Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 483: You set up another Flag to see? !

"Although I am very interested in animation and animation, Sakano Gakuen is a school with a high enrollment rate. If I join such a club, I will definitely be distracted.|Of every two people who watch romance, just There is an account registered with °."

"I am very interested in games, but my family won't let me join this kind of club, and the cram school is very busy, so sorry."

"Gui'an, everyone. Well, I'm very curious about animation... Oh, it turns out that animation is such a thing, boys and boys, ah, this is art, this is the door to a new world... Sorry, Although I am very interested, my friends have joined the equestrian club, so I am going there too."

"Sister Doujiang is super cute... But if I join, I'm sorry, because I have decided to join the basketball club. My sister Doujiang, my name is Oda Ryomasa, can you give your name-uh!"

Oda, a basketball club with a pig face, was kicked out by Qianjia

With the promotion of Mei Douchan Rena, the number of people who came to the aii club for consultation increased a lot the next day. However, Mori and the others encountered an extremely tragic incident, that is, no one joined.

I can’t completely say no. In fact, some people are still very interested in Donghu I. Several young ladies who have been in contact with animation works seem to think this club seems to be very interesting, but they did not go to various music clubs in the end. , I just went to a gathering place of local tyrants like the equestrian club, there is no way, this is the circle, this is the class. Although it was a pity, Qian Jia gave away a copy of Ji Ye's fanzine when they left. They also said that they would spread these books to show everyone the beautiful new world.

But in any case, there is still nothing to join.

"Now the members of our aii club are Chiba Chika, Amami Morika, Shiina Himeha, and Tojo Rena. The ghost staff I found last year have all graduated. This year, Lihua will not let me take advantage of it. "In the department, Qian Jia was a little angry.

"That is to say. One person short, right?"

Rena, who was wearing a sister's trembling suit, stood beside Qianjia at this time, and sighed.

"Yes, so in any case, we must recruit another person before the end of April. Otherwise, our aii club will be over." Qianjia offered a piece of news about the life and death of their club.

"Well, don’t worry, there will always be a chance. Today, there will be five or six people coming to inquire, not to mention everyone joining. But as long as there is one tenth, one twentieth, or even one percent The number of people want to join, there is no problem.” Senxia comforted.

"Senxia-kun, what you said makes sense, but the situation in our school is that it is difficult for this kind of society to survive... If it is not possible, I can only use the method of pulling the strong..." Qianjia revealed at this time Shaoguang, she had obviously thought of some new idea.

"Ahem, wait and see, there is still more than half a month left, there is no need to be so anxious, we still have a lot of money." What Senxia is most afraid of is not not being able to recruit people, but those super routines of Qianjia s method. No way, those methods are really challenging people's nerves.

"...That classmate, are you thinking about it?" At this moment, Rena noticed the half of her head sticking out of the door, but as soon as her voice fell, the half of her head was taken back, waiting for Morinka and Chika. When they turned their heads together, they only heard a rush of running from there.

"It should be some people thinking, but you are shy...have already left."

Senxia walked to the door while talking, then poked her head out. However, there was no one outside.

"Well, from this point of view, many people actually really want to join our club, but it must be because of this or that. That's why they didn't choose to join." Qianjia showed a confident smile on his face. "So we need to push these people at this time."

"You so-called push them, just don't force them to join." Senxia has already guessed what Qianjia will do.

"That kind of thing will never happen, just find their handle, and they can join us willingly." Qianjia's expression clearly means "under control".

"Please don't. Rena has been frightened by you." The corners of Senxia's mouth twitched. Rena was completely stunned after hearing Qianjia's explosive speech.

"Forget it, that's it," Senxia shook her head, "We have enough publicity now. If we adopt other methods, it will definitely be difficult for the president to explain it?"

"That's what I said." After mentioning Lihua, Qian Jia finally calmed down.

Although Moriha and the others can mess around here, there are some things they can't do. If their publicity is excessive, in the eyes of others, there will probably be many people who think this is caused by the inability of the students.

