Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 404: Deep winter, classroom, snow

After returning to school, I feel much more relaxed.

The student union room was as quiet as ever. After doing things, in the student union room where she was alone, Lihua of Jixiangyuan liked this feeling.

Quiet and calm.

There was light snow outside the window, but the student union room was very warm. The air conditioner kept sending warm air into the room. The warmth made people feel a little sleepy.

Lihua doesn't like New York. Her biggest impression of New York is that she followed her stepmother to participate in various social gatherings. In addition to social gatherings, it was social gatherings, meeting countless people, and then smiling hypocritically at them.

Except for that strange girl.

Obviously he was younger than himself, but he had to pretend to be an adult, which is really funny.

"But boyfriend or something..." After thinking of the other person, Lihua immediately thought of what the girl with blond hair like herself had said.


This kind of thing... that kind of thing is not allowed!

Lihua's face was flushed.

Lihua had never thought about boyfriends before. Even after attending several blind dates, Lihua still subconsciously ignored this term, and he didn't need such things in social situations.

But I don't know why, when the three syllables of "かれし" appeared in her mind, someone's face appeared in front of Lihua's eyes.

"No, no, that's just, that's just because he is the boy with the most contact with me, so I thought of him..."

In the school, as the president of the student union, Lihua of Jixiangyuan is also a flower of high mountains. There are few boys who can communicate with her. When these boys communicate with Lihua face to face, they will change without a few words. Blushing cramped, Lihua had to end the conversation with each other whenever this happened.

However, Lihua never cared about it, because Sakano Gakuen did not allow dating. So in school, Lihua treats everyone equally.

Lihua never thought of something like fate, love at first sight or something.

Although not said. But in fact, Lihua always has a kind of resistance and resentment towards ordinary boys. It is okay to treat them equally, but at the thought of a further relationship. Lihua felt uncomfortable. She knew that this was probably due to the influence of the family. She had no way to treat those classmates as a male. This was not just out of school rules.

However, when the concept of "Bi's (boyfriend is mentioned, a vague figure always appears in Lihua's mind.

She was a little upset.

Turning off the air conditioner, she put on her coat and walked out of the student union room.

It's five o'clock in the afternoon, and it's almost time to end school, probably because of the snow. It was very dim outside.

"Snow, it shouldn't matter."

Lihua didn't bring an umbrella, she just walked into the snow silently.

There are no students outside, and most of them all go home, there is no wind in the sky, and the air is not very cold.

Lihua calmed down a bit.

She didn't plan to leave school at this time, but it seemed a bit redundant to return to the student union room now.

She walked on the tree-lined path and walked aimlessly. It's just that there are no lush leaves on the winter road, only withered branches.

"Huh?" Suddenly. She noticed that a window in the teaching building next door was still lit.

"Where is it again..." She was in a daze.

When Lihua recovered, she found that she had reached the edge of the corridor.

She simply walked over.

From the classroom, there was a sound of typing on the keyboard. It was quiet. There is only the sound of air movement, and this constant beating sound.

The door of the classroom was hidden, Lihua took a step closer and looked inside.

The huge classroom is very bright, but this brightness seems to make the empty classroom even more empty.

No... there is another person in the department.

He sat in front of the computer on the side. Seriously, really beating something.

The boy’s appearance is very delicate, his face is very beautiful, set off by the half-length hair, even boys can’t help but want to take a look when they see him, his figure is also very good, even girls see Even if you get jealous, if you put on a kimono, such a young man should be the "beautiful young man" in ancient Chinese.

I don't know why, when looking at the teenager, Lihua always felt a sense of peace of mind.

Why is this? She herself was a little curious.

But it is undeniable that when you are with each other, you feel comfortable and reliable.

The light from the monitor reflected in the boy's eyes, seeming to make his pupils colorful. Young people who work hard have a surprising sense of reliability.

"He seems to be younger than me?" Lihua suddenly thought of his youth.

The other party is younger than himself, just like a little brother.

The serious expression of the boy touched the softest part of the girl's heart.

"If I really had such a smart and cute little brother..." There was an uncontrollable reverie in her heart.

Lihua knocked on the door gently.

