Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 523: Li Hua

"——What, Lihua dropped out of school?!"

When Morinya heard the news from Qianjia, his face was full of incredulous expressions. 【Full text reading...】

Moriha was still thinking about cursing the armor mod, but after hearing the news, he no longer felt that way.

If it’s just a transfer, it’s okay, but after hearing the news that Lihua said she was leaving school, she said she was not worried.

"It's not a drop out. Although Lihua's report here was put up, but the principal did not know for what reason, she suppressed this matter. For others, Lihua is now'suspended' Status. I was going to go to the principal's office to ask our new principal, but she seems to be absent all the time."

After hearing Qianjia's explanation, Morika sighed a little. He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Lihua's phone.

However, the phone has been down.

"I've already called." Qianjia shook her head, "but the call over there is nowhere."

"What happened to Lihua?" Senxia asked quickly.

Qian Jia shook his head: "I also saw that she was not in class today, and I felt something was wrong. Later, when I inquired, I realized that she hadn't been here for a while...Really, I've been a little bit proud of it recently, so The guy ignored it."

"Then how is her house? Lihua's house is very close to here?" Senxia asked eagerly.

"Well, all in all, I have let the butler over and watch, and he just replied to me that there is no one there." Qian Jia said and shook his head.

"Could it be that something happened in Lihua's house?" Senxia couldn't help but worry.

Qian Jia shook his head: "It shouldn't be. Although the mansion we know is also the residence of Jixiangyuan's family, it is not actually their real residence. Although Lihua and the others live here on weekdays, in fact, Jixiangyuan's house is located here. There is also their own manor on the outskirts of Tokyo. If Lihua is not here, he should have gone back there."

"...But what is the reason for being close. Lihua is going back... Wait, is it summer vacation...?!"

Senxia thought of what she had said to Qianjia before.

"But don't worry, it should be nothing serious. Although Lihua's phone number is gone. But Jixiangyuan Financial Group doesn't seem to have heard of anything." Qianjia waved his hand, "Maybe it's just a move."

"If it's just a move, we won't cut off our contact." Senxia rolled her eyes, "Since there is no way here, then go to the Jixiangyuan Foundation to find them!"

Senxia just finished. Qianjia knocked Senxia's head: "The Jixiangyuan Consortium is not only the members of Lihua and his family. You will find it alone, and the trouble will only be big!"

The Jixiangyuan family is not the kind of nouveau riche. They are a family, and they are a little more powerful than the Qianyu family. The Qianyu family is a single pass. In the future, almost all the resources of the Qianyu family will almost fall to Qianjia. , But the Jixiangyuan family is a big family. Once they get in trouble, there are a lot of troubles.

After stopping Senxia. Qian Jia herself was lost in thought.

"That guy is just like that, he accepts it, and puts everything in his heart... Hey."

There is no doubt that the person in this world who knows Lihua best is Qianjia. Although she does not know what happened to the other party, she knows that Lihua’s personality is absolutely nothing good.

"Then what should I do?" Senxia was also stunned after hearing that the incident had involved Lihua's family.

Is there any internal information about this matter?

"Well, according to my previous investigation. Maybe it's really the same thing, but I'm still not sure." Qian Jia said hesitated.

"...Senior sister?"

"...In short, you don't want to be c-hands about this matter, and you are not allowed to do anything. I will talk about it after I have investigated the matter clearly!"

Although Qianjia-senpai was very strong on weekdays, it was the first time Senxia saw her with such a tough expression. He had never thought that senior-sister could show such an expression.

"But senior sister, you can't convince me like this." Senxia also shook her head, Qianjia's words, there is no way to convince him. He wanted to know what happened, what did Qian Jia investigate before?

Qian Jia shook his head at this time: "I don't want you to be stunned. If Jixiang Academy knows that Lihua has been close to boys, you will be the trouble."


Although it was only a matter of fate, Morinia remembered that Lihua's stepmother seemed to have a pretty good attitude towards herself. By the way, they are a family...

Senxia thought of a point he had overlooked before.

Qianjia said this, not to Jixiangyuan, but to protect Morinatsu.

