Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 524: The suffering of waiting

"Brother, are you okay?"

Until dinner, Senxia looked a little absent-minded. [Read the latest chapters..]

Although Senxia had arranged things in the afternoon, the more so, the more disturbed Senxia felt.

"Sorry, it's okay." Senxia shook her head.

"Strange, Senior Qianjia didn't come back, it's rare that I have cooked so many big meals. Really." Yukino pouted and glanced at the sumptuous dinner on the table. "I heard that the president seems to have not come to school for a few days. I really don't know what happened."

Originally, Yukino wanted to tell Morinka to watch her kendo match, but after seeing Morinka's expression, Yukino could only sigh and then sat in his seat.

"Do you know anything about the president's side, Yukino?" Senxia asked.

"Huh?" Xue Nao shook his head, "No, but I heard that the chairman seems to be asking for leave?"

"Oh I got it."

Senxia nodded.

As Qian Jia said, this matter was handled coldly by the school, so now the students at the school do not know this matter. Otherwise, with the popularity of Jixiangyuan Lihua, discussions about her are now everywhere.

"...Could it be that something happened to the president?" Yukino was careful, realizing that things didn't seem right.

"Well, in fact, the president here seems to be about to drop out of school, and then he was suppressed by the school. Now Qianjia is investigating this aspect." Senxia said all the things that happened to Lihua.

Hearing his brother's explanation, Yukino was also lost in thought.

Although she doesn't know exactly what happened, in the days when she lived with Jixiangyuan, Xue Nai also had some friendship with Jixiangyuan Lihua. Even if there was not much communication, even if that person would take her brother's time... …

"All in all, Senior Sister Qianjia said that she would take care of this matter. After all, this has something to do with Jixiang Academy. We don't know how to handle it." Senxia shook her head.

"I think when we say the words of'Tianhai Family', they should come over and sit down with us to talk." Xue Nai said casually.

"Xuno, you are too naive. Our house is just a small landlord in Hokkaido. The local area may be regarded as a bit famous, but it is in Hokkaido. It is a thousand miles away from this place." Morinya shook her head, and Xue Na was still a pattern. Tucson broke, "Auspicious Academy is a big family that runs multinational companies."

Xue Na tilted her head, then looked at Morika: "But we..."

"... And we are in this situation, it is impossible to run back, right?" Xue Na did not finish, Senxia had already interrupted her. Although Morinka and Yukino had a family like a small landlord in Hokkaido, Morinka and Yukino couldn't go back at all.

"...That's right." Senxia said it was reasonable. There were not many foreign aids they could find now, and Xue Na didn't understand this matter, so it was inconvenient for her to say more.

After eating, Morinka stood up and said, "Sorry, there are still some things in the club that need to be handled. I will trouble you tonight."

Generally speaking, Morinka and Yukino are doing the finishing after dinner, but now Morinka is a little tired.

"It's okay, leave it to me." Yukino smiled at Morinya, "But brother, please pay attention to your body."


Senxia waved her hand and walked upstairs.

"Um..." Looking at Senxia's back, Yukino didn't immediately start to clean up the table, but looked at Senxia's back, not knowing what she was thinking.

"By the way, it seems that I haven't contacted Grandpa for a long time. I just heard that my brother was talking about family affairs, and I seem to miss it a little. Well, when you have time, you can also ask about things over there..."

With a silent mutter, Yukino stood up and began to clean the table.

On the other side, after going upstairs, Senxia opened the door and entered the room.

Then he logged on to the forum and qicq. On this, Senxia used the id of "God Lord" to chat with the people above, and even recruited a group of interested friends, but the current situation is obviously Sen It is impossible for Xia to continue, so he is still making arrangements here at this time.

"Well, but I didn't expect that the Internet would be like this..."

In the section of "Guilty Crown", a group of people had already quarreled at this time.

Now the sales volume of "Apocalypse" has moved towards 150,000 sets, and more and more true love parties have emerged at this time. They strongly condemned the plot of "Apocalypse without misfortune".

This phenomenon is just like the role of Saber, who will be called the "doujin bus" in the future. Many people are actually substituted into the story, and then take the role of Qi Qi as their wife.

