Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 403: I will handle it!

Senxia originally thought that at this time, there should be no one in the club, but when Senxia opened the door and came in, she was taken aback. 【Full text reading...】

The office is brightly lit, and Lao Xu is constantly typing on the keyboard in front of the computer at this time. Ayana, wearing a maid costume, is facing Lao Xu, writing codes in front of another computer, and Nana next to her will just make coffee. Handed it to the two, Ono Daisuke, a versatile employee, is now wearing headphones to confirm the music of zn-san and kate, while on the window sill, Qianjia is holding his mobile phone and landline, constantly facing the phone. What are you talking about...

"Good evening, Morinatsu-kun." After Nana brought the coffee to the two, he leaned in front of Morinatsu, "Takeuchi and Nasusan are here, good evening."

"Hello..." Takeuchi and Nasu also nodded.

"Ahra, Morinka-kun, you are here." Qianjia had finished the phone call at this time, and came to this side, "Ah, Takeuchi, Nasusan, you have already come here, I was planning to contact you. Of it."

"Senior sister, is this today...?"

Senxia is a little surprised. At this late hour, Dajia is still working here. This is really the first time in their club. Apart from Zn and Jiye who have their own studios, animic can be said to be all gathered now.

"I told everyone about Sega, and everyone is very motivated now. I was just contacting professional art. If time is too late, I can only use money to make up for it..." Qianjia sighed, and then she Then he said, "By the way, you will need to contact the software for this matter. I am also negotiating with Sega in this regard. If we are lucky, we can ask Sega to put this module in their game console system. Go inside."

Qianjia has always been vigorous, but Senxia didn't expect it to be one afternoon. She actually had further contact with Sega.

"I understand." Morika nodded, and then he pointed to Nasu and Takeuchi and said, "Nasu and Takeuchi have basically agreed to our request. I will bring them here. It is to show them the evil crown. Specific settings and outlines."

"Yoshi, but now that Nasusan and Takeuchan are here, then we should almost start our discussion."

Having said that, Qianjia clapped her hands and focused everyone's attention. Then she said to everyone: "Yo Xi, everyone come here, let's talk about what happened today in detail."

After everyone gathered, Qianjia glanced at the scene and said, "I think everyone has heard about the recent events. Now it is just an opportunity. I will tell you what happened. "

"First of all, our club is now cooperating with Sega. It is well-known that Sega is developing a new game console, but they still have some unfinished ideas that need to be verified, so we have tried every means to start cooperation with them. In a while, Sega employees should come to work with us to make games." Qian Jiaxian summed up the situation that has been red recently, and then continued, "However, this is slightly related to our club’s strategy. There is a conflict. If our RPG is to start selling in October, or even September or August, our previous biography will be affected."

Hear here. Everyone nodded, and launched a demo version on the summer, and then officially launched on the winter m. This was originally the strategy of the animic club. The rpg should be a quarter later than the game version.

But obviously it can't be like this now, but animic won't give up the first game they made seriously, how could it be random? But if the development is still carried out according to the original plan, the situation will not necessarily get better.

Thus, the conclusion now becomes obvious.

"So, we are going to launch the full version of the game in the summer. So we should complete the game by July at the latest!" Qianjia concluded, "However, this does not mean that we are going to mess or fool, only Only those who treat their works sincerely are worthy of becoming true gentlemen!"

"Although it seems to be a difficult job, I think as long as we are slaves together, we will have no impossible work!" Qianjia encouraged everyone.

"Well, may I ask, how many people can animic club use now?" Takeuchi asked, "I know a lot whether it's a scripter or an original artist, and maybe I can help."

"Thank you so much," Qianjia nodded, and then said, "As for the script, both Mori-kun and Xufuxuan-sang are both of them. Their standards are very good. If Nasu-san can join, this should be It is enough. As for the original painter, I just contacted some people, mainly the background, i, and the main characters and cg. Shiina Himeha...that is, the'Frog Sergeant' was in charge."

