Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 484: Good news and bad news

"Sega's phone number?" After hearing Qianjia's words, Morinya confirmed again.

"Yes, that's why your crow's mouth..." Qian Jia sighed.

"Eh? Crow's mouth? Wait, senpai, what is Sega going to do?"

Qianjia's tone was not good, so Morinya immediately noticed the heaviness in her words.

Rena next to him looked at Morika and then at Qianjia. Although he didn't understand what was going on, Sega seemed to be a big club, right? It's amazing, they can actually do business with that kind of big company...

"A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear?" Qianjia looked at Senxia.

"Hey, senior sister, don't take out such old-fashioned lines. If you say so, it must be a big deal!" Senxia subconsciously vomited, but after seeing Qian Jia's rather solemn face , He still said, "Well, the good news first."

"The good news is that we are going to sign a non-disclosure agreement with Sega, do you know what this means?" Qianjia gave a very good news.

"...A new game console?" Senxia understood what Qianjia meant in an instant.

"It should be. Our Guilty Crown was selected as one of the games to be released as a feature of Sega's new game." Qianjia shrugged.

"Fuck, are they crazy?!" Senxia's eyes widened.

Qian Jia shook his head: "Well, but then someone from Sega will help us develop the game. This is actually nothing."

"Wait!" Senxia waved his hand, "But isn't our game a platform? What is Sega going to make at this time!"

"Yes, and this is the bad news, in short. Sega wants us to make the game sooner, here it is."

During the whole conversation, the fax machine next to the telephone sent a document.

Qianjia walked over, then read the file again, then turned around, and then continued to look at Morika: "Sega hopes that we can make the game version in advance. Then it will be listed."

Morinha frowned: "In other words, Sega wants to see our effects first, and then promote our game form as an example..."

Senxia now understands what's going on.

"Probably so, they seem to really care about the network system." Qianjia handed the document after reading it to Senxia.

To put it simply, Sega probably temporarily decided to have a game that can demonstrate the benefits of the Internet to stand up, and then show everyone how it should be adjusted.

Morinia also knew that when it first went public. Many companies that have a good relationship with Sega came to help, but the final results seemed to be not very good. There were many boutiques, but I encountered ps2.

In this time and space, Sega seems to be more optimistic about the Internet than the original "history". But they also suffered from the fact that Japanese games are more amusing in this respect, so at this time they discovered the fan club, one of the advocates of this concept.

"But Sega itself doesn't know the specific situation of this kind of game, so we need to let our game go on the market first, and then observe the situation." Qianjia after reading the fax. Summarized again.

Senxia nodded.

Generally speaking, most Japanese manufacturers do not pay attention to the computer stand-alone game market. In their opinion, it is dispensable. But Senxia knows that Sega can do this kind of thing. They can develop home consoles while selling games on them.

The year before last. That is, on September 26, 1996, Sega released a far-reaching game "vr warrior". This game can be said to have created an era. Suzuki Yu also used this game to become a top game producer. Probably because of this, Sega gave the opponent so high when he was making Shenmue. Invest, although the result is not pleased.

But since "vr warrior", Sega has ported games from home consoles or arcades to computers almost every year, especially in the Saturn era and era, and likes to port some masterpieces to it.

Although it hasn't been released yet, Morinatsu feels that according to Sega's urination, they might really do such a thing.

"But this news isn't bad news, right?" Senxia was a little strange.

However, Qianjia shook his head: "If you simply listen to this news, it is true, but unfortunately, Sega hopes that we can make it in June, and what is even worse is that they have helped us clear the way. As long as we produce the full version, it only takes a week at most for our game to go on sale."

Hearing these words, Senxia froze.

"It would be fine if it was just like this..." Qianjia sighed, "But our game is not that simple, which means that our "Guilty Crown" galgame version must be released in May at the latest. , I remember you had said before that we would have everything going smoothly!"

