Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 446: wrong! There must be something wrong!

Lihua was dragged home by Qianjia again. △¢,x.

Hey, why add the word "you"?

Don't care about such small things at all.

"Ahhhhh, President Lihua, are you here again?" When Xuenai saw Lihua who was dragged by Qianjia, she was a little accustomed to it, "Then I will prepare four copies for dinner."

"...I'm sorry to bother you." Lihua looked at Xue Na, she didn't know what to say anymore.

But because of some unspeakable reason, Lihua could only accept Qianjia's threat at this time, and then was taken to Senxia's house obediently.

"There is Ji Qing." When Senxia saw Qian Jia and Lihua "eyebrows", he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Sister Qianjia, didn’t think she would do something terrible to President Lihua...

This is not impossible, but very possible.

Could it be that this is a live Lily drama staged in front of me?

Senxia kept quiet after entering the door, he silently looked at the two men "eyebrows".

It seems so.

These two people seem to have been childhood sweethearts since childhood, and they had fallen in love and killed each other before. This feeling is like Shinto Hikaru and Ta Ya Ryo, Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragi Flower Road, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke!

And from the root cause, these two people seem to have been Ji You since they were young, and this feeling seems to be deeper than these people, and then after they fell in love and killed each other, maybe they collided with a wonderful spark?

Well, there is a problem, there is definitely a problem!

Morinya muttered in her heart.

"Brother, since the chairman is coming today, I beg you to buy the ingredients." At this time, Yukino came to Morinka's side, and then passed a menu full of ingredients to buy. ,"please."


Morinya smiled at Yukino. Since it was her sister's request, it should be her duty.

And the other side. Qian Jia and Lihua walked to the second floor together.

After the two entered the room together, Qianjia turned her back and locked the door, and then showed a mysterious smile at Lihua.

"...Qianjia, what are you going to do?" Lihua's voice trembled.

"Well, it's an animation of course. Fan dramas or something are actually really interesting!" Qianjia smiled, "And there are many interesting fan dramas this year, such as Rhodes Island Wars, Star Cowboys, I The goddess of... Well, to you. These are more profound, but it doesn’t matter. Sakura the card stalker and the Akihabara computer team should be easier to understand, right? When it's there, I can just chase it from the beginning."

Qian Jia looked like an insulting inducement.

"...Huh?" After seeing Qian Jia's very evil gaze, Lihua thought of another thing.

"Oh? Could it be that our president, is actually thinking about something very evil?"

Qianjia deliberately showed a surprised expression.

Lihua was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what was going on: "You were kidding me just now!"

"No. I'm just talking about very common things with our President Lihua, but the President, you seem to have thought of something wonderful." Qianjia moved to Lihua's side.

The two eyes met, Lihua's face turned blushing.

"You, according to the previous agreement. Did you wear it?" Qian Jia gently put her lips to Lihua's ear.


When Lihua said this, her face was almost blushing.

"Then let me take a look!" Qianjia smiled, her voice rang in Lihua's ear, her voice very soft and gentle.

Lihua blushed. He nodded slightly, and then gently took off his coat, revealing what looked like a belt inside the collar.

"It's a good boy. She is really dressed." Qianjia smiled.

"It's not just because I want to wear it!" Lihua quibbled.

"Not because I want to wear it, but because of my order, right?" Qianjia smiled.

Lihua hesitated, but in order to get rid of the embarrassment she had just felt, she gritted her teeth and nodded.

"That's the case, you only wear it because of my order, so do you expect to be ordered and controlled?" Qianjia smiled.

"No! You are using words to induce me!" Qianjia, I have seen through your attempt!

"But it's really comfortable, isn't it?"

However, Qian Jia's words stopped Lihua.

"It seems that you really don’t appreciate it, Miss Lihua, this is nothing ordinary. This kind of leather belted clothes is actually very useful, especially for correcting your bad sitting posture, allowing you to be at any time Keep your head up and your chest..." Qianjia said eloquently, "We all know that high school students are the most prone to hunchback and myopia, but with this strap, we can maintain the best posture at any time. You actually don't like it. Something?"

