Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 456: This is the important tongue of the vest!

At the end of the discussion with Hiroyuki Nishimura, Senxia realized that his hard-working copycat forum mode was actually unpopular, which Senxia never expected.

"This Nishimura Hiroyuki is a very ambitious person!"

Faced with Qianjia's question, Morinya gave this answer.

Someone asked, why it is called, it is because of existence, which can be said to be "".

"But that guy's temperament doesn't seem to be very good." Qianjia said with a frown.

"Mori-kun, Senior Qianjia, do you two know the guest just now?" At this moment, Erika also walked over.

"Oh, monitor, what's the matter?" Senxia asked curiously.

"Although that person's words are not bad, but he is also a person who does his own way. Last time he almost fought with another customer at the door, Mori-kun, when dealing with people, be more careful." Erika Speaking of the second half of the sentence, I couldn't help but return to my preaching tone.

"Don't worry, I know this." Morika let Erika relax.

"Ah la la, Mori-kun, that Nishimura-kun has a good attitude towards you, because he likes your book and is considered a fan of you. But if you want to cooperate with the other party, that's another matter. "Qianjia also warned Morinya next to her.

Morika smiled and waved his hand. He was thinking about something related to Hiroyuki Nishimura, but the content was different from what Erika had told.

There are a lot of **** in the anonymous forum, and the atmosphere is not very good. Regarding Hiroyuki Nishimura's affairs, Moriha has reservations for the time being. After all, in the future, this one is more funny than the base camp, and Hiroyuki Nishimura is his own way. How should I put it, this person is very independent.

How far is this man maverick? Nishimura Hiroyuki's debt is very large, hundreds of millions of yen. But Hiroyuki Nishimura himself is not a person without money, the reason why he has so many debts. It was purely that he did not repay the money, and the money was basically caused by his losing a civil case in the court. Hiroyuki Nishimura’s brain circuit has something else. His philosophy is that as long as he thinks he doesn’t need to pay compensation, he will not pay even if he is sentenced to death.

In other words, as long as we feel that we should not pay back the money, even if you say you want to kill me, I will definitely not pay back.

In addition. It is also related to some illegal things, and it is more troublesome to get involved.

Morika thought for a while, and he silently made a decision in his heart: "For Hiroyuki Nishimura, you can participate in the support and cooperation, but if you hold a holding and become a boss, then you can avoid it..."

Even if you really want to be a boss, you must wear a vest and play slowly.

"Well, I understand what you said." Senxia waved her hand, "But I suddenly thought about it."

"What do you want to do? Do you want to study? There are more people scolding you in that place?" Qianjia has also been there. The forum of this forum Senxia opened half a year earlier. But it was very popular. Qian Jia also went to learn from his experience, and in the end Qian Jia came to two conclusions. One of them is that the forums Moriha made are very cumbersome.

For the conscience of heaven and earth, Senxia feels that his security measures are too small. We don’t do real-name verification and don’t need a mobile phone...Of course, the email address is still needed, and one of the most stringent measures for the forum title is to block electronic Mailbox reads();.

Although cumbersome, Qianjia also believes that Morinia's forum looks organized and well-regulated. It's easy to manage, which is a good thing.

As for another conclusion. It is on this forum that there are more people scolding Teacher Xia Sen and the club, and many eva fundamentalists are slobbering here. Anno might only sneer when he saw these people, and Qianjia's impression after seeing them was that his evaluation was drastically slippery.

"No, for the anonymous version, we can cooperate with others to do it. If we want to do it, we will create a more regular and orderly forum, even real-name system." Senxia said.

"Real-name system?"

Qianjia frowned, while Erika, the monitor next to her, was already dumbfounded. At this moment, another guest came in. Erika simply threw away the talking Morinka, and went back to greet the guest.

"Yes, real-name registration can then be officially certified. We made this place a question-and-answer forum... No, some forums do not meet the definition, but they are of this type."

This anonymous mode will not be touched by Senxia, ​​but this type of question-and-answer sns is pretty good.

What, don't you know? Did you always know the version of "Zhihu" that day?

Senxia streamlined: "In short, it's real questions and answers to help the community."

"Oh..." This Qianjia seemed to understand, "The real name system... By the way, it's the eva's proof post!"

Morika nodded. Her inspiration was not only because of meeting Hiroyuki Nishimura, but also because of the professor of Dongda who met in the previous test paper. The forum was so popular that the professor actually helped in the early days. It's very busy.