Although many people find it very interesting, there are also people who express strong dissatisfaction with the fact that someone does a gentleman mod. On the forum, many True Love parties have formed organizations. They expressed strong dissatisfaction with the practice of "Lord God".

Morinia now doesn't have the energy to manage this aspect of things, but after seeing the news on the Internet, he still wants to suppress this matter.

Senxia thought for a while, and posted a new post online.

"The mod I made contains the framework of the entire ergonomic system. In addition to a separate gentleman mod, you can also make a pure love mod."

Senxia posted a post like this on the network, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. But he also said about this before, and those Pure Love Party expressed strong dissatisfaction with such a statement.

There are two kinds of people who think of Ichi as a wife. One is the person who can control Ichi to take risks and can be satisfied, and the other is the person who wants to do this or that with Ichi.

The first type is true pure love and true love. The second type is not much different from other gentlemen, but their love for characters is deeper. Even gentlemen’s things are only allowed to happen to themselves and this. Between roles.

So after Senxia posted a post, they were not satisfied.

However, "Lord God" replied below at this time, "When I got the mod manufacturing tool, I had inquired about the news with the staff of animic. Many people wanted to attack the role of Yuqi, but this is not the case. It's impossible."

After saying this, "Sir Shenling" declared that time is running out now, so it would not appear too often before Xia.

Senxia was hidden here, but the player exploded, and they were also interested in the revelations of this "uncle party".

Morinka actually likes this character. If Morinka is messed up in the original biography, he will not write randomly like this, causing the whole character to collapse or something. At this time, it is not only It's just the role itself.

After the script was modified by Senxia's magic, now Senxia's "The Crown of Sin" can be said to be Senxia's original. The design of the character itself is also Senxia's painstaking effort. It is not just Qiqi, Sakura Manji, Chao Shen For these characters, Senxia respects them.

From another perspective, Senxia is just "narrating" this story. He created this world and then wrote the story of the characters in this world. Although the plot of the true ending is a seemingly beautiful ending, it is the characters that determine the ending. At the beginning of the establishment of the characters, the route of the true ending has actually been established.

From such a world, from the bottom of my heart, Senxia loves her very much, because it is her own hard work.

If it wasn't for liking, Morinka would not have embarked on the path of creation at the beginning. He liked gentlemen and depicted stories.

But the so-called mod is an exception. It is like Diaosi knows that the goddess is sacred and inviolable, but it does not prevent them from yy in their hearts. As a mod, or as a third-party fan content, the plot itself is free. How the pollution came, this point is extremely clear in Senxia's heart. He was not a glass writer who would break his heart because someone else wrote to himself a sadomasochist.

After all, role chefs who like a role are rare, and the broad masses of people prefer gentleman content with deep influence. As for gentlemen, Senxia's heart is very open.

Of course, doujin is doujin, and if someone wants Morinya to mess around in the original work, he will definitely kick it over.

On the other side of the computer, Mori Xia stared at the screen for a long time, but shook his head for a while, then turned off the forum page, and switched to qicq to contact Lao Xu.

After handing over Qicq's affairs to Lao Xu, Senxia staggered to her feet.

"Huh, it looks like this is almost the case."

Taking a deep breath, Senxia walked to the bookcase.

Then Morika took out a book from it.

This is a world-famous book called "Jane Eyre". It was a birthday gift that Lihua once gave to herself.


He let out another breath slowly.

He shook his head, then sat back next to the computer again.

"Ah, by the way, I don't know what the final result of "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" will be..." Senxia sighed in his Actually, he himself didn't know why he would be at this time. Think of these things.

Probably just because of some irritability in my heart, I was thinking about these things. If I stopped thinking, I would probably think of Lihua again.

Senxia sighed.

However, at this moment, Qian Jia suddenly opened the door and rushed in: "Senxia, ​​I found Lihua's whereabouts!"


First today.

A fan is a fan, and the mod is a mod. I will also write Lifan, but I will not say that Lifan is the main text, and I will not go to the author because someone has drawn a book for Saber or Asuna. I have never been in charge of the dirty posts.

that's it.




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