"Indeed, when working and doing homework, there is a feeling of unconsciously wanting to sit upright, and the whole person also feels very relaxed..." Combining what Qianjia had said, Lihua was a little stunned.

Indeed, this kind of leather strap does have the function of correcting posture, and after wearing it, Lihua felt that the pressure was reduced a lot.

Well, how should I say, wearing this leather belt to work, I feel that the whole person is relaxed and happy!

If Senxia heard the conversation between Qianjia and Lihua at this time, she would probably spit out something like "What are you advertising for Beibeijia", but it is a pity that Senxia is not present at this time, so there is a lack of slots.

What Qianjia said makes sense, but Lihua feels... as if something is wrong...

"No, you must be deceiving me! It's definitely not the case! You just want to embarrass me!" Lihua was hostile to Qianjia.

"No, no, no, you completely misunderstood me!" Qianjia looked serious, "Guild President, this leather belt can indeed help you maintain your daily posture, right?"


"After you put on this leather belt, you really feel very happy, right?"


"Compared to what kind of bra, this one is lighter, right?"

"This is indeed..."

"You wear this way these days, right?"

"Yes... this is your coercion!"

"But you do feel that your recent self is different from before!"

"This is..."

Qianjia nodded and said the conclusion: "So at this time, the conclusion is obvious, right? This leather belt really makes you feel different!"

"Um..." Lihua suffered a disagreement, and Lihua couldn't get up again!

wrong! There must be something wrong!

Lihua shouted in her heart, but when she wanted to refute, she found that all the arguments Qianjia said, there seemed to be nothing to refute. What she said seemed to be completely... correct?

Although a little unbelievable, Lihua really doesn't know from which argument she should refute. She is an upright person, so she won't be sophistical at this time.

As a result, Lihua found herself in a crisis!

She has been confused!

"So, that's fine." Qianjia smiled. She didn't push Lihua too hastily, she just induced her, as if she was giving the apple to Snow White's lovely old woman.

"Is there really no problem with this?" Lihua wavered.

"Of course not. This is not only for correcting your posture, but also for your health, and it is very helpful for maintaining your image as a good student!" Qianjia smiled.

"...Is that so?" Lihua seemed puzzled.

"Of course, so you just have to wear it like this every day. In this way, you will be a good boy~" Qianjia smiled, "As long as you wear it every day..."

"Wear it every day...?"


Qianjia wanted to continue speaking, but at this moment, Xue Nai's voice came from downstairs: "Senior, can you come and help me?"

"Hi!" Qianjia responded, and then turned around and smiled at Lihua, "You only need to understand this matter yourself."


Lihua nodded in a daze.

Qian Jia opened the door at this time, and then walked out of the room. After looking at Qian Jia's bewildered gaze for the last time, she was like a villain who had successfully conspired.

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong." Qianjia should feel very happy because of the trickery.

Well, that was the way it was originally.

"Although it feels that Mori Xia-jun sees Lihua's appearance, he seems very ashamed and very emotional, but Lihua's appearance, even I am tempted..."

Even if I am tempted, what will Mori Natsu-kun think?

A sense of crisis slowly emerged in Qianjia's heart.

Yes, although it is very shameful, but in this case, there is a high probability that Lihua's favorability towards Moriha will be lvp.

Wait, it's not easy to make wedding dresses for others.

"But it doesn't seem to be right." Yukino once said, it seems that he went to find Morinka in many costumes, right?

Qian Jia remembered that there were a lot of incredible clothes in Senxia's cloakroom.

If Yukino can't shake Morika by wearing those clothes, Lihua's leather corset is just can Morika's spirit be shocked? seems to be wrong, because Yukino is Morinka's younger sister, so she is naturally at a disadvantage in this regard. Lihua is the student president of the school, the spokesperson of Sakano Academy, and the eldest lady of the school.

And don’t know if it’s her own illusion, Qianjia found that when Morinka and Lihua were together, the two of them seemed to have a wrong style.

A strong sense of crisis surrounded Qianjia.

"Perhaps... I should take the initiative?"

Qianjia resting her chin, thinking hard...


Card Stalker Sakura is the original name of Variety Sakura. Card Sakura is actually a free translation.

Chapter One Today~

Ask for votes~ (To be continued.)



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