She quickly reacted to what she had done, she quickly withdrew her hand, and she herself was a little surprised why she was knocking on the door. Originally, she just planned to look at each other like this again, and then left.

"Who?" But it was too late, and the boy who heard the sound raised his head.

"——It's me, Senxia-kun." Lihua opened the door and stepped into the house.

The cold current makes Lihua feel a little bit cold. In this classroom, it is actually colder than the corridor outside. I don’t know if this is because the classroom is indeed colder than outside, or because of the psychology created by the empty space. illusion.

"Ala, it's the president!" Senxia nodded towards Lihua.

"Call me Lihua—"

Just finished saying this sentence, Jixiangyuan Lihua got stuck. Just now, she actually regarded the boy as her non-existent brother. The intimate tone made Lihua a little confused.

Really, why am I so gaffe!

Lihua shouted in her heart.

"Lihua——President." Senxia deliberately prolonged the tone, "If you just did that, it will make others misunderstood."

"Yes, yes." Lihua smiled awkwardly, "Well, yes, it's cold here, why don't you turn on the air conditioner Senxiajun?"

"Well, the air conditioner has broken down. There is no other way." Senxia shrugged and didn't care about it. "But it doesn't matter, I'm used to it."

She approached Senxia and looked at Senxia's hands.

Senxia's fingers are very thin and long. Although they are boys, they are white and translucent. Even Lihua is ashamed to see them. She couldn't help but stretched out her hand and gently touched the back of Senxia's hand.

It's slippery and cold.

"Ah—" Senxia didn't expect Lihua to stretch out her hand suddenly, and he was taken aback.

"Well, your hands are really cold!" Lihua hurriedly said, trying to cover her gaffe.

"Uh, it is indeed a little bit."

Morinka, who was fully involved in it, had already ignored the temperature and everything, but just now, when she touched Lihua’s slender fingers, the warm feeling awakened Morinka that she was so numb that she could only hit the keyboard. A chill came from her fingers, which slowed Morinha's originally smooth movements.

"Is it broken?" Lihua stood up quickly, "You wait a moment."

After she said this, she quickly left the classroom and ran down the corridor.

The snow outside seems to be a bit heavier, but I don't know why. It is clear that the time is more than it was just now, but the sky seems to be brighter.

She quickly returned to the teaching building, and then ran to the student union room.

"I remember it should be here—"

Lihua looked around for a while, as if she had found her target, then her eyes lit up, she reached a corner of the room, and then took out the box that seemed to have been stored for a long time. She opened it, and then took out an electric heater with great effort.

"——Waiting for a long time!" Moving the electric heater, Lihua walked into the department of Xianshiyan.

"Ah, the president!" Senxia was shocked when he saw Lihua coming in with a large heating stove. He immediately walked forward and brought this heavy object to himself from the other hand.

"Huh, there should be no problem with this." Senxia took over the electric heater, and Lihua was finally relieved. Don't think this thing is too big, but moving from the student union room to the current research department is really not a simple matter for a girl.

After being connected to the power source, the electric heater shines through a burst of warm red light. Although it can't take care of the entire classroom, the light shines on people, which makes people feel much more comfortable.

"Huh, it's really warm, I feel saved." Senxia smiled.

"It's already past five, why is Senxiajun still here?" Lihua asked curiously.

Senxia didn't answer immediately, but looked at the whole department and smiled: "I don't hate this kind of silence. There is a little sadness in the tranquility. When working, this feeling is very fascinating. ."

"Is that so?" Lihua nodded I also like this feeling very much. In such an unmanned classroom, it is as if the whole world has disappeared. "

Everyone has disappeared, so there is no pain, so there is no need to be exhausted.

I just don't know why, Lihua felt that when she stayed with Senxia, ​​she seemed to think it was better than when she was alone.

However, at this moment, the bell for the class finally rang.

"Ah, school is over." Senxia returned to her senses, "It's almost time to leave."

"It's over from school." Lihua seemed a little pity.

"What's wrong, President?" Senxia felt that Lihua's state was a bit wrong.

"No, nothing, school is over, it's time to leave."

She smiled at Morinada. (To be continued.)

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