"Establishing a Q&A community, and then answering questions may be university professors, or practitioners in some other professions. Everyone also chooses whether to be anonymous and reveal their identity... Of course, it is necessary to reveal whether the identity is true or not. Certification through the real-name route..."

Morika explained her thoughts.

The Q&A community can be popular in the United States, it can be popular in the empire, and it is also popular in Japan. Morinka feels that there is no problem with it!

Speaking of the question-and-answer community in Japan, Japan’s "future" has a question-and-answer website with ha, which is quite interesting. This website is a question-and-answer network, but the people who answered the questions were all Mori people. A girl asked the monk "I want to quit "Mobile games", as a result, the monks of Krypton gold answered each other with their own blood and tears, and the monks continued to say "Strong Krypton, don't stop!", which is simply hilarious.

"Although the number of people on our forum can't be counted as many, but it has gradually become a trend of differentiation. I think we can start to divert slightly. The forum itself is divided into sections, and then some professional users can transfer to this forum, and the forum itself It can also be operated independently. Just keep a small part of the club." Senxia continued to talk about her actions.

"Listening to you, are you planning to separate the club from the forum and develop the Internet?" Qianjia asked.

Senxia nodded: "We can also connect Xiao Ma's port and log in with an account..."

"But does it have any meaning?" Qianjia understood what Senxia meant, but she was puzzled at one point, "Could Senxia-kun, do you like the Internet industry?"

"Of course it is for the dirty reads();!" Senxia said almost without hesitation. "The spread of gentleman culture is divided into two types. We use and spread by gentleman games, which is a direct method of spreading, and another one. This method is that we control ordinary people in large movies, and then we use subtle means to transform them so that they accept the gentleman culture. This is very appropriate! Uh, of course, I also like the Internet itself!"

In fact, the gentleman part can only be said to be incidental, but Senxia's strong sense of mission prevents him from spreading the gentleman culture, so when speaking to Qianjia, his consciousness is reversed.

"Sure enough, it's the boy I'm optimistic about!" Qian Jia nodded at Senxia with satisfaction. After complimenting Mori summer, Qianjia said: "This method is very good. After the subtle changes, even if those people do not accept the gentleman culture, they will probably not reject it. It is like people are gradually accepting miniskirts and stockings. same."

"Although you feel that there is something wrong with your analogy, it is probably like this." Senxia nodded.

In fact, there are many ways that Morinka can think of, but there are some things that cannot be done without the accumulation of the times. Morinka cannot increase the instantaneous performance of computers in the world by ten times, and then increase the world's Internet speed by ten times, so for the time being, He felt that he had enough ideas now.

"Well, if you look at it this way, it's best for our club to arrange further decoration. If you don't separate the compartments, recruiting people will be very troublesome." Qianjia thought.

"It doesn't have to be our company to come forward, we can build a dedicated Internet company and focus on games." Mori summer continued.

Qianjia nodded: "Well, yes, we already have a vest if we want to be a real 18x gentleman..."

Looking at it this way, there are quite a few things to do here.

"Don't worry, we can put on a vest now, and we'll talk about the specific things later." The Internet is still developing, and now a little bit of things to throw stones and ask for directions, rashly, is the problem. This is like in this era, if someone makes an online video, it will definitely be very difficult-because there is no Internet speed!

Qianjia nodded in response to Senxia's suggestion: "Yo Xi, let's do that."

After saying this, Morinia and Qianjia both took out their notebooks and pens from their pockets, and began to record the matter on them-both of them have the habit of carrying notebooks with them.

"Hiroyuki what are you going to do?" Qianjia asked again.

"I have been specializing in scripting for the past two months. When I wait for about June, I will probably be able to come free. Then I will see if I have time to contact him and see if we can cooperate with him. We can do a little verification on that anonymous forum. At that time, other ideas can also be launched together." Mori Xia said his ideas.

Of course, his main energy is to spread gentleman culture, and this aspect must be handed over to other more reliable personnel.

"I need some management talents..." Qianjia also saw this, and she smiled at Senxia, ​​"Well, leave this to me for the time being. After the summer vacation, I will see if I can give it to us. Bring a'talent'."

"Then please come to Senpai..."

Talent? who can that be?

Morinya is curious...


Today's first update, this is full of integrity~ (to be continued.)

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