nature, echoed in the house, shaking out a string of unknown forces.

Amon, who was sitting on the sofa downstairs, sensed this power. She smiled, holding her belly and laughing loudly.

The deceiver Amon deceived Klein by confusing and piecing together the truth.

Every word she said was true, but it was all deception and deception.

Klein is worried about Benson, worried that Tingen City will encounter an ultimate melee on Schrödinger's time, so he will panic, be impulsive and act excessively.

Amon did not directly say that Benson went to protest. Klein guessed that it was just the result of Amon's misinformation.

Although this result is inevitable... No matter what the process is, the result Amon sees is Klein chanting the evil god's name.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

"Let me think about it, how would a fortune teller who knows what is going to happen next prepare to solve the fate of this collapse?"

"Are you following your own character and preparing for confrontation...or are you looking for extraordinary power and choosing to stand aside...or are the gods disallowing it, except for the Fool...I'm really looking forward to it."

"Klein, what would you do?"

Amon smiled and flipped through the notebook in her hand, and she began to write on it.

Every line of text that falls is Amon's record of what happened in Tingen City, and it belongs to Klein's story.

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