Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 447: Your suggestions are of equal weight in my heart!

"I'm back!"

When Senxia returned home with the ingredients, it was almost six in the evening. ≥,x.

"Sinxia-kun, you are finally here!" Qianjia, wearing an apron, immediately walked out of the kitchen, and then came to the hallway, "It's too late!"

"You can't blame me for this, the road is so long, I have tried my best!" Senxia protested.

"If the shopping street is not far from here, right?" Qianjia said dissatisfied.

"Yeah, that's why I rushed all the way!" Senxia didn't think there was anything wrong. "And you see, this is the croquette given to me by Mother Asahi. This is also hot."

After hearing that Morinka was entertaining guests at home, Mother-in-law Asahi gave Morinha four croquettes.

"..." Qian Jia silently took over the ingredients and croquette from Senxia, ​​and then stared at Senxia for a while.

"Sinxia-kun, how did you travel?" Qianjia asked.

"Walk." Senxia replied naturally.

"...I've always been surprised, aren't there two bicycles in your courtyard, why don't you ride there?" Qianjia asked a question that she has always wanted to ask since she lived here for a long time.

"Because it's broken!" Senxia said of course.

"Because it's broken, you would rather go and buy ingredients every day?" Qianjia stared at Senxia.

In the courtyard of Senxia’s house, there are two bicycles. However, these two bicycles have already broken down, so there is no way to ride out. Therefore, as long as Senxia goes to nearby places, he probably walks over. A little farther away, just take a car or subway.

"Sinxia-kun. Don't you know, bicycles, this is a man's romance! You don't even ride a bicycle!" Qianjia yelled at Senxia.

"I've said it all, it's just because the bicycle is broken, and why the bicycle can become a man's romance!" Senxia is inexplicable.

Qian Jia sighed and looked at Senxia. A look of hatred for iron and steel: "Senxia-kun, the boy is riding a bicycle, and then carrying the **** the uphill ramp. Isn't this a wonderful scene?"

"That's just in the world of games and animations. If I did this in reality, I would be caught in for life talks!"

Carrying people by bicycle seems to be a wonderful scene, but in the real world, it is illegal. In other words, this scene that has been used to express the artistic conception in animation is actually encouraging people to break the law...

"It's not your turn to be arrested for life talks, it's not a big deal." Qianjia strongly protested against Mori's "coercion", "and you even have the spirit of being arrested for your beloved girl. No, this is still a man!"

"Why should this kind of thing be associated with a man!" Bicycles or something, this kind of thing is actually super funny! right!

Although it's super romantic in the animation, it really happens. Senxia and the others will definitely be watched, seemingly romantic. But this kind of thing is illegal after all. Rare represents rareness and novelty. Mori summer actually carried Yukino for a while. Although he was not arrested, when passing a certain middle school, Mori summer once felt the surprised and envious eyes of those students. With this feeling of being seen by a monkey, Morinka said he refused the second time.

But this time. Senxia noticed that Qianjia's eyes were filled with a pity.

What the **** is this?

Qianjia seemed to comfort Morika halfway, and lightly patted Morika's shoulder with her hand: "You should have cast a shadow on the bicycle because of this. So you dare not ride a bicycle, don't you? , I know this is the shadow of your childhood, but as long as you tell this to me as a sister, I will definitely be able to help you out!"

"Hey, I just said it's illegal to carry people, why did this matter become a shadow of my childhood? Sister, your thinking is too jumpy!"

Senxia found that she was too young to have such a serious discussion with Qianjia.

"But I don't understand, Senxia-kun, if you understand this truth, why don't you ride a bicycle?" Qianjia looked at Senxia solemnly.

"All said, it is because the bicycle is broken, and because it is not necessary, it has not been repaired. It is not because of any strange things you think. Give me a little bit of moderation!" Senxia strongly complained.

"No, I'm just a little bit heartbroken, Senxia-kun, you didn't even possess the beautiful fantasy of such adolescent boys..." Qianjia was heartbroken.

"If I really did what you said, it would be called a loss." Mori Xia found that she had fallen into the trap of Qianjia from the beginning. He shouldn't communicate with Qianjia from the beginning. "And I think walking every day is also an exercise for myself, and this is healthy."

