Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 318: Calm down, listen to my explanation! QAQ

"Xuno, don't look at me with such strange eyes." Since returning to the living room, Morinka found that Yukino was looking at herself with strange eyes.

"Don't worry, Senior Qianjia said that cutting off is just for fun. My brother is a boy, so it's normal~" Xue Nao smiled and waved his hand.

"Well... Forget it, when Qianjia finishes taking a shower, I'll go get my clothes." Senxia wanted to change her clothes back, but Senxia's clothes are now in the bathroom locker room. Qianjia just said she would The cut words still lingered in Senxia's ears. In order to prevent a murder, Senxia decided to wait until Qianjia came out of the shower.

With no outsiders, Senxia also put down her hands and sat on the sofa with her shoulders leaned back, turning on the TV, watching comfortably.

"Well, what's the matter?" Senxia found that Yukino had been looking at herself, even Senxia was a little uncomfortable at this time.

"Brother would be great if he went to the show in this suit?" Yukino seemed to really want to see Morinka cos with Ayanami to go to winter cm.

"It’s okay to play here today, but it’s impossible for me to wear this outfit. I’m a boy with a fatal flaw. Let’s not talk about the physical reaction. Even if there is no such reaction, I am a boy and a girl. There is also a big difference in the body." Senxia shook his head. He watched the weather forecast on TV. It turned out that the snowstorm was not over yet. It was only a temporary calm yesterday. "The women's clothing used to be not in this tight style. It's easy to hide your figure, but this tights has no way to block the visual experience, right?"

"Who said, brother, you are the same figure as mine. Except for the absence of breasts, there is no difference at all. If brother can hide the starting point of the only shortcoming below, it must be very pleasing to the eye?" But Yukino's opinion and Morinka was completely different. She looked at Morinka with a scorching gaze, her eyes full of expectation, "Furthermore, I don’t think there is any problem with my brother now. Although there is no way to hide the difference between boys and girls, it’s because of this. , Brother is the elder brother, if you don’t even have this feature. Doesn’t it mean that the elder brother becomes the elder sister? Although I think the elder sister is also very interesting, it really is more interesting to be with your brother now? "

So, Yukino is really curious about your thoughts.

"Well, it's probably because of the hair." Senxia touched her hair, and hadn't had a haircut for half a year. It may seem strange, but after a little tidying up, it really feels like a girl.

"I think it's great," but Yukino came over at this time. "Brother, you can just keep the same long hair as mine. It must be great! And we can be brothers and sisters at ordinary times, and occasionally. Isn’t it fun to pretend to be a sister?"

Yukino, there is a problem with your thinking!

I don't know if it is an illusion. Morinka noticed that Yukino was short of breath at this time, and his face flushed, as if she had found a bear kid with a funny toy. This scene reminded Morika of what happened when she met Qianjia-senpai a long time ago for the second time. That's how the opponent slammed the wall.

"Your bad taste is unnecessary." Senxia shrugged pretentiously and then continued to watch TV.

"How can this be said to be bad taste!" Xue Nao refused to accept, rushed up, and straddled Senxia.

"Wow!" Senxia let out a scream, but Xue Na was indifferent, and she immediately supported Senxia's cheek with the palms of both hands. Looking at Senxia's face seriously.

"Brother, you are an important asset, why do you want to waste it? Such a poor face, such a good figure. Brother, if you publish a photo album, you will definitely make everyone crazy." At this point, Yukino Chuckled lightly, "but I will never let my brother do this kind of thing, because you are mine, brother."

Xue Nao-chan, why are your eyes so weird? Don't look at me with such sick eyes!


But at this moment. There was a sound of opening the door from the bathroom door. After hearing this sound, Yukino also turned over and moved away from Senxia. Senxia also quickly grabbed a blanket and placed it on her body.

"Now, am I not bad like this?"

At this time, Qianjia has changed into Asuka's battle uniform in the eva. This dress is a tights, which is tightly wrapped around Qianjia's body. All the beauty that humans have evolved from ancient times to the present have been revealed. Came out.

"Very good!" Because of the material, Asuka's outfit appeared on Qianjia. It was really great. The lights in Qianjia's home were also very bright. It shone on the tights with shiny reflections. This dress wears In Qianjia's body, the grade came up instantly.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, I want to try it too!" Xue Na also spoke highly of this dress.

