Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 450: So presumptuous

Although it’s important to entertain guests, there is one more thing in the club at this time. Nana will officially become an official employee of Mori-kun and their animic club since graduation. From March, Nana will Formally graduated from school, and then became a real social man. 【No pop-up window..】

After arranging for Lihua to make up the task, Qianjia and Morinya came to the company club early the next morning.

After their club, there are a total of two people working part-time, one is Daisuke Ono, who is currently in college, and the other is Ayana Amamiya, the main program of Morinka and the others.

But at this time, they are all on vacation, so at this time, they are already working full-time temporarily.

"It feels good that all the staff are here." Seeing the office where all the staff are together, Senxia's face showed a satisfied expression.

"It's a pity that Zn Sang is not here." Qianjia is also very satisfied with the on-site office. Although it can't be said to be perfect, it is much better than before. Although there are few people, it is indeed alike. Up.

The only pity for Qianjia is that Zn Sang is not here at this time. He belongs to the person who works at home. In fact, Zn Sang also has his own studio.

In fact, there are many such people. In Japan or in many places in Japan, Europe and the United States, there are such people who work at home. Although they were rare in the Chinese dynasty in 1998, this was not the case in other places.

For example, many original artists, composers, and even some animation supervisors work at home or do most of them. Some people also have their own dedicated studios.

Of course, this kind of person is mainly full-time. As for Ji Ye's words... it belongs to the local tyrant, completely exception.

"But in this case, the work in the future should be easier, right?"

Senxia thought of another thing at this time, "Our script progress has been progressed by more than half, and it will probably be completed in May or June. Everyone will work harder in this half month, and it should be much more convenient later."

Speaking of which, this is also a good thing.

Although Mushroom has various procrastination problems, when it comes to Morinka's work. The speed is much faster, so Morinya gave the opponent an outline of 200,000 characters, and let the mushroom describe some scenes and stories of the battle.

Lao Xu's progress is also very fast here, but Senxia did not add too much work to the other party, because the other party completed the things here. The rpg needs Lao Xu's help.

In addition to this side, there are also 300,000-word scripts on the Xue Na side. The number of scripts originally scheduled for Morinya is 2 million words, but depending on the current situation, it will probably expand to between 2.5 million and 3 million words.

"Eh, it's a pity, if you have enough time, work harder to expand to 3.5 million words, or even 4.5 million words. It seems more interesting."

Morinia felt that it would be interesting if she could strengthen the script.

"That's too much. With such a huge amount of text, the burden of art and performance is also great. Even if you can finish writing here, you may not be able to finish it in a hurry."

While talking, Qianjia turned on her computer here, and then began to deal with her work. First of all, all kinds of e-mails, and emails from Sony, Sega, and Kadokawa were all sent by Qianjia is dealing with it. However, the current electronic office is not fashionable, so this part of the work is actually not very much.

"I'm just talking about it. If the script is too long, the audience may be bored." Senxia nodded.

"This is not necessarily true."

Lao Xu was making coffee with hot water at the water dispenser at this time. After hearing the conversation between the two, they came over: "When I was playing games in my previous company, everyone also did a summary and survey. There are several players, some of them are to experience various routes. For cg recycling, they generally don’t care about the length of the single line. However, there must be more scripts and female characters; for some players, they hope to clear the game as soon as possible. They just look at the story and probably enough; some players are more engaged, for them to come Say, the longer the story, the better."

"That being said, we have to pay attention to cost and risk here, and blindly pouring water into the script, but it will make the story less interesting." Morinya felt that simply increasing the length was not enough.

&nbame, some relatively large games, the text volume is no less than a copy of the network, millions of words, millions of words, this is done by Japanese manufacturers, and the differences between these games and The reason is that the game also has background cg and vertical painting, which together, can be said to be very complicated work.

And the difference is that after a game is launched, if the sales dies, it is definitely a very tragic thing. Relatively speaking, things similar to the network can also be eunuchs, slashed and unfinished, and can be stopped in time. damage.

Thinking of this, Senxia thought of another thing: "Moreover, in terms of sales, we also need to consider..."

&nbame has a feature, that is, after the release, the sales in the first few weeks are basically equal to all sales of the game. This phenomenon is also an important reason why the game is difficult to become mainstream.

