Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 451: rich! capricious!

Rich is willful!

This is the current state of the club.

After "Plants vs. Zombies" went on the market, the time was very good. After "Resident Evil 2" went on the market a month later, I borrowed Dongfeng and went viral.

The result of the situation is much unexpected, that the club is now rich.

If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

A lot of materials and progress that can be piled up with time can now be done with money.

To put it simply, it is that Senxia and the others are now "extremely rich in material", so in this regard, Senxia and Qianjia began to pursue higher quality and greater influence.

After discussing for a while, Senxia and the others have initially decided that the script will be around 2.5 million words, and the remaining 2 million words will be used for rumored and expanded content, a total of 2 million words, and then slowly released to maintain the popularity.

Of course, whether it can be achieved or not, these are two things, but Senxia and the others don't care about it, because they only need the influence of the work.

As long as the work gets hot, the follow-up actions will continue.

But if it hits the street... well, it's hard to say.

But Lao Xu said: "For Galgame, writing and stories are actually secondary. At the time of booking, the most important part is actually human design and CG. Based on the skills of Mr. Frog, our work should be It can attract many people to watch."

"That's true, Ji Ye's skills, there is nothing to say!" Qian Jia is also proud of her good Ji You.

"By the way, Miss Qianjia, you are about to be in the third year of high school. Now that you are here every day, although there is no problem with your work, it will be more troublesome with your studies?" Lao Xu suddenly thought of a big problem. He knew that Qianjia should be a student in the third year of high school. At this time, she stayed here every day. Is this really no problem?

"Well. It's okay." Qianjia shrugged, "At least my final grades haven't dropped. The top three are still guaranteed."

"The top three?" Old Xu peeed in fright.

"It's okay, Yukino and I are basically in this range..." Senxia didn't take it seriously.

But Lao Xu was completely shocked at this time.

"Ah. I was shocked. I thought that the plots in the animation and the game are deceptive. It turns out that the kind of schoolmaster really exists..."

Old Xu was really dumbfounded.

"It's a bit unstable," Morinka was a little embarrassed, "I've seen everything in high school before. Now I just check it out in class."

Mori summer has reviewed all the things in high school before, and even read some college content. In addition, this time, Mori Xia has read all the things in high school three times. As a two-generation student, if the grades are not good , That's called the rebirth of shame.

"Well, but that's okay," Lao Xu wiped his sweat. "Reality or something. It's more bizarre than novels. I feel that I have got a lot of inspiration in writing."

"That's not bad," Qianjia smiled. "It's not bad to be inspired."

"Old Xu, after finishing our game, you might be left alone in the future." Senxia also smiled, "Future Master Sang."

"But now, let's focus on the crown of evil. Lao Xu, just think about it now. If you have a plan. Maybe we will adopt it later!" Qianjia smiled.

"Hmm!" Lao Xu nodded his head full of energy, "Then I will go to work first."

Senxia couldn't help but glance at Lao Xu's back, he was a little curious, now this Lao Xu will make those works that "heal people's hearts"...

If this old Xu and the one in history made different choices. Senxia feels that he still needs to make more works. Lao Xu's works are not necessarily classics, but they are undoubtedly warm works. Even if it is to heal the hearts of players, let these works Born. This is also a very exciting thing...

At this time, Senxia has made up his mind silently. It doesn't matter if other works are fanned off by his own butterfly effect, but if these warm-hearted works disappear, we must reproduce them in the world.

"By the way, I remember that we released a beta, right?" Senxia thought of what Qianjia had said before. Because of the busy relationship, Senxia did not take care of this aspect. Qianjia is all responsible.

"Yes, but if there is a large-scale publicity, there is no such thing as a trial game with hundreds of people."

Qian Jia opened the computer forum as he spoke, and then entered a separate section for the Crown of Sin.

There is not much content in this section, but it seems that Morinia's game seems quite promising.

"I also contacted the magazine recently to see if I can send these news." Qian Jia said again.

Senxia nodded: "If we can, we might be able to press the demo version into a CD, and then give it away with the magazine... By the way, the theme we talked about before!"

Mori summer is talking about the subject of the system.

Qianjia nodded: "In this regard, I am understanding... Ayana?"

Qianjia greeted Ayana.

"Hi!" Ayana walked over from there.

"How's your work on system topics?" Qianjia asked.

Ayana nodded, and she said: "It's almost done, but the system is only a trial version. The official version has not been released yet, so now there are only system tools."

Although it is 1998, it is not yet on the market, and the mature system is still.

"It's okay, let's take a look first."

Qian Jia said briefly.

Ayana nodded, then took the backup floppy disk.

After putting the disk into the machine, Qianjia and the others found the installation file.

After opening the theme, there are two options immediately, one is the theme installation of "Plants vs. Zombies", and the other is the theme of "Crown of Sin".

"It's still in the Debug stage, so it may be a little unstable." Ayana said again.

The system is different from the later system. This system is based on a higher authority for software and hardware. Theoretically speaking, the 9x system is more efficient than future systems such as XP, but it is more efficient than future systems. Compared with the system, this system is not so stable.

The theme of Ayana is not as simple as the future custom system. This theme will modify the system files to a large extent, so the possibility of errors is higher, so the Debug phase takes longer.

But now this theme is basically ready to use. After installing the theme, Qianjia restarted the computer according to the prompts.

After re-entering the computer, everything changed.

When the system is reading, the original default window is completely different at this time, and the original screen becomes the reading interface of Plants vs. Zombies.

After entering the system, the background of the desktop has also become a picture of the lawn garden inside Plants vs. Zombies.

Not only that, the music of the system has also changed at this time, becoming the sound in the game.

The mouse and icons have also changed.

The biggest change is the taskbar.

Whether the system can be implemented or that kind of simulation is not clear, Mori summer, but he did use the XP-like 9x system, which can be done easily.

"Oh, it feels good!" Morinya nodded happily, this feeling exceeded my expectations.

"We can publish this theme later... Well, I think about it, if there is a way to cooperate with DSP agents, maybe it is also a good choice." Qianjia thought of what Moriha had said before, at this time Thinking about how to promote it.

DSP, in other words, is one of the genuine forms of authorization, but Tianchao does not have this model.

Similar to OEM, DSP is a kind of genuine form provided by merchants to consumers. Its price is much cheaper than the official version. People often say that OEM activation of the system is actually a loophole in the system.

But unlike the OEM version, the OEM is sold in conjunction with the whole machine, while the DSP version is sold in conjunction with a certain hardware. As long as the hardware is not replaced, replacing other hardware will not affect the authorization.

This model is very popular in Japan, especially the later Niang and Niang, which are all roles created by Japanese DSP providers.

"If we can cooperate, this is indeed a good thing, but our theme has modified the system files, is it really okay?" Senxia didn't know if this behavior was allowed.

"It doesn't matter, there are so many things we can Qianjia smiled," By the way, let's try the theme of "The Crown of Sin" again! "

Although Plants vs. Zombies are also very interesting, it is true that Senxia and the others are more looking forward to the system theme of "Guilty Crown".

Thinking of this, Senxia can't wait to see this topic.

"If it is possible, we may be able to use this method for promotion in future games, and this may be a very good method for increasing the popularity of the game." Senxia is doing calculations.

However, when he was dreaming, the screen in front of him suddenly turned blue.

The system crashed...


Make up the second one yesterday~!

I vaguely remember the fifth edition of the pirated version of XP. The interface was really amazing at the time. Although it was not as good as the full XP, it was indeed super-like and felt. But unfortunately, things from the ancient times 15 years ago are no longer found. (To be continued.)

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