Although Qianjia is annoyed by Lihua's "housekeeper" temperament, she does not want to trouble Lihua. In fact, although Qianjia has been doing very excessive things to Lihua, these things have not affected Lihua's own position. In these aspects, Qian Jia still cares about Lihua.

"But does anyone really want to join?" Rena was a little guilty.

Although many people came to ask questions today, some of them seemed to be trembling at Rena’s sister, and they didn’t join in the end. At the beginning, Rena felt quite confident, but several times in a row. Rena's confidence took a hit after experiencing the "though it's good, but I'm sorry".

"Absolutely no problem, our aii community will definitely be able to recruit—puff!"

Before Morinka's words fell, Qianjia confused her face with a comic book, and then he heard Qianjia's angry voice: "No fg! Every time you say something, Morika will definitely fail. !"

"That's not the case! fg doesn't exist at all, you are superstition!" Senxia firmly protested.

But just after speaking, Senxia was a little guilty.

By the way, similar things seem to have happened a lot before, is this really no problem...

wrong! That is a coincidence! That is absolutely a coincidence!

Senxia said in her heart that this kind of thing is absolutely superstition!

Well, superstition! Definitely superstition!

Senxia confirmed her own thoughts in her heart.

"Has Morinka-kun done anything before?" Rena didn't know the history of Morinka's glorious fg, so he was a little curious at this time.

"Simply put, Senxia Jun is a super crow mouth, so on important occasions, we must not let him succeed!" Qianjia gritted her teeth.

"Huh? Then I said Sega or Sony will contact us later, and then this kind of thing will happen?" Senxia is unreasonable for this kind of superstition!

"No, Mori-kun, your fg is reversed. Do you remember when we were working on "Witch's House" last year? I think you said more than once, "Smooth sailing" and "Everything goes well"? But the result What?" Qianjia has a deep understanding of this.

"So it's like this..." Rena nodded cautiously.

Seeing Rena's appearance that "children can be taught", Qianjia nodded with great satisfaction, and said earnestly, "So, we must not let Morina talk nonsense, otherwise, maybe there will be no one. Will join our aii community!"

Hearing the conversation between these two people, Morinka shook her head dumbfoundedly: "Rena, don't believe Qianjia's words, this is just a coincidence, and I have always said many things like'definite','sure' , In this case, if everything can't be realized, isn't this abnormality too obvious?"

"That's right." After Rena heard Morika's explanation, he felt that what he was talking about was reasonable. "This is actually a small tacit understanding and joke between you and Qianjia, Mori-kun?"

"It's definitely not that simple, it's fg! Fg is right!" Qianjia firmly believed that she was not wrong.

"Huh, it's absolutely impossible. It's like I bought a lottery ticket, and then I said I would never win the first prize. Can I hit the one-in-a-millionth probability to win the prize?" Xia cracked the fg superstition with scientific means!

&nb doesn’t exist, and it’s just a matter of probability that Madam Lu encounters a bomb in Isaac!

"Minxia-kun is right." Rena also thought that Qianjia was indeed teasing Morinatsu at this time. But Rena didn't say much, maybe this is a game of complaints between their friends?

"That might happen." Qianjia's voice came over coldly.

&nb is just pseudoscience, I have seen it through. It’s like what I just said, haven’t I already set up ‘fg’? You can let Sega or Sony make a call! "Sinxia said that for this kind of pseudoscience, we will surely discover all the secrets when we approach science, leaving no room for a trace of superstition.

However, at this moment, a phone ring suddenly rang.

The three were stunned.

This is Qianjia’s cell She glanced at Morinya, and then picked up the phone: "Moximosi?"

Qianjia was on the phone, while Rena secretly looked at Morinka.

"It's calm, it's just an accident, how can there be such a coincidence!" Senxia responded with some guilty conscience.

At this time, Qianjia also finished the call.

She put down the phone and looked at Senxia with a weird look.

"It's the phone from Sega." She said concisely.

The corners of Senxia's mouth twitched.


Mrs. Lu is the host of station b and P, the source of Lu’s Flagger syndrome. Playing with Isaac and opening the treasure chest will be bombed...

The second one today! The second update~ (To be continued.)



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