Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 455: Hiroyuki Nishimura!

"Hello there.【..】"

Hey, I always feel that the name Hiroyuki Nishimura seems to be heard from where?

"Hello." Qianjia didn't seem to feel anything wrong.

Nishimura Hiroyuki... Morika's eyes turned to the screen of his notebook again.


Wait, it's not right, it seems to be due to other reasons.

Could it be that Hiroyuki Nishimura?

Hiroyuki Nishimura of 2ch?

2ch is a well-known anonymous community in Japan. Although this community has a poor reputation, it is indeed a super famous community forum in Japan.

The 2ch sprayer is very famous, and it is also the center of Luoyouyi, and it has the same **** as the Tian Dynasty pig raising.

But it is undeniable that this station is indeed very famous.

And there is also a big connection between Nishimura Hiroyuki and Japanese barrage nio.

Are these two Nishimura Hiroyuki the same person?

Countless possibilities flashed through Senxia's mind in an instant.

It's really possible.

This is Akihabara, the sacred place for otaku. The White Bear Cafe is the only maid cafe in Akihabara. It should be possible to meet people like Hiroyuki Nishimura in this place. No, it is better to say that they are only now. Encounter, it's already a bit late.

Morinya strongly suspects that the people who come to this place to eat are probably not only Hiroyuki Nishimura. Many celebrities may have eaten here. He has seen the lovely girl Dousang, but he doesn't know it now.

And now this Nishimura Hiroyuki, and the one in history, maybe it's just the same name.

Qianjia looked at Hiroyuki Nishimura's computer screen curiously, and then asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Hey, I'm discussing the teacher's new book with someone here. I was fortunate enough to read the trial version of the teacher's "Earth Defense Boy", so I know the skills of Teacher Xia Sen very well. These people think that the teacher's writing is problematic, so I'm refuting them." Hiroshi Nishimura said angrily.

It turned out to be so.

Everyone chatted and became familiar. The three of them sat here and started chatting.

This Nishimura Hiroyuki is very talkative. He said he is from Kanagawa, and this white bear maid cafe. It is the place he yearns very much.

This Mr. Nishimura Hiroyuki is a bit older than Mori Natsu and the others, but this age happens to be the age after graduating from university. At this time, he also seems to want to start a business or something.

"I don't know what Nishimura-kun thinks about our station?" After everyone chatted with each other for a while, Senxia's conversation changed. Just changed the topic.

"Hmm..." Hiroyuki Nishimura turned his head and glanced at the forum, and then said, "This kind of forum is very interesting, especially people from all over the world can discuss here. But I think if this system can be made anonymous, everyone Will you be able to chat more carefree?"

Hearing these words from the other party, the information about Hiroyuki Nishimura in Mori's mind had already begun to dance. At this time, there was a 90% probability that Morinya confirmed that the two people should be the same Hiroyuki Nishimura.

"Speaking of it, I also have the idea of ​​wanting to be an interesting network community. It's just not ready yet." Hiroyuki Nishimura added.

"Oh? Then after Mr. Nishimura finishes building the forum, please tell me the address, it must be very interesting." Qian Jiake said.

"Hi, although the forum hasn't been done yet, I have already figured out the name of the forum. I am going to call it 2ch, but there are some differences from this kind of forum. The community I plan to do is probably similar to a message board." Hiroyuki Nishimura explained Tao.

Yes, it is 100% confirmed now.

"It looks pretty good." Qianjia nodded. Then she turned to look at Senxia. "Sinxia-kun, you seem to have always been thoughtful, did you think of something?"

"Ah," Moriha paused, "I'm also thinking about forums. This seems to be really good. But I don't think the complete anonymity system seems very good. Even if it is a network, there should be order. So that everyone can discuss."

"Ms. Xia Sen also makes sense." Hiroyuki Nishimura nodded.

"Well, but Mr. Nishimura doesn't care, the network is very large. With such a harmonious forum with real names, there can also be an anonymous living place." Senxia didn't care about this.

"It turns out that it is because Mr. Xia Sen is able to write such outstanding works because he can be so inclusive." Hiroyuki Nishimura seemed to understand.

"Speaking..." Senxia thought a little bit in her heart at this time. "The message board you mentioned, Nishimura-kun, seems to be pretty good. What do you want to make?"

Hiroyuki Nishimura nodded, and then explained: "I am going to build a forum similar to the あめぞう link forum mode plus the animic floating post mode."