"Don't complain about any flag at this time!" Senxia yelled with twitching corners of her mouth.

"The mistake of this matter is because Senxia-kun, you set up the flag in disorder! You flag madness!" Qianjia couldn't help it.

"Two or two, please calm down first..." Rena was also taken aback when she saw the heavy atmosphere.

"Sorry, I was excited." Qianjia shook his head, "but the current situation is really bad for us."

"I still have hundreds of thousands of words in the script. For a month, unless I don't go to class from now on, I won't be able to finish it..." Senxia shook her head.

At this time, Qian Jiameng looked up: "That's it, Mori Xia-kun, how about you simply say that you had a car accident, and then take a month of sick leave? If it doesn't work, we will look for evidence of the principal and chairman. , And then think of a way to threaten her..."

A strange voice came from outside the door of "Puff Tong." It seemed that someone had fallen.

"Um, classmates outside, are you okay?" Rena walked over to open the door, but there was no one at the door, but when she moved her gaze to the corridor, she saw a figure rushing away. ...

"Probably someone in a hurry." Morinya also poked his head out. After finding that no one had an accident, Morinya returned to the department and continued to discuss with Qianjia.

"Although the method you said is OK, to be honest, this is the last resort, and I don't guarantee the quality of the article written in this way." Senxia thought for a while.

Qian Jia held her chest and seemed to be thinking too. After waiting for a while, she slowly opened her eyes: "In this case, we have to ask for foreign aid."

"Please foreign aid..." Senxia frowned.

This is good, but who should I invite?

Morinia felt that this situation was a bit illusory.

After all, the Lao Xu and Nasu he has found now are the top script writers in Japan in the future, but apart from them, Mori Xia basically does not know any other famous people. If you find anyone, everyone The levels are uneven, which is a bad thing.

It's not that Senxia is boasting, he is still very confident in his writing style. If it weren't for his insistence on developing into the field of gentlemen and homes, and focusing on literature, there might be no problem.

Because Lao Xu and Nasu Mushrooms are of very high standards, when the final revision is made, Morinha's modification does not need to be too troublesome. Both will consciously cooperate with Morinka's style of writing, but if it is someone else... Maybe it’s better to write it yourself when you modify it.

"All in all, Mori Xia-kun, please work **** your side. Lao Xu and Takeuchi are also people in the industry. If you ask them, there may be a way." Qianjia rested his chin and was already in deep thought.

"Well, I understand. All in all, I will find ways to speed up these time. As for the things in the club, I will ask Qianjia-senpai to deal with it." Mori summer and Qianjia settled the matter first, which is finally a feeling. Feel relieved.

"That." Rena's voice came from the side weakly, Morinka and Chika couldn't help turning their heads to look at Rena. Rena looked at the two of them: "Well, I just want to ask, what should our club do?"

"Uh" Morinya and Qianjia looked at each other.

Yes, their clubs are not large enough now. If the situation does not improve, they will be abolished by then. And even if someone is able to join now, Shiyan still has to submit activity descriptions and apply for funding. All in all, there are a lot of things to deal with here.

Moriha weighed it up, and he had no choice but to speak: "If it doesn't work, we can only give up."

"What a joke, the community matters are equally important, how can we give up?!" Before Morinya finished speaking, Qianjia preemptively said, "The existence of Xianshiyan is a kind of spirit. This is from this The spirit inherited from the era when the society was still called a fan, we must not just leave the society in this way!

"But we don't have time to deal with things here, right?" Morinya felt that there was still a problem.

"Then let Rena be the minister!" Qianjia patted Rena on the shoulder, and the latter was now confused.

"Well, our busyness will only last until the beginning of May. Rena, I beg you for the community affairs. After that, we will keep the community on track anyway!"

"But... but let me be minister or something..." Rena was already at a loss.

"Then Vice Minister!" Qianjia put down her hand and smiled at Rena, with a look of "I like you".

But Rena is a little awkward here, she always feels something is wrong...


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