"Then Xuena, you can try it too!" Qianjia also strongly invited.

But Xuenai still shook his head with Cannian: "There is not enough time, and there is no extra role to cos with me? There are only two girls' drivers."

No, there is another real Hippo... well, that is a new theatrical character, in the old eva, there is no sign of appearance for the time being.

Senxia spit out in his head.

"Well, this is not bad, there are other accessories, I will wear them together."

In addition to the clothes inside, there were a pair of boots, two bracelets, and a headband. After Qianjia finished speaking with the two, she went to wear the entire costume.

Generally speaking, for a cos character, it’s not good to not paint heavy makeup on the face, but Qianjia’s face is very good, and there is no need to make extra touches at all, and there is no imperfection on the pure white face, so just wear the clothes on the body. Good hair, a fresh character cos will succeed.

"Except for the difference in appearance and the fact that the hair is not red, it really feels good!" Senxia praised.

"Of course, this is a good thing Nini made with heart." Qianjia smiled, "Oh, yes, Nini is called Annie, a friend I met in the UK, she is also an animation lover and Where's the gentleman~"

It turned out to be a fellow man, Mori Xia knows that, for them, the more comrades, the better. Britain has a good one. If the United States also has it, and the heavens have it, it would be even better. Then we can proudly announce to others. : Our comrades are all over the world!

"Well, yes, I have to prepare bedding for you." Qian Jia finally thought of business.

Goose feathers and heavy snow are wafting outside the windows. It is not impossible to go back against the wind at this time, but you will definitely catch a cold, and because of the weather, it is very dark outside now. At this time, it is easy to get out of trouble.

"It's not midwinter yet, why does such a thing happen?"

Could it be that the biggest butterfly effect that I caused when I came to this world was that it caused an exaggerated snowstorm in Tokyo in 1997? This influence is definitely big enough, but it's not funny at all.

Senxia sighed secretly in her heart.

"Now, Senior Qianjia, do you want to rest with us?" Xue Nao invited.

"Are you together?" Qianjia-senpai seemed to have noticed something terrible, "Wait, Mori-kun, would you sleep with Yukino every day at home?!"

The sharp eyes almost pierced Senxia, ​​he shook his head quickly: "That's not the case!"

"But we were together that night~" However, Yukino interrupted at this time, and this sentence almost sent Morinya into the abyss.

"Listen to me! There was no way that day, but today is different!" What a joke, if you don't stop Yukino from speaking, I will die, I will definitely die!

"..." Qianjia squinted her eyes and looked at Senxia. Senxia could feel the terrifying black energy spreading from the opponent, which was quite uncomfortable.

The whole world seemed to be still at this time. For a long time, he heard the other person say, "Well, that night was indeed an exception. Who knew there would be a blizzard? I also spent the night in that hotel with Jixiangyuan."

Fortunately, Senxia was finally relieved.

Although Senxia is consciously eloquent, there is really no way to explain some topics, especially when there are pig teammates around him. If you didn't say the half sentence that Yukino suddenly inserted, Morinka wouldn't have to try to explain so much.

But Yukino, who was the culprit, was unconscious at this time. She was half leaning against her side as if she were a child demonstrating.

"Well, today seems to be a blizzard night too." Qian Jiayi pointed out, she turned her head and looked out the window, "Sinxia-kun, today is such a special day, should we take a rest together?"

Damn, what's the situation?

Is this a confession? Or is the senior sister teasing me?

Almost instantly There are countless possibilities in Morinya's mind.

But before Senxia could take any further action, Yukino over there suddenly rushed up: "Senior Sister, what you said is a really good idea. Let's rest together today!"

Obviously, the previous invitation by Yukino was just a demonstration, but she didn't expect Qianjia to actually follow her own words, but how could Yukino let Qianjia and Morika be together?

The two of them just "supported each other" and walked into Qianjia's room together.

But at this time, Senxia came over in a daze: "Wait, what is the situation, me? What should I do?!"


Actually talking about adhesives, it hurts to think about it... You guys are more frantic than me qaq

The second update today is still 3k, which is equivalent to the previous 3 updates~ (to be continued.)



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