あめぞう is the founder of the Japanese "thread_ft (floating post forum.

This mode is basically the embryonic form of future forums. Basically, after a new reply, the post will be topped.

あめぞうlink's forum was opened on August 5, 1997, but at this time, the other party’s floating post mode has not yet been released. In this regard, the only reference target is Morika’s animic forum.

Of course, the concepts of the two are completely different. Senxia's forum is the prototype category of the future generations of the Tianchao forum. It is probably a section to enter, and then the topic post and reply section.

In terms of the floating post model, the animic community is a precedent in Japan.

However, animic is very strict in registration and very strict in id control. When registering and replying to posts, sometimes they have to answer "21+53=?" or "Who killed Oda Nobunaga?" The problem is that it is not "humanized" enough, and some parts have to be upgraded to increase the level of the forum to liberate all functions. This is also very troublesome, so it did not cause much sensation.

But Senxia's actions are actually effective. When the number of his forums soared some time ago, this did not cause much trouble.

Senxia's approach is wise. He didn't "go to the countryside and follow the customs" in this regard, which is actually a good thing.

This is the forum mentioned by Hiroyuki Nishimura. Since 1999, there have been server failures, saboteurs entering, and operation problems, and the founders of the forum have begun to seek acceptance.

The rise of 2ch was also due to the transfer of personnel from this forum. Since then, the あめぞう forum began to decline, and then due to various factors, the forum was finally closed.

The 2ch of "Original Space-Time" can be said to be a system built by learning the form of あめぞう, or it is a "cottage".

After Hiroyuki Nishimura recounted his idea, Morinka nodded.

But Morinka also noticed at this time. Although Hiroyuki Nishimura had the idea of ​​making a message board, he didn't seem to have any strong desires.

"If you look at it this way, in the original history, did Hiroyuki Nishimura set up a station by himself because of a problem with amezo, and then accidentally went viral?"

Senxia suddenly thought of this possibility.

amezo is あめぞう, Morinka has known this station for a long time, but the reason why Morinka knows things about this station is not because of 2ch, but because of a legend called the "Shijima Incident".

There are a lot of things that can be talked about in the Internet in Japan, and the Kojima incident will not be shown here.

All in all, Mori Xia feels that although Nishimura Hiroyuki has ideas, his own ideas are not complete, as if he is describing his station with Mori Natsu Chika and the others at this time. When he is talking, many things are actually thoughts. , The whole idea is not a system at all.

"It turns out that, to be honest, everyone in our club also said that the forum created by Mori-kun is a bit uncomfortable. According to Nishimura-kun, it seems to be better." Qianjia's thoughts about Nishimura Hiroyuki were on the contrary. Hold an attitude of trust.

Senxia was shocked: "Is the forum that I do that bad?"

Qianjia shook his head: "It's not bad, it's difficult to adapt, and some places are too troublesome. Dafu Jun once complained that the rules of the forum are very strict."

Nishimura Hiroyuki also nodded, but he didn't criticize it enough: "Ms. Xia Sen has Mrs. Xia Sen's ideas. If you are strict, you can prevent accidents. But I think the part that the teacher does is also quite interesting."

After all, it is a forum of the 21st century, and there are still some advantages.

Senxia thought for a while, and he summed up the attitudes of these two people, that is, unacceptable.

Now that she understood, Senxia decided that the adults would ignore the villain's faults, and generously skip this matter.

"After that, you will understand my painstaking efforts!" Senxia added silently in her heart.

"Well, the time seems to be almost up," the three of them have forgotten the time because of the relationship they have been talking about. "Sorry, two people, I have an appointment."

Senxia smiled: "It's okay... By the way, do you have any contact information? Maybe we have a chance to talk in the future."

Although Hiroyuki Nishimura didn't want to do 2ch so much at this time, it was a line anyway?

"Hi!" Hiroyuki Nishimura himself was very excited ~ ~ was asked to keep his contact information, and he was very happy.

After leaving the phone and e-mail address, he asked again: "Can I visit the animic club in the future?"


After receiving Morinka’s guarantee, Nishimura Hiroyuki walked away, but he didn’t know that Morinka was already thinking about how to "make the best use of everything"...

"Let's talk about it, what's your idea?" Qian Jia has already seen everything.


The Japanese say that the United States is "the United States", so when talking about the United States, this is not a bg or a typo, but an intentional one.

By the way, the Japanese call Russia "Lucia".

Second more~! (To be continued.)



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