Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 480: What is the daily life of ordinary high school students?

In the end, Morinka didn't see Qianjia's "horrible final means", because Rena replaced Morinka in this maid costume. 【Full text reading...】

"...Sinxia-kun, how about me, me?"

Rena wore a maid costume, then blushed and turned around in front of Morika.

This maid outfit is slightly different from Rena's size, but it's not much different. Rena still has no problem wearing it.

Rena has short shoulder-length hair, which is about the same length as Mori's hair. After getting dressed, this short hair style does have a different flavor.

"But wearing so little, is there really no problem?" Senxia was a little worried.

"Of course it's okay. Our school festival was at the beginning of November. At that time, it was much colder than it is now. You see, after the school festival, isn't it all well!" Qianjia patted Morika on the back and continued to look at it. Looking at Rena, it can be seen that she also felt very good about Rena's appearance.

"Hmm..." Rena didn't seem to be afraid of the cold, she was just a little shy about this maid pretend.

Rena didn't think about so many things at all when he just called out to replace Morika, but after starting to change into this maid costume, Rena began to regret it.

Because she only noticed at that time that she was going out wearing this suit and recruiting new ones for them...

When I thought about doing this kind of shame py, Rena felt a little uncomfortable all over her body at this time.

But how should I put it, if Rena were to go again at this time, she would also stand up and say the words before.

"In fact, if I could, I originally wanted to dress as a bunny girl, but it's a pity that neither the drama club nor the costume club have this..."

Qianjia's sudden words shocked Rena.

"Ahem, even if there is a bunny girl dress up, that's definitely not good!" Senxia rolled her eyes.

Qianjia-senpai, don't you think you are Haruhi Suzumiya...

Sen Xia silently complained in his heart.

"Bunny girl absolutely can't..." Rena also shook his head immediately. This is definitely a matter of principle. And it’s too shameful to wear a rabbit dress in front of Senxia-kun!

No, no, Rena chose to fight resolutely at this time.

"Tsk, the bunny girl outfit is very interesting." Qianjia seemed to have some inexplicable obsession with the bunny girl outfit.

"Then senior sister, why don't you dress like this yourself?" Senxia complained.

"Of course I have to appear in person!" I don't know. Qian Jia also had an expression of "I want to be on stage" at this time.

"In short, the inheritance of the current view research must continue. Our future is bright, but we also have future generations to sing about our great achievements." Qianjia is serious.

"So our great achievement is to drink tea and chat in the department to watch animation?" Senxia was speechless.

"Of course!" Qian Jia frowned when she said so. "But with that said, it seems that we have never done anything like this... Ah, this is what we should do as students, we haven't done it!"


Senxia's complaint completely had the opposite effect, Qianjia's counterattack caused 120% of the damage!

Not only that, Qianjia seems to really think this problem is serious: "No, it stands to reason that our real'daily' life should be after class, everyone sits in the room together. Then we make a cup of black tea and eat cake. Dim sum, just discuss the comics."

Where does this light tone part come from!

Senxia was extremely speechless.

But if you think about it this way, it seems that this is really the case.

Since entering the club, Senxia has always been working on codewords, codewords, and then work. This is not the life that ordinary students should live!

Morinya realized this.

Since entering high school, I haven't really enjoyed my high school life for a day!

"Fuck, senior sister. If you think so, my high school life is ruined by you!"

Senxia found a slot.

"Yeah..." Qianjia frowned. "Yeah, let's talk about it. The real high school life, I seem to have only watched it in animation, but I don't know what it should be like. "

Yes, Qianjia has discovered a rather sad thing. Two years have passed since her high school. But the life of an average high school student...I really haven't experienced it.

"That's because senpai you usually have a completely cold attitude, so you are not so gregarious, right?" Morinya pointed to the core of the problem.

"Nothing, I still have a lot of contacts in school!" Qianjia waved her hand without any pressure. She wanted to have a good relationship with people. It's actually very simple, and it's more than just getting people to help. Only by doing a good job in the relationship, can we still grasp the handle...

Rena next to her heard the conversation between these two aliens. She was completely dizzy, always feeling that we are not in the same dimension at all...

Yes, it was not a dimensional conversation at all, Rena felt that her memory had overflowed, and then she couldn't think. But at this moment, Rena suddenly noticed that Morinka and Chika were both looking at themselves with the eyes of rare creatures.


