Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 408: 0 good: plan through~

Japan can be regarded as the birthplace of KTV. Unlike the sky, there are quite a lot of animated songs in Japanese KTV.

Whether it is the Beidou Shenquan or EVA, or the Wangli Space Army and Gundam 0079, these are basically available in Japanese KTV, and they are all genuine.

"Hey, Lihua, come and sing too. Do you have any favorite songs?" After the song "Cruel Angel's Action Program", Qianjia pulled up Lihua again, "By the way, there is Xue Nao, come on. Sing your favorite songs!"

"That, no need, I don't have any favorite songs..." Lihua shook her head in a hurry, but Qian Jia had already pulled her to stand, and then put the microphone in front of Lihua.

Yukino was looking at Lihua with hostile eyes, but after seeing what the other person looked like, she sighed and shook her head. Then she also picked up the microphone on the side and smiled at Lihua, "Now, President , Can you sing the song "Song of the Wanderers"?"

This song is not the song of the Celestial Dynasty, but the "Traveler のうた" by Miyuki Nakajima, which was later sung by the Celestial Dynasty as "My own future, my own opinion.

In fact, many celestial songs are cover songs from Miyuki Nakajima, what sad Pacific Ocean, what original dream, what easily injured woman, these are all from the cover of Aunt Miyuki Nakajima.

The Song of the Wanderer is the theme song of "Homeless Children 2", and it is also the golden song of the previous two years. Now everyone is familiar with it, so Lihua also nodded.

"Yo Xi, let's sing then!" Xue Nao's face showed a smile again.

"Yeah!" Lihua gritted her teeth and nodded. She understood Qian Jia's character. At this time, if she didn't sing a song, Qian Jia would not stop tossing herself.

At this time, the music also played beneficially.

"Come on, President, let's sing a song together!"

Xue Nao looked at Lihua again. There was a spring-like smile on her face, and Lihua looked at Xue Na's face, and her heart seemed to gradually stabilize.

The prelude was over, Lihua picked up the microphone. Start singing softly.


At the beginning of the song, Qianjia and Morinya were sitting behind them at this moment, while helping them beat them. While chatting in a low voice.

"Hey, Senior Sister Qianjia, what do you want to do? Also, why does it look strange?" Senxia asked in a low voice.

"I just want her to participate in some entertainment activities that can relax her soul. You know, our president is decent, disciplined, and caring about classmates, but you have seen her face when she smiles without burden. Huh?"

Hearing Qianjia's words, Senxia remembered the situation in her mind a few days ago when the two were chatting in the classroom while holding the stove to keep warm. At that time, Lihua seemed to be smiling very happily...No, it was precisely because he had never seen Lihua show that expression before, so I was surprised at this time.

Senxia didn't know how to answer Qianjia, but Qianjia said Lihua's personality was a bit awkward, which Morxia also admitted.

He looked up at Qian Jia who was singing, her gaze was fixed on the screen, and her expression seemed to have relaxed a lot compared to the seriousness before. Somewhat similar to what I saw before.

Senxia suddenly realized that Qianjia had let Lihua over for this reason!

"But why is this?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Well. It's related to Jixiangyuan's uncle and aunt. Lihua's life has been arranged by her father from the past. To put it mildly, Lihua is like his father's puppet." Qian Jia shook her head. "And for Jixiangyuan. Her only sustenance is her own mother, but you also know..."

Jixiangyuan Lihua’s mother passed away a long time ago, and then she had a stepmother...

Moriha was also a little concerned about the situation of Jixiangyuan Lihua before, but in the school, there was almost no information about the other party.

This is not to say that Jixiangyuan Lihua’s information is blank, but that there is very little information about their family. Although everyone knows that the owner of Jixiangyuan’s family is a very successful multinational businessman, there is nothing about Lihua and her family. Anyone who knows how much, or even knows that Jixiangyuan’s mother is actually a stepmother, is not at all. In everyone’s impression, Jixiangyuan Lihua is a very strong and kind student president, and also a beautiful and lovely Miss Sakino, but other than that Outside, there is nothing.

However, it was this resume that made Morinya feel a very uncomfortable feeling.

Because it is too standard, Jixiangyuan Lihua is like a standard model student, a standard "child of someone else's family."

"In other words... Is everything about her disguise?" Senxia murmured.

"Well, she is such a troublesome character." Qianjia shook her head, "So I can't stand it, so I want to give her a hand."

Indeed, Kichijoin Lihua and Chiba Chika are almost completely different individuals.

Qianjia, who pursues her dream, seems to be completely unconstrained. She can do anything unscrupulously according to her own thoughts, because in addition to her own dream, anything other than her goal is not important. In other words, they are all tools to realize dreams.

Chiba Chika doesn't seem to be a Japanese at all, or it's hard to find a person with her personality in the world. Everything about this person is so wonderful and unfettered.

"Well, that's it." The song is about to end. At this time Qianjia also stopped chatting with Senxia, ​​otherwise it would be bad if this matter was heard by Lihua.

"Oh." Senxia also nodded, but then he reacted, "Huh?"

By the way, Lihua suddenly became such a strange thing today, it seems that I haven't discussed it with the senior sister...

Forget it, there is still a chance after that anyway.

After the song was finished, Senxia and Qianjia both clapped their hands. Although they were chatting before, they both sang this song very well. They still heard this.

Lihua also felt a sense of satisfaction when he heard Morinka and Qianjia's fault. This feeling is very beautiful, and the tension and restraint in Lihua's heart has gradually eased.

