Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 479: New recruits! The club is about to recruit new people!

——Yes, recruit new people.

What is most important when school starts? Of course it's robbing people!

After busying the first week, it is basically time to recruit new clubs. Although the student union will also publish the same introduction booklet as last year, if you want to attract people, you have to do it yourself.

"Next year, I will leave school, and you will graduate next year. Mori Natsu-kun will also have to graduate. At this time, the hope of our community will be passed on by new people. Although we will no longer be in the future, they can improve our spirit step by step. Inherit and carry forward!" Qian Jiayu said earnestly.

"But senior sister, are you sure we have so much time to manage?" Senxia was a little suspicious.

"Isn't there any younger generations? I'll leave the trouble to them when the time comes!" After Qianjia finished speaking, she patted Senxia on the shoulder, "All in all, the propaganda strategy is left to you, taking advantage of the class. Think about it."

Well, it's already obvious. Qian Jia came here just to throw the pot to Senxia.

"Senior sister, I still have a lot of work." Senxia complained.

"Yes, senior, don't leave everything to Mori Xia-kun. After opening the White Bear Cafe, my activity time in the track club has also been reduced a lot." Erika also helped.

"That's right, Senxia-kun is indeed a bit busy." Although Senxia was assigned a task, Qianjia also knew that things were not always smooth sailing, and Senxia had a lot of work.

"But the affairs of the club are also very important. This is where our beliefs are passed on and carried forward..."

Qianjia did not intend to give up because of this.

Now it’s about to go to class. Senxia looked at the time and suggested: “Let’s talk about this after school. We don’t have much time now. We will start class soon. Besides, there are also Can someone else help?"

It seemed that Senxia's words reminded Qian Jia, and her eyes lit up and she said: "Why not do this. I'll find an assistant for you."

"Well, it's okay."

Since Qianjia looked full of confidence, Morinka felt that she should know some talented person, right?

"Yo Xi. Then wait for my good news obediently, I'll leave first." Qianjia waved her hand at Senxia, ​​and then left here.

Erika glanced at the back of Qianjia's departure, then turned her head to look at Morika: "It looks like Morika-kun, you are also very hard..."

"It's not like that. Just arrange the time. Basically, work will be more convenient," Morinya said modestly, "In fact, the most feared is unexpected situations."

To be honest, if it weren’t for holding Sega’s thighs, Morinka’s work would definitely be a lot easier, because their previous plans were arranged, but opportunities such as opportunities always come unexpectedly, so Morinka’s Work must be compressed. Not only Morinatsu, but even Jiye-senpai, she painted CG in order to catch up with the draft. He also cancelled most of his original plan. Although there was relatively little contact time in the past one or two months, Ji Ye always turned in the CG within the specified time.

"That's right. Sudden situations are always the most troublesome. The power outage at the White Bear Cafe some time ago hurt me. Originally, I was resting that day, but suddenly I received the coffee shop saying there was a power outage. , It was really messy all of a sudden. But I asked me to put a small generator in the basement so that it can be maintained even if the power goes out." Erika smiled.

"Oh. That time..."

Senxia nodded. On that day, Lihua waited at the door for two full hours. Fortunately, when she returned. She didn't have a cold or fever, otherwise Senxia would really die of guilt.

Before saying a few words, the bell rang for class.

"Let's talk back then, Senxia-kun." Erika waved at Senxia, ​​and then returned to her position.

Class is not an easy task, but for Morinka now. On the contrary, it seemed to be relaxing.

Although Senior Sister Qianjia ran over to tell herself something new, but after that, Senior Sister Qianjia disappeared, and even Senxia didn't see each other when she was eating in the department.

Morinya is still thinking about recruiting new propaganda strategies, but the president has been missing.

After school was over in the afternoon, Senxia simply returned to the department and started daily work.

After entering April, the daylight hours began to grow a lot longer. Although it is already three or four in the afternoon, the outside world is still sunny. This feeling is very different from when it rains, but the same The quiet and loneliness makes it easy to concentrate.

However, just as Senxia was fully absorbed in writing, someone suddenly stretched out his hand and put a bag of things in front of Senxia.

Senxia came back to her senses, only to realize that what was in front of her was a bag of cookies.

"Sinxia-kun, it's hard work."

