Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 407: This is just a reasonable association


After a tiring day, Senxia sat on the KTV sofa and yawned.

It was seven o'clock in the evening, the weather was a bit cold, but the room was very warm.

"Brother, what song are you going to sing?" Yukino was watching the menu enthusiastically at this time.

"Well, I just need to take a break for repairs. If Qianjia-senpai waits for a while, it will definitely make the situation messy."

Since being ordered by Qianjia, Senxia has been busy this week, and the whole person is now full of thoughts about becoming a "crime of evil". She thinks every day and dreams at night. Sometimes when she sleeps at night, Senxia Everyone would dream that he had become Yingmanji or Yuqi or something, and he was one step away from becoming a madman.

Sitting on the sofa now, Senxia didn't want to sing at all. On the contrary, because of the soundproofing of KTV, the whole room seemed quite quiet now. Senxia took advantage of this time and decided to take a good rest.

Yukino chuckled slightly. She originally planned to order some songs, but after hearing Morinka’s words, she put down the microphone, and then came behind Morinka, putting her hands on Morinka’s shoulders gently, and then Help Senxia massage.

"Brother must be very hard lately, right?"

"Huh... Fortunately, it just feels that the whole person's head can no longer hear the sound of reality." Yukino's strength was appropriate, and a comfortable feeling came from his shoulders, and Moriha closed his eyes and began to enjoy it.

"Brother, do you want me to help?" Xue Nao asked again.

"No need, you can concentrate on writing "EVA-Retake" Yukino. We will take care of the things here." Morinya stopped Yukino immediately.

Although the status of "Retake" is not very high in Morinka's mind, it is Yukino's debut work after all. In Morinka's view, it is absolutely not allowed to influence Yukino's future.

And although Yukino can write novels. But the game script is different from the novel after all. Now Moriha and the others don't have much time, and there is no room for Xueno to learn.

"But brother, is there really no problem with you?" Xueno was a little worried. "Brother, your spirits are very bad these days..."

"It's okay, and I only have two weeks of work like this. Our goal is to get a fully functional Beta version at the end of the month. As long as this goal can be achieved. There will be a lot of free time after that."

Although it is said to be "free", in fact, the workload will not drop too much. Although it is going to be released in August, things are far from that simple, because before packaging, production, etc., if Mori summer can be The script will be completed in June, and then their work can be said to be calm.

"Hey, brother, I think you can leave it to me to make it. Why don't you believe in my strength, brother?" Xue Nao pouted.

"Don't make trouble. Xue Nao, I still have 800,000 manuscripts in my hand. This must be completed before June, which is only four to five months." Senxia shook her head.

Although this time seems to be more calm than in "The Witch's House", Morinka wants to make fine products. Relatively speaking, Morinka's current workload has increased.

"It's only 800,000 characters. Brother can always divide me half? Even if it's only one third, there won't be any problems, right!" Yukino stopped the massage, and then sat next to Morika. Got close to him.

"Um..." Morinya thought for a while, and it seemed that it was not a problem to dampen Yukino's enthusiasm in this way. "That's good. When I finish this time, I will arrange it for you, and you can help me write. A little script."


Hearing Morinka's words, Yukino became excited all over, she immediately sat up straight, and then nodded towards Morinka: "Brother. Please look forward to my script!"

Senxia smiled and did not speak.

Game scripts are not something that can be made easily. Although Yukino has the heart, there are not many places that can help. Senxiate arranged the time until after he finished this work, but also to see if Yukino will come. Will this matter be forgotten, and then you won't have to bother yourself.


At this moment, Qianjia took Lihua's hand and opened the door and walked in.

"Senior sister, you are finally here... eh eh, president?!"

Senxia never expected that Qianjia would come here with Lihua.


Yukino, who was sitting next to Morika, did not say hello immediately, but glanced at Lihua with a vigilant look.

"What are you guys doing?" Lihua frowned because she found that the situation seemed a bit wrong.

"Well, it's just a surprise, Mori Xia-kun, don't you welcome our lovely student council president and the current Miss Sakino?" Qianjia said and pulled Lihua into the room.