"Oh, Senxia-kun, let your head wake up a little, it's obviously such a beautiful thing, you didn't even feel it, is your heart made of solid stone?" Qianjia looked at Sen in disbelief. summer.

"So, you made a mistake on the main premise from the beginning!" Senxia Tucao, "Besides, I don't have a bicycle demand at all, so I don't care about this matter at all!"

"But even for girls, Mori-kun, you must have a bicycle, and at this time, when you have a bicycle, it is more convenient to buy food, and you can ride your bicycle leisurely in the sunset. Going home, isn't this a wonderful thing?!" Qianjia seemed to feel that Senxiaming was stubborn.

"This... if you say that, things really seem to be happening like this..."

Morisha rested her chin.

From this perspective, riding a bicycle by yourself and enjoying the scenery leisurely seems to be a pretty good thing.

"Also, although we can't carry people in Tokyo, it would be nice to take a girl to see the cherry blossoms if we change to a weekend hike, right?" Qianjia continued to describe the beauty to Morika Picture scroll.

"Even if you say that, I don't know who to take. Isn't Qianjia-senpai you, or-President Lihua?"

At this moment, Lihua came down from upstairs and was about to go to the living room, and then he was seen by Senxia.

"Huh? What?" Lihua turned her head with a flushed face, but when her eyes were in contact with Senxia, ​​she quickly turned away her eyes.

"It's about bicycles. Senior Sister Qianjia said that when hiking, you can ride a bicycle."

As for carrying people or something, Senxia felt that there was no need to tell Lihua, Senxia felt that it would be better if this kind of thing would grow up to adults.

"That's it." Lihua nodded.

"President Lihua, what are you planning to do?" Senxia noticed that Lihua seemed to have a solemn expression.

"I'm about to watch Eva again. Qianjia told me that although these things are animations, they are very meaningful and philosophical. Although I don't agree with them, I'm going to take a look." Lihua explained briefly.

"Oh." Senxia nodded.

Although it seems to be a negative evaluation, it would be good if President Lihua could watch the animation.

Lihua nodded towards Senxia, ​​and then went into the living room.

Senxia watched the opponent leave, and when he turned his head, he immediately found Qianjia was looking at herself with strange eyes.

"...What's wrong?" Senxia shrank her head subconsciously.

"Mori-natsu-kun, you just wanted to ride a bicycle with Lihua, then hum a little tune, and drive past the avenue surrounded by cherry trees?" Qianjia described a romantic scene.

"...Huh? I've said it, that kind of thing is impossible, and it's more appropriate to take a walk to appreciate cherry blossoms or something!"

Morinia had fantasized about that kind of scene, but in such a romantic time, he had nothing to do with bicycles.

In Senxia's view, the most suitable scene for bicycles is indeed the ramp under the sunset.

"Senior, haven't the ingredients come yet?"

Just when the two of them had their brains and complaints, Yukino also walked out of the kitchen. The two of them were so involved that they had forgotten the main things.

"Ah -" Senxia and Qianjia both reacted.

"Really, what are you talking about?" Xueno also walked over at this time.

"It's about the bicycle. Senior Sister Qianjia suggested that I get a bicycle." Senxia explained.

"Bicycle?" Yukino nodded, "Yes, in this case, it's very convenient for my brother, and when I'm fine, you can drive me to work."

"Ahem, Yukino, that kind of thing is not allowed." Senxia coughed.

"Brother, don't you even have the courage to send your sister to work?" Xue Nao rolled her eyes at Senxia.

"Absolutely nothing like this! It’s time to rest now, I will buy a new bike tomorrow!" Since it was my sister’s order, Senxia had to obey it. Who called Xue Na is our most kawaii sister.

"Well, I'm going to cook dinner first." Yukino took the ingredients at this time, smiled at Senxia, ​​and then turned and left.

"...Arah, Senxia-kun, your double standards are really amazing." However, at this moment, Qianjia's voice reached Senxia's ears again.

"Well, it was Xue Na's request after all, and what you said, Qianjia-senpai, after I thought about it, found it to be pretty good, and your suggestions are of equal weight in my heart!"

But Qianjia's gaze made Senxia still a little uncomfortable. He simply took the croquette: "I'm sending croquette to the president, senior sister, you are busy!"

——He chose to shrink back.


Sorry, I went out today, so I will update it as soon as I get home! (To be continued.)



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