"All in all, during this period of time, my work will be handed over to you. I will investigate things here clearly. If you really have that nostalgia, you can quickly get things done over there." Qian Jia shook his head. "There should be nothing wrong with Lihua for the time being. If something happens, it should be after the summer vacation. After entering the summer vacation, the distance to summer is not far away. I don't want something wrong with the club."

"...Hi." Senxia saw the firm look in Qianjia's eyes, and he couldn't say anything to refute at this time.

"I will ask for leave in the afternoon, and I will not pass the time at the club recently. In short, everything is up to you." After Qian Jia said this, she left here and walked downstairs. , It seems that I really want to leave school.

Faced with Qianjia's background, Senxia has no choice. There are some things that only Qianjia can do. She is Lihua's best friend.

By the time of class in the afternoon, Senxia had always been restless, but at this time he had stepped up his own ideas, and cursing armor or something must be done first.

"Well, Lao Xu's degenerate mod can be moved to the future, September, October, or winter..."

No way, Senxia actually doesn't want to do this, but since she doesn't have this energy now, she can only push the follow-up content to the back.

After school was over in the afternoon, Senxia walked into the department of Xianshi Research.

He took advantage of this time to make a call, but Jixiangyuan Lihua still couldn't get through.

"Forget it, get the stuff here first."

Senxia turned her head and called Lao Xu again.

"Mosimosi, Teacher Xia Sen?" Old Xu's voice came from the phone.

"It's me, Lao Xu, stop your work for a while. The two dragon knights Sang and Ji Zong Gang Ki Sang you met last time, please contact them again. The dlc script can make them bear part of it. My side I will send you the script of the'Cursed Armor' that I conceived before. You can help me complete this part of Lao Xu."

Senxia talked a lot, and the old Xu over there was a little inexplicable: "What about the mod I am in charge of?"

"Postponed. I will finish setting up the basic framework later, and then I will contact Wang Qiwen and others again, and finally ask them for help. It's okay to ask them for help." Qianjia has already contacted the material painter or something, otherwise, otherwise , Now this situation is called trouble.

But now, Senxia's arrangement is just right.

After Qianjia disappeared, the affairs of the club fell on Senxia. During this time, Senxia would at least manage the club well.

"Hi." Lao Xu realized that something should have happened to Senxia, ​​but Lao Xu didn't ask, he just responded.

After arranging the affairs of Lao Xu, Mori Xia asked Lao Xu to send a copy of Nana's daily life, because "Guilty Crown" is going to be an op, so Nana needs some time in this regard.

"There is still time. Although "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" is half a year, Musashino currently has only one job. It should still be possible to spare a little time to do a two-minute op, plus cutscenes, as long as it does not exceed Twenty minutes, there should be a way..."

Morinka thought for a while, and then called Jinshita Koichi again, but because "Girls Fall in Love with My Sister" is about to be released in more than a month, both Manashita and Horikawa are not in the office. After leaving a message over there, I hung up.


Just putting down the phone, Morinka found that Lily was standing next to her at this time, looking at Morinka with curious eyes: "My family, why are you bothering?"

It is still the tone of the second grade.

"Well, it's work." Senxia waved her hand.

"..." Lily didn't speak, but squinted at Senxia with an inscrutable expression.

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood for activities today, I'm going to finish my work now." Morinya now has no energy to accompany Lily in the second. He turned on the computer, opened the previous planning text, and continued to add content.

" Forget it, anyway, the concubine body has been ridden with mundane affairs recently, there are always so many boring things in the world!"

Lily shrugged, then sat down on the chair, then took out the cake from her schoolbag.

"Hey, that guy is not there?" At this moment, Lily noticed that Qianjia seemed to be absent at this time, "Is that cow star person actually not there?"

If you say that by Qianjia, you will definitely be killed by her...

On weekdays, Senxia must have been complaining, but now Senxia has no such mood at all.

Senxia answered Lily without raising her head: "Well, she has more important things now. She has left school since noon."



This is the second one, sorry, it's late, orz (to be continued.)




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