"Brother." At this moment, Morika was hit by Yukino next to her.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Senxia turned her head.

"Brother, I also want to run for Miss Sakino today!" Yukino looked at Morika with serious eyes.

"Well, if Yukino wants you, brother will support you!" Well, just don't come and hinder our work.

To be honest, the story of the Guilty Crown was made 18X after all, and there are a bunch of settings in it. If Xueno knew about it, Morinka would never want to see such a thing.

"Yo Xi, in this case, everyone is here!" Qian Jia smiled slightly, and put a plastic bag in front of the table.

"This is... McDonald's?" Morinya noticed that what was on the table was McDonald's fried chicken.

"Coke and fried chicken, these are necessary for singing!" Qian Jia said righteously, "Because this place can easily bring these food in, I will choose the place for you to comfort Mori Xia here! "

"...It's fine if you are happy." Senxia is too lazy to complain. Qianjia always has theories that others can't understand. At this time, we just have to smile.

"But why did the president come here?" Although I didn't want to vomit, Senxia was still a little curious about why the president Lihua was in this place.

"Of course I pulled her out of the house!" Qianjia smiled and pulled Lihua to her side.

"That...all in all...good evening..." Lihua was a little frantic.

"Eh? Oh, good evening..." Senxia felt a sense of incongruity. How should I put it, Jixiangyuan Lihua, she seemed to be a little wrong tonight.

Well, yes, something is wrong with her.

If it were an ordinary president, she would gracefully bow and greet Mori summer, and then righteously scold Mori summer and Qianjia for even daring to come to this place with pure Yukino... this way.

Something is wrong, something is wrong!

Senxia stared at Jixiangyuan Lihua. Gradually, Senxia finally realized that there was something wrong with the Jixiangyuan today-she was more charming now.

This kind of feeling is hard to describe. On weekdays, Jixiangyuan Lihua is also a very characteristic girl, elegant and calm, noble but not compelling, she is simply a model student, but today the other party feels different to Morinha, as if... Well, yes, it's more like a woman.

The feeling of temperament is very vague, this is the best conclusion that Senxia can draw now.

"Good evening, President!"

Yukino stood up next to Senxia, ​​and then mentioned Senxia, ​​Senxia seemed to react, then stood up and bowed to the other party.

"Yo Xi, that's all right." Qianjia took Lihua to sit down, and then went to the KTV and started to choose songs.

"As the opening song, it really should be "Cruel Angel's Action Program"!"

Qian Jia was unambiguous, and immediately began to choose songs.

But Senxia set his sights on Lihua at this time, and he developed a little...curiosity towards the other party.

Today's Lihua seems to be the same as usual. She is wearing the same school uniform as before. Her hair is a little messy, and her hands... wear a pair of lace gloves?

"Huh?" Lihua seemed to have noticed the situation here. She turned her head, facing Senxia's eyes, and instantly blushed. After discovering that Senxia was looking at her hands, Lihua even retracted her hands instantly.

Senxia never expected that Lihua would have such an attitude. Did she do something very rude? Why did she blush?

"Uh, President, your gloves are very nice." To avoid embarrassment, Senxia had to laugh.

"Yeah." Lihua nodded.

"Yoshi, Senxia-kun, let's sing together, EVA onboard!" At this moment, the cheerful Qianjia pulled Senxia up.

"Hey, I really don't know why Qianjia-senpai you are so active..." Senxia shook her head.

"Because my purpose today is to relax At this time Mori-kun, as the protagonist, you should sing the theme song!" Qianjia smiled.

Lihua was finally relieved to see Moriha being pulled to sing the theme song.

In fact, there is no shame in gloves or something. Rather, this pair of lace gloves itself is very beautiful.

But the problem is that these gloves are part of the suit inside.

Whenever Senxia or others focus on their own gloves, or when discussing their own gloves, Lihua will think of her own suit, and then continue to think of whether they have seen through herself, although this possibility Not big, but Lihua still felt her heartbeat speed up, and her whole person was full of anxiety.

All in all, I hope that after singing, I can go home and change clothes...

She was looking forward to it in her heart.


Chapter 2 get, today's festival~ (to be continued.)

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