Although Japan is a big game country, it is not even as good as the opposing pirated celestial dynasty. In the celestial dynasty a domestic game, its sales can sometimes even run through its entire life cycle. The popularity is continuous, and in Japan, the sales of such games are often cliff-edge.

Qianjia naturally knows this too, but looking at Senxia's thoughts, he seems to have other ideas.

She asked, "...Sinxia-kun, what do you want to do?"

"I think sales and profits are not what we are pursuing. The exposure and the popularity of the game are the more important things." Mori Xia said of her own views, "We may be able to change our idea, that is, use Long-term vision to manage our games."

&nbame’s club, the pressure of funds and time can be said to be great. If one game loses money, basically start the next game immediately, and there will be no free time, otherwise the situation will be more dangerous, and This type of game pays much attention to booking, and the booking itself can determine the sales of a work.

But Senxia thinks differently.

"Plants vs. Zombies" is now on fire in North America. They brought a lot of funds to Senxia, ​​and even the money Qian Jia had previously taken out for the sale of the house was a little insignificant.

In other words...we have money!

The rich must have the methods of the rich.

"In addition to the physical version, we can make other sales models. For example, the digital version... Well, forget it. It's too early, but later there will be a home console version or something."

Moriha originally considered the digital version, but later thought about it. He feels that although the network has been established, the payment is not mature yet, so forget it.

"But we can indeed have other ways to expose, especially after we have the rpg version, we can even serialize our own ideas on the Internet or in magazines," Then, we can develop the dlc of the plot, which is the extra plot. Make additions, put them on the network for download, or launch a data disk or something. "

"Serialization is indeed very influential in the popularity of a work. Jmp does this, but can this method be used in games?" Qianjia's eyes lit up.

"This is a method that has never been tried before." Lao Xu seemed a little surprised at Senxia's whimsical, "But is this really no problem?"

"We are not bad for money!"

Senxia is so presumptuous!

"We are not short on money now, what we have to consider is the influence of the work!"

If Plants vs. Zombies rushed to the street, Senxia would naturally not do this, nor would he think so, but the problem now is that we are leaning on the mountain behind us, so don't panic!

"That's right. If you don't care about sales, it doesn't matter." Lao Xu nodded, "But in this case, my experience won't work."

"It doesn't matter. We crossed the river by feeling the stones." Senxia waved her hand.

"But what Mori Xia said does make sense. The animation and manga works are also topical and popular when they are serialized. Once the serialization and broadcast are over, the popularity will decrease. The eva was very popular in the first two years. But. As far as the topic is concerned, the popularity of this work has gradually been overshadowed by the new ones." Qianjia felt that Mori summer's words also made sense, "Even if it is a masterpiece, it is almost the same. In terms of game, no one has tried this way. , But maybe it works?"

In Moria’s view, if the game can be updated weekly or even monthly just like the network and animation, then this game should be able to maintain the popularity, but this is a bit unrealistic. Although Morika’s idea he feels good about himself, but Technically difficult to achieve.

"Um...this is the case." Qian Jia seemed to think of something.

"Huh?" Senxia turned around.

"450! 4.5 million words! This seems to be possible!" Qianjia smiled, "Before we said that this method is very burdensome, but if we continue to launch dlc or other scripts, we can completely change the text content. Expand it to 4.5 million words!"

"Senior sister, didn't you refuse it before?" Senxia was inexplicable.

"Before was before, now is now. If we use your new method to make the game, we can also make some changes. It is not completed in the first time. It is completely possible to extend the time to two or three years to do things. We can follow what you said, make the extra content into downloadable content, and then change it monthly or even weekly, and then integrate and distribute the expansion after the accumulation reaches a certain level. That's it!"

Senpai, you have the same idea as I just now!

Senxia rolled her's 450...


Regarding the problem of name errors, the main reason is that Qianjia and Lihua have recently appeared in a lot of situations. In the past, there was no problem with Jixiangyuan, but it was a tragedy when they changed to Lihua.


The error has been corrected.

The 450 stem stems from the contracting system of station b. The highest contract (reward) is 450, so it later became a stem.

Combining with a certain P master who left has become a 12450 idiom...


People are a little bit sleepy, try to write the next one, no need to wait... (to be continued.)



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