She is a little inexplicable.

At this time, Qianjia and Senxia showed a suddenly realized expression on their faces.

"Yes, here is an ordinary girls' high school student! This is a pure jk (girls high school student)!" Qianjia exclaimed.

"Yes! Wild! Purebred! Natural and pollution-free high school girl!" Senxia snarled.

"Although I know you seem to be complimenting me, why can't I be happy?" Rena was dumbfounded.

But if you look closely, Rena really seems to be a rare normal female high school student Morinka knows.

Qian Jia is the second generation of the rich and infallible, Ji Ye is the second generation of Fu Nv Fu Fu and the famous painter, and Li Hua has rare blond attributes, and she is also the student president and the last Miss Sakino. Xue Nai is her own sister, and the one in Tong Gu is a fool. Rika is the monitor of the class and also opened a coffee shop. The relationship around Morinka can be said to have nothing to do with "normal".

But Rena is different.

She didn't enter Sakino Gakuen because her family had money. Reina was admitted to this school because of her excellent grades. She was from an average family, and Reina didn't seem to have the distinctive characteristics of Senka and others. This is also average, um, This is a general positive meaning, because Qianjia’s special attribute is a negative bonus. In addition, Rena's grades are above average, which is average. Her appearance...Uh, um, it's actually pretty good. It's one of Rena's rare excellent attributes.

And Morinka sometimes sees Rena going to a cake shop with friends or chatting with other people on the way home. This is also the normal situation.

In summary, Rena is a typical female high school student.

Being watched with the gaze of a rare creature, Rena could be said to be at a loss.

"This...what's wrong?" Renai was a little inexplicable.

"Speaking of, our next work is a campus theme. If that's the case, we really need real campus life as our daily reference!" Qianjia smiled.

"It's not bad to experience it." Senxia nodded desperately.

But at this time, the two of them are actually very clear in their hearts, and these words are just talking.

The life in the game is exactly the life that players don’t experience or yearn for in a day-to-day life. Otherwise, why do the daily series of works sell well? Sisters are one aspect, and the beautiful world and the wonderful life depicted in that story are also one aspect.

But if you want to think about it, take the material and take it, some things are fun to see in person.

"Rena-chan, do you want to join our current research?" Qianjia suffocated an invitation to Rena.

"Me?" Rena, who was completely dizzy, seemed to have finally reacted after hearing these words.

It seems that seniors are inviting themselves into their club?

Realizing this, Rena was clever, and then immediately shook her head: "No, I'm sorry, but this won't work! I have already joined the drama club."

"What does it matter? Didn't you say that you spend a lot of time in the drama club? And in this place, Rena, you can meet with Mori Natsu-kun at any time!"

Qianjia used a beautiful boy! Outstanding effect!


Rena hesitated.

"Ah la la, when I leave school next year, the pillars of our club are Rena you and Mori-kun!"

Qian Jiayu's long-hearted look.

"I... this... I go to the bathroom!"

Rena ran away! After saying this, Rena ran away!

"Um, senior sister, did we go overboard by doing this?" Senxia looked at Qianjia next to her with some guilty conscience.

"It's okay, this is a good example of an'ordinary girl's high school student'!" Qianjia showed a firm gaze towards Senxia, ​​"Even if she refuses, we must use strong means to get her to accept it!"

Hey, why do you feel that this picture seems to be very visual? Is this the lightness of "I was kidnapped to be a sample of ordinary female high school students in the current research institute"?

A very funny thought suddenly appeared in Senxia's mind.

"Tough means..." Morinya shook his, but then he thought of a brain d question again, "By the way, senpai, you are so confident that you use me as a bait. Aren’t you afraid of me being robbed of something?”

"If you were to be snatched away, it would be gone." Qianjia held her chest, "and I just discovered a very important point."

"Which point?" Senxiaqi said.

"I found that if you use Senxia-kun as a weapon, it seems to be surprisingly easy to use..."


The stalk of the light tone part comes from the light tone girl, although it is the light tone part, but every day is drinking tea and snacks.

I was kidnapped to the present study as a sample of ordinary girls’ high school students from "I was abducted to a noble girls’ school as a common citizen sample."

The first update today, the last day of February, ask for a monthly pass~




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