The biscuit owner's voice came from next to Morinka. He turned his face and saw Rena smiling at him.

"Good afternoon, Rena." Morinya greeted the other party.

"Well, good afternoon, Morinatsu-kun, this is a cookie that I made myself. If you don't mind, please try it. Morinatsu-kun works hard here every day." Rena's gaze glanced at Cookie. , For some reason, Senxia noticed a blush on her face.

"Made by yourself?" Handmade cookies? Isn't this a plot only found in animation, there is such a thing in the real world?

Rena did not answer, but lowered her head slightly.

"Then I'll give it a try." Senxia smiled and opened the package, and then took out a piece of cookie. The handmade cookies have a very different texture from the ones bought outside, but these cookies are very delicate. It is not so rough because it is handmade.

Senxia took a bite, and the crispy and sweet feeling exploded in her mouth.


Senxia's eyes lit up.

After hearing Morinatsu's words, Rena, who seemed a little nervous at first, was relieved.

"It's amazing, Rena!" Morinya exclaimed, for no other reason, because the taste of this cookie is indeed very good.

When many Japanese eat food, they like to use exaggerated expressions to say what is delicious. Originally, Morinka didn’t believe in such exaggerated performances, but it can make myself feel delicious, Morinka I think Rena's level is really good.

"It's really great if you like Morinatsu-kun." Rena was very happy.

"Please sit down here." Morinka called Rena to sit down, "but it's rare, Rena will come here."

"Well, because I also want to muster up the courage, this is also the commission of the senior..." Rena said with a smile.

Wait, could it be Rena's assistant that Qianjia-senpai got?

"--Are there any problems with the drama club?" Senxia quickly asked.

Not to mention, I almost forgot to come. Qianjia seems to be the vice president of the drama club, but her identity was only when she worked for the drama club last time. In fact, there is almost no chance for Qianjia to show up there.

Rena shook his head: "It doesn't matter. There are many talents in the drama club. I'm just a very ordinary one. And relatively speaking, Mori-kun needs more help here, right?"

That's okay, but why did Senior Sister Qianjia think of bringing you here...

However, Mori Xia turned his eyes and thought about it again. Then again, among the few people who are relatively close to him, it seems that Dongcheng Reina is the one who has the most time.

What, Mr. Tonggu?

That kind of fool is definitely not good!

"By the way, what about Senior Sister Qianjia?" Senxia was still a little strange.

Although Qianjia called Rena over, where is she herself? What the **** is it that hasn't appeared until today?

"Ah la la, are you thinking of me, Mori Xia-kun?" At this moment, Qianjia-senpai's voice came from outside the door.

There was a smile on her face like a conspiracy of the great devil.

"Senior sister, where did you go today?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Hey, of course it is to do interesting things-Dangdang~" Qian Jia took out the maid costume hidden behind her.

Well, the one from the school festival last year.

Senxia understood Qianjia's thoughts instantly.

"No! Absolutely not!" Senxia immediately raised an objection.

"You haven't tried this, Senxia-kun, this is actually great," Qianjia walked up with a smile, "We are now at the critical moment of recruiting new recruits. At this time, we should need more important means! "

"But this is too ridiculous, senior sister, please think of some normal methods!"

No more women's clothing!

Senxia was already determined at this time.

"But Senxia-kun, do you have the heart to see our club disbanded because of insufficient numbers?!" Qian Jiayi said righteously!

"Last year we didn't have enough numbers, but Qianjia-senpai, you always have a way!" Mori Xia knew that Qianjia-senpai did it on purpose!

"But the ghost members of the third grade have already graduated!" Qianjia also has her own but there will be three-year students this year, and every year there will be three-year ghost members! "Senxia stared at Qianjia.

He didn't want to obey the other party if he killed him. If things like women are not covered, we men still have no majesty? !

Senxia felt that for the sake of future life, he should be killed at this time!

"Tsk, Senxia-kun, do you want me to use special methods..." Qianjia also exuded a terrifying and dark aura, facing Senxia away.

"Eh eh eh?!" Rena was panicked on the side. What happened? Why does it feel like the end of the world is coming?

"That..." She suddenly intervened in front of Morinka and Qianjia, "If you don't mind, please let me come!"


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The mistake in the last chapter is the pot of the mother! Well, that's right, it's just the pot of the mother! (To be continued.)

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