"Oh, that very stylish sergeant teacher!" Takeuchi, as a painter, does not know about the famous frog sergeant in the fandom.

Qianjia nodded and continued: "As for music, we are mainly responsible for zn-san. In my case, it is the main creative and performance. Ono-san mainly focuses on tuning, color adjustment, chores and so on."

In &nbame, the coloring and line drafting are sometimes not done by one person. Takeuchi, for example, many of his later works were colored by others. He just drew the line drafts by himself, which is exactly the same as Nasu, such as " "The Night of the Magician" set Xiaoshan Guanghe, and he once painted Takeuchi, and there is a wild Takeuchi in the Celestial Kingdom who once did things for Xingyue.

However, Senior Ji Ye is different. Her line drafts and coloring are all done by herself alone. In other words, because it is done by the same person, Senior Ji Ye’s personality is very spiritual and gives people a very Wonderful beauty.

In fact, Ji Ye's paintings have that unique sense of rage and color because of the great color.

"If you want to draw something, I should be able to help. Kate-san has done music for you before. If everyone agrees, we can also come and help." Now that he has already planned to help, Takeuchi has nothing to do. Unambiguous. Although he said that everyone should agree, he knew that there should be no one who would refuse in his society.

"That's not bad. If Qingbingwei comes to help, Ayana can be responsible for the development of rpg. She has a good foundation in this area. Sega's people should only be able to deal with them." When Xingyue comes to help, the pressure on animic will be greatly reduced, which is really a good thing.

"Well, what kind of story is "Guilty Crown"?" Nasu asked again.

"I'm almost done. Everyone, please work hard, Nasu-san, you can ask Mori Natsu-kun and Lao Xu about the story." After saying this, Qianjia turned to Nana again, "Sorry. , Nana Chan, I originally planned to join the voice system, but now it seems that there is no way."

In &nbame, voice is also a very important thing, but voice is not necessary. For example, the original version of fate does not have a voice system, but this game is a miracle in the history of the game, and after the month of "Magic Night" There is also no voice actor dubbing, and it is even more called the "three no game". Now when the time is not up to date, the dubbing is the first one to discard.

"It's okay, everyone should cheer!" Nana doesn't care about this. In fact, she now has a job, which is to dub in "Girls Fall in Love with Sister". Although it is only a narration and public voice, it is for tv. Animation dubbing, for Nana, is also the first time... Well, although there is a suspicion of going through the back door, after all, it is just dubbing for a supporting role.

"Yoshi, let me give Nasusan the general situation of the script!" Morinya greeted Lao Xu and Nasu to the side of the sofa next to him, which was also furniture moved from Chika's previous apartment.

"This is our script outline and background setting. Here are the plan and some existing drawings and cg."

These were originally for Sega to see, but now Nasu is here, it is convenient to use this, no need to bother to explain.

"Oh, this cg is super awesome!"

Nasu turned the pages of the book and saw a cg. This was the first cg in the game, that is, Ichiki in the mv seen by Sakuramanji. Although Nasu had also seen some settings before, This is the first time I have seen such detailed content.

"It looks like a story from the near future." Takeuchi, who was next to him, was more serious than Nasu. He was watching the contents of the plan carefully.

"Well, the background is also very strange. This kind of dark world where despair and hope coexist can only be created by a Lao Xu nodded desperately beside him.

"Please leave this work to me!" Nasu patted his chest and stood up after seeing the cg and settings.

"Yoshi, thank you so much, Nasusan!" Morinatsu thanked him sincerely.

Then Nasu laughed: "But as the teacher said before, after the game is complete, please help us to finish Tsukihime. I can't wait to think of the script made by the teacher!"

"Wrap it on me!" Senxia also patted her chest.



In fact, when I was doing the character design, I found the wild teacher Zeng, but the other party declined it because he had no time...

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