"It's great, President~"

After singing the song. Xue Na leaned to Lihua's side, and then took the opponent's hand.


The two people's chests met, and Lihua, who seemed to be a little relieved, suddenly blushed when something happened.


She exhaled softly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" Senxia and Chika beside them also noticed the situation here.

"Lihua, what on earth are you--" Qian Jia said here. I suddenly found something, "Well, let me go to the bathroom, Lihua, come with me too!"

After Qianjia finished speaking, she smiled and pulled Lihua up, and then quickly left the KTV, leaving only Senxia and Xuenao staring.

"They...what's wrong?" Xue Nai was inexplicable.

"Well, who knows." In addition to coming to comfort Law Senxia, ​​Qianjia also has another purpose to let Lihua relax herself completely. She is now letting others out, obviously having other ideas.

So although Senxia knows that Lihua is a little strange, since Qianjia has taken Lihua out, don't continue to investigate the bottom line at this time. If you have anything, just wait until later.

On the other side, Qianjia took Qianjia and walked all the way to no one's corner.

"Well, what's the matter?" Qian Jia stared at Lihua with a strange expression. It made Lihua feel very strange and uncomfortable all over her body.

Obviously, I was just being looked at by such a sight, but I was itching all over my body, as if something was squirming all over my body, this feeling was really unbearable...

"It's protruding." Qian Jia smiled and said something strange.

"What are you talking about—wow!" Lihua was just halfway through. Suddenly realized something, and then yelled, but fortunately Qian Jia had already reacted. She immediately covered the opponent's mouth, and this did not cause trouble.

Lihua took a quick step back, and then covered her chest.

"I said why you are so strange. You don't wear a bra~" Qianjia seemed to see through Lihua.

"This, a little... well, that's it!"

Lihua originally wanted to deny it, but compared to putting herself in a more dangerous state, this kind of discordant answer seemed to be a better cover.

So Lihua simply admitted.

"Ha, if Senxia-kun knew that you were here, he would be very happy." Qianjia showed a malicious smile on his face.

"Eh eh eh?!" Qianjia is a girl after all, but Mori Natsu is a complete boy. If he saw it, it would be bad!

"Don't worry, I'll cover it for you, but accordingly, after singing the song, you have to listen to me." Qian Jia blinked at Lihua.

"But then I will go home!" Lihua answered with a frown.

"No, no, how could I let you go~" Qianjia raised her brows.

"Wait, how can this happen!" Lihua quit.

"Wait, my dear president Sang, I have already said it before, you have to go to my house later, you have already talked to your family about this matter, so they should not wait for you to return. Home, don’t worry, I will lend you my own afterwards~"

Qianjia patted Lihua on the shoulder.

"Why..." Lihua was stunned.

"Don't worry, Lihua, tomorrow is Sunday, so even if you live in my house, you won't have any problems."

I don't know why, Lihua found that Qian Jia seemed to have emphasized some voices on "My House" specially.

"Okay, let's go back. You can just sing unscrupulously after a while. As for the protruding part, I will help you cover it." Qian Jia gave Lihua a thumbs up.

"No!" Lihua squatted down holding her chest.

"..." Qian Jia shook her head, her eyes were full of evil and funny expressions, "Just do what I said, and Lihua sauce, you don't want to be seen by Senxia, ​​right?"

Lihua was stunned.

In her mind, she appeared in front of Morinya wearing that tunic suit.

No! Absolutely not!

"No, only Senxiajun, absolutely not!"

There were some crystal tears in Lihua's eyes in Jixiangyuan, which made Qianjia stunned.

Only Senxia-kun "absolutely not"...

"Now, Lihua, your statement is too despicable." Qian Jia shook his head.

"Huh?" Lihua raised her head strangely. She noticed the strange meaning in Qianjia's words, but she didn't understand the meaning of Qianjia's words.

"Well, forget it." After noticing Lihua's confused eyes, Qianjia shook her head, and now she can only put it down and discuss it.

"Okay, let's go back!" Qian Jia said, pulling up Lihua and then returning to the KTV.

"Two people, we've been waiting, let's sing!" Qianjia greeted Mori Xuno heartily.

"Well, senior, let's sing a song for the two of us!" Xue Nao leaned to Qianjia's side.


Although after the previous embarrassment, the atmosphere finally returned at this time.

In the subsequent singing, Qianjia basically took the lead. Yukino and Morika basically appeared in turn, and Lihua just sang two songs. Lihua knew that she was taken care of by Qianjia.

"Yo Xi, it's almost time." After ten o'clock in the evening, Qian Jia felt that it was almost time.

Lihua finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time. At this time, they could finally go home.

"Well, I must take a good rest tonight, and I will continue to work tomorrow." Senxia stretched out. Today is a half-day leisure, and until tomorrow, his work will continue.

A group of four people left here, they directly took a taxi, and then headed for Musashino.

"...Should we send Senxiajun and Xue Naisang home first?" Lihua was a little surprised, why at this time four of them are still acting together.

"No, let's go there together and go to my house." Qianjia laughed.

"Huh? Qianjia, you live in Musashino?" Lihua was a little strange.

"Senior is staying at my house temporarily," Xue Nao replied, "By the way, what should the president do? Why did Senior let her act with us?"

"Of course I took her back!" Qian Jia said with a smile, "Tonight, four of us will sleep together. That's fun!"

"Huh—?" Senxia was shocked.

"Eeh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh their eh eh eh!

"Well, my home is Senxiajun's home, above~"

Qianjia showed a tricky expression...


Two-in-one chapter get~ (To be continued.)

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